(Saint Gerard): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard, come to ye today on the day of My Feast to say unto ye: great is My love for ye.
My love for ye is so great that if ye could feel it all, ye would die of love. If ye could know all the love that I have for ye, all thine veins would break. Thine soul would detach itself in an instant from thine body,struck by the strong emotion of the knowledge of the greatness of My Love. With this Love of Mine, I protect ye, keep ye, guide ye every day of thine life towards Heaven.
Blessed are those who art My devotees, because the Lord Jesus and His Most Holy Mother granted Me many graces to succor My devotees, to help My devotees, to lead all My devotees to Heaven.
Blessed is the soul who who entrusts himself to My protection because upon these souls, Satan has less power. From the souls who are My devotees and who have the sign of Devotion unto Me in them, to these souls, Satan cannot do certain evils and some demons cannot approach them with certain temptations.
Therefore, the soul who is My devotee enjoys truly every day a great protection of Mine and many benefits from the Lord.
If ye knew how many merits I have before the Lord and His Mother to help My devotees, ye would trust in Me, for I have the supreme desire of taking ye to the Lord, of leading ye to the Love of God and to eternal salvation.
Great is My Love for ye, wherefore, every day I do not grow tired of showing ye in many ways how I take care of ye, how I protect ye, how I Am near ye, especially when the suffering is stronger.
Every day, I send ye many signs to show ye how much I want ye, how much I love ye and how much I Am truly watching over ye, over thine families, over the eternal destiny of thine souls.
If ye truly had the eyes pure and opened by Faith, ye would see My signs and ye would understand how much I love ye, how much I Am near ye and how much I want to lead ye to Heaven. Great is My Love for ye, great is My desire to lead ye to Heaven.
Let yeselves be guided and lead by Me, let yeselves be formed by Me, follow Me down the road of prayer, of sacrifice and of penance.
Especially young people, if ye want to be victorious from the temptations of thine time, follow Me by the way of prayer, of penance and of the total consecration to the Virgin Mary, which I Myself did when I was young. The secret of My holy youth was My scorched Love for the Most Holy Virgin and the Solemn Consecration that I did to Her.
Pray the Rosary; whoever prays the Rosary every day with the heart and with docility to the Mother of God shall have the strength to renounce sin and renouncing sin and renouncing sin shall remain in the grace of God, in God's friendship and certainly shall save himself.
Here, in this Place where I Am so loved, so praised, so blessed and glorified by My favorite Marcos and by so many who love Me, who love the virtues that I possess and strive to imitate Me. Here, I truly want and shall do grand things in all those who surrender to Me.
I love this Place with a special Love, I watch over it and all those who Here give Me their hearts to lead them and guide them to Heaven.
To everyone, I bless from Muro Lucano, from Materdomini and from Jacareí.”