"My beloved children, today I come again with my Son Jesus in My arms, the King of Peace, to give you the Blessings of PEACE and LOVE.
Peace to your hearts!
Peace to your souls!
Peace, ever Peace!
Pray always more for the Peace, Protect the Peace with fervent prayers, and helping Me to divulgate my messages of prayer and conversion to the world, so that increase ever more, the number of instruments of My Peace, those who protect the Peace with prayers and sacrifices and the holiness of their lives.
As well as, My Son Jesus came to ye in His first Christmas, so, He will come a second time, but as I always said ye in His second back, in His second coming, He will not come as a weak and helpless child, who was crying from the cold, among the straws but will come as the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Eternal Judge, Immortal, to give to every man according to his works. To good persons, will give the Prize and the Reward for the love that they had at My Son, the Lord, for My Sake and for souls, the goodness that they did to the world. And to the evil persons, our enemies, will give eternal punishment that they deserve because of their wickedness, hardness of heart, impiety, the evil deeds, the fruits of death, that their souls produce.
This return, of My Son Jesus is closer, each day. So I have to say that Jesus will return to you to give you the prize, that He prepares for everyone, who loves Him.
Jesus will return in glory to you to renew the Heavens and the earth, to cleanse the whole world of sin, of all the evils that are practiced every day, so many works and sins made contrarily to the God's Commandments. And so, in the among you, establish His Kingdom of Love, Peace, Grace, Holiness and Justice where Earth will be already a reflection of Paradise and where everyone will love the Lord, will serve Him, and will glorify Him.
Jesus will come back in Glory unto ye, for free you from all suffering, all pain, and no tears else will fall of your eyes, and you My children, who now suffer and groans in these times of great tribulation that arrived already to ye, ye will be comforted, because those who mourn are Blessed and will be comforted by My Son who will soon exterminate out of the earth's face, all who do evil, and will clean of all his crimes and will give you a new era of Peace that My Immaculate Heart, along with of Joseph, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus prepares, we prepares everyday for ye!
Jesus will return to you in glory, on the splendor of His glorious body, and everyone including those who crucified Him and have condemned Him to death, will see Him, and then all peoples will cry, will mourn, will beat in their chests, and every tongue will confess that only My Divine Son Jesus Christ is the only King immortal, Invincible Winner, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords! So My Immaculate Heart will get His greatest triumph promised to you at Fatima, again promised in so many of my Apparitions until reach Here and you will see new Heavens and new Earth coming to you, to all those who love Us, that now listen to Our messages, serve Us, and everyday are looking for to make us better known and more loved.
My Son will returns in glory to ye, and that's why I'm here for so long, to prepare ye for His Second Coming, His Second Return, to prepare for Him a faithful people that will go to receive Him, and will go to His meeting, over on the Heaven's Clouds.
To all in this time, I ask ye to continue with all the prayers that I have given here, to continue with all the Hours of Prayer, that disclose all these Hours of Prayer, all these Meditated Rosaries, as well as, the videos of My Apparitions, that My son Marcos did and gave it to you, for that so, much more My children souls know Me, come to My Heart, for to be by the Heavenly Mother, loved, healed, freed, saved and conducted back to my Son Jesus.
I counting on you! I do hope, your yes!
Give me your yes and I will turn you into My instruments and messengers of Peace!
To everyone in this moment I do bless generously, from Bethlehem, from Nazareth and from Jacareí...
The Peace My children! Stay in the Peace of the Lord!...I cover ye with My Love Mantle, now..."
"My dear brothers! Marcos, my most beloved friend, I HILD, Lord's servant, Mary's servant, came today with Her and with Our Lord boy, to give ye Peace and tell thee:
Enlighten, the world with the Light of Christ, and His Most Blessed Mother, banishing the darkness of sin for wherever ye pass, wherever ye go, so that truly Satan be ever more, trampled under the Feet of Jesus and Mary, and Truth, triumph over falsehood, the Good over evil, Light over darkness.
Go ahead apostles of light, lead the Light of the Lord and of Most Holy Mary, living ever more, in a profound life of prayer, a profound interior life, a profounder life of intimacy with God, the Mother of Heaven, the Angels, with the Saints, living continuously in meditation of the Messages, of the Word of the Lord, for that ever more the Light of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, the Light of the Holy Ghost, that one that enlightens ye, and conducts ye everyday of your life. For that then, having this light of Heaven in ye, you can illuminate the lives of all those who walk in darkness, and ye can help everyone to reach to Salvation, until the Lord in Heaven, which wait for all His children with open arms, for to fills out ye, with His Grace and His Love.
Go ahead apostles of light, lead the Child Jesus's Light, lead the Immaculate Mary's Light, through the Heart of Saint Joseph, spreading Their Love Messages, for you are the temples of the Lord, the holy cities of the Lord and the Mother of God, and therefore you ought to keep the city always clean, always beautiful, always bright and fragrant with an intense life of prayer, sacrifice, penance, love and help all your brothers to have also this heavenly and angelical life. So, go, carry to them the Light of Heaven that here ye knew, that ye have been given here to prove, to feel. Go and lead to all of God's Love, showing how to live with God is sweet, smooth, happy, and that in God and in the Mother of God, there is no any bitterness. Go, and to them all this love that Here are so favored ye, that here ye are so elevated and enriched, so that their souls may also leave the spiritual misery and like ye can also get closer to rise more and more to God even becoming Holy Lord's cities, as ye are.
Go apostles of light, lead the Light of the Child Jesus, bring the light of Mary Immaculate, The Lady of Bethlehem, lead the light of the Heart of Saint Joseph to all who have not seen it do not know it. For that then, the hell darkness be banned ever more, of life of all men and the KINGDOM OF HEARTS OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH, come to the world, and be established in the world at each soul in every family, every heart in each nation. To do so, go to do the Rosary Prayer Groups, the Cenacles that the Mother of God have ordered ye, leading all Her Messages, leading the Hour of Peace, leading all the Treasures that here She gave ye, these powerful means to illuminate the souls, so in these prayers recorded in this place, resides great light. When ye pray them, from your mouth, from your eyes, from your heart, go out a so intense light, and so powerful that it blinds the devils and they can no longer see the souls that they wanted before to lose,and to drag with them, to the sin. So go, lead this light to all sinners, for everyone to see it, so that satan may not harm the souls, and so, a major number of them turn back into the arms of the Lord, and of Heaven Mother.
You are the holy cities of the Lord and the Mother of God, take care for that the oil of your lamp never end, that is, that the fierceness of your faith, your love never diminishes, never ends, nourish your oil lamps with meditations, more profound and continuing of the Messages, of the lives of the Saints, of what Heaven gives you all here to know, the life of Our Lady and Queen Mary, in the books of the Mystical City of God. For that thus, keeping your souls, your lamps full of the good oil of heavenly things the flame of your love, the flame of your faith will never erase.
Nourish the flame with the videos of the Apparitions, Messages, the Lives of the Saints, that Marcos did and gave it to you, because there, lies a great Grace, lies a great Light from Heaven and a Great spiritual anointing of the Holy Ghost, to give ye ever more Grace , Wisdom, Love and Heavenly Life, sanctifying life for the soul.
I, HILD, I am with ye always, bless ye, keep ye, cover ye with my mantle at all times and never leave you alone. I love you so much! There much I pray for ye, and there much that I suffer seeing that so many of ye, takes so long into surrender ye completely to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, here and give your life to Her.
I pray for you every day before the Hearts of JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH, asking that They not abandon you for your delay, your slowness in responding YES to their call, and for so many ungrateful to Them, even after so much Love, so many Messages of so many Graces that they gave ye. I have gotten a bit of time for thee, but I pray ye, hasten your conversion! Hasten your yes! Give your yes to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary through the Heart of Saint Joseph, that the Lord do not forsake ye, and that His Plan of Love be fulfilled itself, without delay in all and each of ye.
I HILD, do cover ye with my mantle, and pour upon ye the abundance of the Lord's Graces. The Peace to everyone, the Peace to you Marcos, the most dedicated, the most beloved of my brothers..."
"My children, today once again, I come from Heaven to cover ye with My Grace. I am That One, That same Lady, the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION that appeared to My little daughter, Bernadette at the poor Massabielle Grotto, in Lourdes, and that there, over the centuries have made so many, and many Graces!
I am the same Mother who lives forever, and ever, with God and in God our Lord. The men have gone, the times have gone, and I continue eternal with God, unchanging. And that's why I'm here again to tell you:
Follow on, with confidence and hope, because I am your Mighty and Glorious Mother, who has traced already all the Great Plan of mankind Salvation, into this plan thee are included, and ye who follow the Messages that I've gave you here, occupies a special place in this Plan .
So My children, from thee I ask a love, a kindness, a gentleness, an unlimited obedience to everything that I have requested, so that we can drive my plan of salvation with thee until its perfect and complete victory.
Follow on, with joy, with peace and happiness at heart, for knowing yourselves, so loved so, by the Heavenly Mother who has chosen ye, called ye and placed ye here, in this great Salvation Plan, that My Immaculate Heart each day leads ahead with you. For that so, never slaughter ye, the sufferings, tribulations, and the difficulties you face in your day-to-day. But that each time more, you, supported in My Love, with trust in My Love, can move on, with joy and hope, complying, ever more, with everything that the Holy Ghost through Me, accomplishes in you and still want to accomplish in you.
Follow onwards, the prayer path, penance and of the Love that I have pointed out ye here, that every day my Heart through you, of your divulgation, your apostolate, your example, can reach all my children who still doesn't know My Love, even the most distant. For that then, my Immaculate Heart triumph on all my children lives, and the Sacred Heart
of My Son Jesus, really come, to establish His Kingdom in all souls.
Follow on, with love and hope, because your Redemption draws near, My Immaculate Heart will soon initiate, all his power, and then, satan will definitely be destroyed and God will again be Served, Adored and Glorified by all His children .
The Prayer is the world's salvation, the prayer is the salvation of souls, the prayer is the lifeline of families, the prayer is the salvation and is the answer to all your problems, my children! Prayer is, and will once again be, the salvation of the world, as was the first time in the Angelic Salutation, as again when I've gave the Rosary for My son, so well loved, so well dear, Domingos Gusmão, and as was also the splendid victory, that my Immaculate Heart have obtained in the Lepanto Battle.
The Rosary, it's My favorite prayer along with all the Chaplets that I gave ye, with the Holy Hours of prayer, which I have given ye here, will be once again, the salvation of whole mankind.
To all of you at this time, My little children, I do bless and say:
I bless you now generously, from Lourdes, from Heroldsbach, and from Jacareí...
The Peace little children! Go, in the Lord's Peace..."
"My children, I love you and I'm with you always. Do not fear, because your heavenly Mother is very close to you and knows everything you need. Pray much the Holy Rosary and all the prayers that I have given you, because through them I'll lead you to a great holiness. The true devotion to Me, is an ardent, and as much as a soul serve Me by the prayer of the Rosary, more it burns in holy desires to serve Me through the Holy Rosary, and more it seeks to bring all souls as it can, to serve Me through it. When many souls love Me and serve Me through the Holy Rosary, I'll pour powerfully the effective Graces of My Immaculate Heart, over the whole world, turning it into a garden of grace and holiness. Pray, pray and pray much My Rosary. To everyone I do bless in, this moment, with all My love."
"My beloved children! Today, when you celebrate my apparition to My little daughter CATHERINE LABOURÉ happened in 1830, exactly when I revealed to her My Miraculous MEDAL, I come again today to tell you:
Trust in My maternal love, that there are already 170 years ago, gave ye a powerful shield that is My Miraculous Medal, to defend you from all attacks of Satan, all the evils that in these final times, Satan unleashed in the world, with the goal of bringing all mankind to sin, damnation and ultimate doom. So that, My children, through the medals that I have given you, further I can always protect you, defend you and rid ye from all evil, that Satan wants you to do.
My Miraculous Medal is truly a priceless gift of My Heart to all My Sons, and thereby,through it, I realized in the world over the centuries, so many wonders! Can not be counted the number of souls that I took from the clutches of the infernal dragon, through My Miraculous Medal.
Trust, therefore, in my maternal love, who gave you this Medal as a lifeline in the midst of the shipwreck where all of humanity now sinks: the sin of apostasy, violence, hatred and rebellion against God and His Holy Law of Love. For that then, my children, you may be helped ever more, be relieved, comforted and sustained by thy Mother in Heaven.
Trust in My maternal Love, that on My Miraculous Medal showed Itself ye mightily. Yes, your heavenly Mother who holds in His Hands the gilded globe, which symbolizes each one of you, the world, the France, the Nations, ye can see the love of the Mother of Heaven, who watches constantly by his sons, who never forgets, never leave them and never allow Satan to triumph over them.
Since when I gave My Miraculous Medal to the world through my little daughter Catherine Laboure, truly, I say that Satan no longer has the last word on the souls, about the fate of the world and the Nations. Thus, through this medal I ever more crush his head, always pour more over my children the grace that My Lord have given to Me, as a mighty river that never ceases to pour upon those souls who trust in My power as Mediatrix of all Graces!
Yes, My children, in this Medal My Triumph ye is always more assured, confirmed. And thus, you must trust ever more in My motherly love, that there are already more than 170 years, ago you gave a powerful weapon in the fight against Satan and his kingdom, and already gave you a pledge, a sure guarantee of victory, of THE TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART .
Your Immaculate Mother, terrible as an army in battle array, powerful, possessing all the graces of God, represented in the Miraculous Medal, is the great sign which the Apostle John saw in heaven to appear: The Woman clothed with the sun, Crowned of TWELVE stars, Powerful, terrible as an army in battle array, who crushes the serpent's head, crushing the great dragon.
Yes, my children! I am your Heavenly Commander and you must follow Me now in complete docility to My voice, obeying everything that I have said in My Messages to the greater Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
In the difficulties, do not be discouraged! In the sufferings don't despair! In THE DEVIL'S TEMPTATIONS DO NOT GIVE A PLACE TO HIM IN YOUR SOULS, BUT PRIOR, shut all the doors of your senses, so that, YOUR HOUSE IS ALWAYS MORE, guarded of all evil, all sin, THAT IS, YOUR SOUL BE FREE OF ALL SIN.
AFTER a sin, a committed foul, DO NOT STAY ARGUING WITH SATAN, THAT IS, BECAUSE WHAT HAPPENED AND HOW IT HAPPENED. But first, turn ye rushing to My arms, take My Miraculous Medal, take hold it with trust, AND PRAY THE PRAYER THAT IS RECORDED ON IT, AND THAT I teached My daughter Catherine Laboure, AND I PROMISE YE: I'll bring ye back to the WAY OF HOLINESS, AND EVER MORE, CRUSH THE HEAD OF THE INFERNAL SERPENT in your lives and in your souls.
Follow the example of Catherine Laboure that has loved Me so much, and was so obedient to all My desires, which suffered so much for My Love, for My sake, and that gave Me so much glory, seeking by all means become Me known through of My medals.
If you follow her example by praying the Rosary with love every day, and spreading My Miraculous Medal to all my children, So, you will hurry, and much! the coming of the Glorious Kingdom of Jesus and My Heart to the world, being the apostles of My Miraculous Medal, and the apostles who spread My Messages ever more to the whole world, and you shorten long, Advent, this SECOND ADVENT who you are living, which still separates you of the glorious coming of my Son Jesus.
Therefore, My children: AHEAD! CONFIDENCE! Continue praying the Meditated Rosary that MY SON Marcos, makes FOR YOU, AND ALSO ALL THE PRAYERS THAT HERE I have given you, because through them, through you, every day, I RESCUE MANY SOULS of the clutches of Satan. And in the silence and hidden of the world, I GOES EVERY DAY, MORE AND MORE BUILDING THE GREAT WORK OF SALVATION OF ALL MY CHILDREN!
I bless all ye that use My Miraculous Medal, which divulgate it with so much love to all My children, which divulgate My Apparitions and Messages, that I did my daughter Catherine Laboure and especially I bless you Marcos, Apostle of My Miraculous Medal, Apostle of My Messages to My daughter Catherine Laboure.
Thou, who is already one of the most glorify My Apparition to My little child, Catherine and my Miraculous Medal.
I do bless you all, from Paris, from La Salette, and from Jacarei.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord..."
Message of The Most Holy Mary
Feast of the Revelation of the Holy Face of the Most Holy Mary
"My Dear Children, today when you celebrate the Feast of MY MATERNAL FACE, the face that I have given to you, which I have revealed here in 1994, and is a special gift from My Heart to all of you, I invite you to lift up your gaze to My maternal gaze to leave yourselves, to comfort, soothe, pacify and love by MeMy gaze at this photo that I have given, of My Maternal Face to you is a special gift is a muff of my Immaculate Heart to comfort you in these difficult times in which you live, of the apostasy, of the rebellion of humanity against God, and a so great a violence, injustice and a lack of love, that now dominate the entire earth.The times are bad and that is precisely why, because My true little children, the children of My Immaculate Heart, faithful to My Messages, were suffering so much and would suffer a lot over the years, it was precisely of this, which I have given this My miracle Face that through the contemplation of My maternal gaze, maternal smile, My children could feel my love, feel my goodness, feel my peace, and get from My gaze all the love and all the consolation that need in the midst of so much suffering that they have to pass and bear, everyday, at this time of great apostasy...Turn back your gaze to My maternal gaze for, my children, so I can, in your hearts to heal all the wounds that Satan opened. All that blows that across the world in you, in your souls, he have struck. So that I can give you joy, peace of my Immaculate Heart, so that you do not lose heart in suffering, do not park in front of the difficulties, that you so often seem impossible to overcome and win. But for you my children, more can always go ahead, take the path that I have pointed out here, over the years and which I called you, the way of holiness, so do not stay stuck in your path of sanctification, but as did the Saints, may all the days grow ever more, ever more progress in spiritual perfection, and to help all souls to sanctify themselves also for the greater glory of God.
Turn back your gaze to my Maternal gaze, who at the photo of My Face, My maternal face revealed here, sends you all the peace of which I am full and fraught. So that I can pour in your souls a River Peace, and the river through you can run through the crowd, at this time, full of hate, full of violence and evil, and can thus, make the world, a cold desert, arid, cold and unloving God into the Holiness Garden, of Love to the Lord, faithfulness to His commandments, and peace where all hearts love God, serve God and are My true and obedient children.
If you My children help Me, if You replied to my call, if you answered yes to everything that I have asked in My Messages, you will reflect this beauty, this sweetness, the softness and grace that this miracle in My Face that I have given here so many years ago, I show you, I reveal to you. You will be a copy of My Holy Face, you will have a similar beauty, and everyone seeing My beauty reflected in you will also want to love the Lord, love to Me, in order to be beautiful as I am beautiful, to be beautiful, as you are beautiful!
In the world, there is nobody who does not want to be beautiful! When souls realize, seeing the reflection of the Beauty of my maternal Face in your souls, in you, they all will want to be beautiful as well as I, like you! And then we'll destroy the ugliness that the devil put in this world and introduced through sin, violence, addictions, and rebellion against God and His Law of Love which he dismissed all humanity lately. And this ugliness will finally be overcome by the beauty of Love! By the Beauty of My Immaculate Heart that made Me so beautiful and so pleasing to God!
Continue praying the Rosary, praying all the prayers that I have given to you here. So that, My children, the world can be transformed from an ugly swamp of sin, unbelief and darkness, of rebellion to God, into the beautiful garden of love and faithfulness to the Holy Trinity.
Here in My Jacareí Apparitions, where I gave so many treasures, where I gave one of the greatest gifts of My Heart, that is I Myself photographed and revealed to you, who both favored to you My children, I ask today:
More love and correspondence to my Immaculate Heart!
Together, day after day, walk together the path of love, prayer and holiness that soon, the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will take place and my beauty, My maternal beauty will finally annihilate face the ugliness of the face of satan and sin, freeing everyone from their tyrannical slavery.
To all in this time, I do bless generously, from Kerizinon, from San Damiano, and from Jacarei...The Peace My children! The Peace to you Marcos! The most darting of My children! To whom I gave, as to few mortals, the grace of to possess My Immaculate and Holy Face..."
"My dear children, pray, pray always more!
Through the prayer you will be able to achieve miracles in the world.
Pray much, much, the ROSARY, because only it and the chaplets that I have taught in myApparitions, can achieve miracles for you in these times in which you live.
All that I promised to my son Dominic, when I’ve gave, when I’ve taught, I’ve told him the Holy Rosary
I promise unto you again today:
I will give the salvation to those who serve Me by My Rosary every day.
Will not be plagued by the poverty, spiritual or temporal, those ones my children, who are the most ardent in propagating the Rosary.
I'll be your comfort, your defense, your support and strength in every moment of life and all the other promises that I've gave to my son Dominic, to the devotees of the Rosary, I renew to you again My children, to you all today.
With theRosary you truly achieve the salvation, through the ROSARY you will reach a high degree of glory in heaven and an eminent holiness.
The Rosary will give you the strength to renounce the world, yourselves and your own will, and to obey faithfully the God’s Will.
The Rosary will make you more brothers of the Holy Angels, of the Heaven’s Blesseds, and will narrow the bonds of Divine Love, that unite Them.
Through the Rosary, I promise to protect, care for, and save all my children.
One day, through the Rosary, through the MEDALS that I’ve revealed in My Coming here,and around the world, of My SCAPULAR, I will save the whole world!
Pray the Rosary! Pray and, Pray and pray!
DO NOT think of anything else, pray the Rosary, prays the chaplets that I have given in My coming here AND IN THE WORLD, SO WHAT, I CAN ALWAYS MORE TO POUR ON YOU THE ALMIGHTY’S GRACES, reduce the influence of Satan in your life and EVER MORE CAN ALWAYS GIVE YOU ALL THE POWER YOU NEED FOR THAT you can get that holiness, that God wants and expects from you.
A TRUE SON OF MINE, WHO LOVES ME THROUGH THE ROSARY, he shall never perish himself in the flames of hell.
To all this time I bless you with Love, from POMPEI, from Fátima and from Jacarei...
Stay in Peace My children, I leave to you My Peace "
"My children, My Loving Heart blesses you today, and gives to you once again, The Peace.
Grow more each day, in the true devotion to My Loving Heart, living each day more, in My presence, in My love, corresponding with all your hearts to My call and growing ever more, in the true trust and dependency of My Love, just as he did ISAAC with his father Abraham.
Isaac loved his father Abraham so much that he did not contest him, even when the father asked by his son where the sacrifice was to be offered to the Lord, and the father replied, 'The Lord will provide'.
Isaac trusted in his father, confided that his father knew exactly everything what he was doing and he would do, and when Isaac saw that the sacrifice would be himself, did not resist his father, pleaded no contest, no resistance to what the father should do. Trusted him, although this was against all his principles, against his own nature, against his understanding. Did trust on the Father and the Lord gave the award to Abraham and Isaac, blessing them and making them the patriarchs of the whole people of God.
If you also have in me a true trust, a true love, a true dependence, the true filial love, such as Isaac had for his father. If you trust that what I do for you, the work which I realize in you, through My Messages is Holy, and that I know where to lead you. And if you leave yourself drive, sweetly conduct through me even if it is to lead you, by sacrifice, among sacrifices and suffering, that you do not understand, that you do not realize. If you rely on Me, if you are led, you too will be rewarded with the blessing of the Almighty, with the blessing of the Lord, as Abraham, as Isaac were.
Behold, that I call you to the complete trust in My Love, which I call you to full trust, unconditional, in My Love. I want of you a trust identical to that Isaac had to his father. Only this way will I guide you and lead you down the road: of the Love, Goodness, Grace and Peace.
Today, I bless you, all you who hear My Message by the hoarse voice of my son Marcos, cooled, which resisted until now, so that I could send you My Message.
See little children, that My Love does not tire of teaching you the true devotion to Me, what I expect of you and that you must have. From you to whom I teach so much, I hope more and more for the practice of the lessons of My Perfect Love
Forward, My Ickle Firsties! Practice what I teach you! Because My Words end in great wisdom that is denied to the proud of heart, but that is revealed and taught to the pure, the humble, the simple-minded.
To all in this time, I bless with Love"
"- Beloved children of Mine, My Loving Heart bless you on my party today and give you again, the Grace of Peace.
My Loving Heart will triumph! And that's why every day I advance ever more, with my docile children, obedient and faithful towards to that Big Victory that will happen soon, of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, through My Heart in the whole world.
Our Plans, THE PLANS OF OUR SACRED HEARTS are perfectly unfolding, in all places on earth, despite the devil, despite the unwillingness of souls, the traitors of the infidel, the unwanted, the lazy, the faint, the hard of heart .
Our plans ever more advance, and those souls that are of the Truth, listen to Our messages, recognize Our voice and approach us, give themselves completely to Us and in the lives of these souls, we're making great holy works, works of Grace, transforming them into a beautiful and wonderful garden to offer to the Holy Trinity.
Our plans unfold perfectly in all places of Our Apparitions, despite the obstacles that the devil and the men of evil will put in Its way because Our hearts already have predicted all of this and had awareness about everything, and Our Hearts, therefore, will know triumph with glory and power over all the darkness forces's.
To you My children, I always ask more prayer, docility and obedience to Our Voice so that in you Our Grace do not find never an obstacle, a rival or wall, any barrier to the influx of Our Love to flow in you and through you to the whole world.
If you do not put resistance to Our Messages in your hearts, then our Grace will burst powerfully and all souls will be dragged by your good example of Holiness, Prayer, Love and Peace and they will want to follow you in the Path of Salvation, through which, We have called and We are guiding you over all these years...
My Loving Heart will triumph! And with It, with this Triumph, I will bring you all a New Time of Joy, Happiness and Peace.
You will see things that your eyes have never seen! Will contemplate wonders and beauty that your eyes never beheld, when Our Hearts may Triumph.
So My children, pray! Pray for that you may one day, get to see these wonders. For what you may enter into the Kingdom of Our Three Sacred Hearts, where WILL ONLY ENTER THOSE WHO LEARNED LOVE US PERFECTLY WITH ALL THEIR HEART, WITH ALL THEIR SOUL AND ALL THEIR STRENGTHS!
Pray for that you may be able to love us. Pray for that you may be suitable for the mission and at the same time, for that wonderful life to which We call you, and that will be the victorious life in God in the Triumph of Our Three Sacred Hearts that for all of you, We have prepared with love, day after day!
To all in this time, I do bless generously."
JACAREI, 7th MAY, 2011
(around 10:00 PM)
Marcos, my beloved child. I come today to give you a great Grace of My Heart. I come to give to My children a great Blessing and a great gift of My Love, to help them in their sorrows and difficulties and also to defend them from all evil. This gift is My MEDAL, THE MEDAL OF MY HEART, look well what I will show you now and save it in your heart.
(Seer Marcos Tadeu) I've seen arise in the chest of Saint Joseph His Loving Heart, burning with Love,like a sun shining with light, then arose around Saint Joseph the following words in golden letters and bright.
Under the cloud the rested the Saint Joseph feet appeared the today's date.
MAY 7TH 2011
Around the head of Saint Joseph also had many flushes, many light rays.
The Oval picture turned and I saw the reverse two lilies that rose on the both sides of the Medal to the top, underneath the words bright:
At the center was a cross, more or less in the middle of this cross was the Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned with thorns, lower down on the right the Immaculate Heart of Mary, sorrounded by thorns and most left the Loving Heart of Saint Joseph, sorrounded by flames of Love, and also with throns, but not around him, but nailed it, spiked it. Saint Joseph then told me:
Child, for many centuries I have kept this great Grace, this revelation of My Medal to the world, to give It and to reveal It to you in this time. This Grace no one received or will receive in the world besides you. This is due to the great Love that I have for you Marcos, the most ardent and dedicated of My sons, and also due the great Love that I have to this Place, which is so dear to My Heart and to the Lord. This Blessed and Elected Place by our Sacred United Hearts, is where We poured the riches of Our Love and where we express the greatest mercy of Our United Heart inseparably in Love, in Pain and in Glory. So, order to mint Medal, as the model you saw, so that everyone lead on the neck, and receive Great Graces of My Heart.. It will be a very powerful sign of my Love among my childrens and will attract on the the blessings of the Lord. Also says to My children that I promise them, that:
1. Those who wear My Medal with confidence, will be kept by Me at all his life moment's and specially in the dangers, will be always covered with My mantle.
2. Will not be flagellate by the spiritual poverty, even by the temporal.
3. Will not miss to them the aid and the necessary ways to a dignified life, in other words, will not miss to them the work and charitable help to have a dignified life.
4. Will not be won by the temptations of the devil those one that use My Medal and pray My Holy Hour on sundays. I will dimish on them the influence of Satan, I will save their homes, goods, bodies and souls of any satanic domination.
5. Will be blessed in their work and deeds
6. Will be relieved and comforted by Me in their sickness and sufferings
7. Many will be miraculously healed to the Greater Glory of God and Triumph of Our United Hearts.
8. Will not know the eternal flames those one that uses My Medal with love
9. Will not die in mortal sin, those who use My Medal and have a true devotion to My Heart
10. Their families will be helped by Me in their needs and will be covered by My Mantle.
11. The young people who wear My Medal with love following my examples and virtues will not fall on into sin, and if have fallen will be back, to the virtue's path.
The young people pure and chaste will keep themselves pure, and will receive from Me all ways, the Strenght and Grace to persevere until the end, in the path of Chastity and Holiness.
12. This Medal will make arouse in many souls the Holy desire to consecrate themselves to Me, and to devote themselves to a life of prayer, contemplation and dedication to God through My Heart.
13. Will decresase on the souls that wear My Medal until make disappears altogether the inordinate love of themselves, the world and the creatures, and will make grow ever more in them the Divine and Heavenly Love, and the taste to the things of God and the love of virtues.
14. Will be enlightened about the Redemption's Mysteries and about how much My sufferings united with those of Jesus and Mary collaborated on the work of the human redemption. Will be informed about My Virtues, Merits and gifts that I received from the Holy Trinity, and the immense Love that It had and has to Me.
15. Will be heard by Me in all their prayers, and everything that they ask Me I will grant them (of course, unless it is contrary the God's will)
16. Those dying, will comforted by Me in the last moments of their life on earth, will
not be tormented by demons in their agony, and will receive My visit and will have My paternal embrace, softly expiring in My arms.
17. The parents will receive continued assistance in his difficulties, and will have the necessary lights to educate well their children in the Holy Love of God.
18. Slowly will return the Peace to the families and towns where My Medal is known, loved and propagated. Peace and Harmony will reign where I is loved and and revered through It. Wars will be held, removed or will have their duration diminished, the violence will disappear.
19. The stony hearts in sin will be touched by Grace and will return to the bosom of the Holy Catholic faith, and will walk on the sanctity's path.
20. Those who wear My Medal will receive the Grace of to be taken by Me directly to Heaven after the death and will be put close to My throne in Heaven where will know My mysteries and secrets and will joy an indescribable happiness on My side forever.
(This Medal will soon be minted by the seer Marcos Tadeu and will be available to everyone that love the Loving Heart of Saint Joseph)
(MARCOS): And finally Saint Joseph said that through this Medal, the true devotion to Him, and to His Heart will quickly spread all over the world, so through this Medal It will be placed at an honor site from where It was taken along the centuries, until almost to be forgotten by the christian people, by the catholic people. Saint Joseph will shine with a glory with which He never shone before, thanks to this Medal.
Saint Joseph also said that this Medal was revealed Here in this Place, due the immense Love that He has for this Place, which is more dear and darling to His Heart than all the world, and that this Medal will rush and much, the triumph of His Heart, of Our Lady, the triumph of God in the souls, families and nations. And therefore, I had a mission of to order the minting of this Medal as soon as possible, and make It accessible to all souls, all His children as fast as I can.
JUNE, 26th, 2011
"My dear children, today, you contemplate and celebrate the 30th anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje. You are still celebrating the great feast of yesterday, the feast of the entire Heaven, feast of the My Immaculate Heart's children, of all souls of good will who are still on this earth. Feast of all those who have answered YES to Me and walk with Me down the road of love, goodness, grace and peace.
The thirty years of the Apparitions, of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, are the largest proof of the Love of My Immaculate Heart for you My children whom I love so much and desire to save so much and drive to Heaven.
The thirty years of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, are the largest proof of how much I have been entirely donated Myself to rescue all My children from the path of death, and sin, from the eternal death and sin. To call them and bring them back to the House of the Father by conversion's path, of prayer, of love, of grace, of purity, of penance and peace.
In these thirty years of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, I did not let a single day of calling you every day to conversion, to show you every day how much I love you and I wish to lead each one of you through the path of peace, of happiness on this earth then after, with Me in Paradise.
The thirty years of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, are the urgent call, the latest warning that God sends to the world for their conversion through Me.
AFTER THE END of Medjugorje's Apparitions, I'LL NEVER COME BACK TO THIS WORLD! SO MY CHILDREN, THIS TIME THAT I'M HERE appearing at Medjugorje and in Jacareí, IS A TIME OF GRACE, unique, singular, unrepeatable THAT WILL NEVER AGAIN BE GIVEN TO MANKIND.
Take advantage of it, so that you truly can convert yourself sincerely and you may advance on the path of love, grace, conversion, holiness and peace. Otherwise My children, on the day of the Warning and the Chastisement, great will be your despair for having seen that you threw out this precious time when I AM with you, and badly took advantage of all Graces that I've given to you during My Apparitions.
The thirty years of My Apparitions in Medjugorje are the ardent sign of what My Immaculate Heart has done for all of humanity, for my children, for the Catholics, for the Christians of the elected race of My Divine Son Jesus Christ and how much My Heart has not ceased day after day, to give numerous opportunities for regeneration and conversion to all my children. So little children, this time is a time of great Grace for all of you, it is also a time of great responsibility for all of you, and it will be charged, day per day and grace per grace, that you did not take well to put my Messages into practice in your lives and you truly become holy.
Think how much My Immaculate Heart throughout these thirty years has struggled and fought to save each one of you and for My Messages to reach each and every one of you.. And see My children, if someone could love you more than I do, and if anyone could do more for you than I did ...
I call you therefore My children, to correspond to the Love of My Immaculate Heart and you do not take longer parked in your indifference, in your indecision, in your sin, yet remaining attached to the things of this world, of the earth ... Attached to your disorderly will, but I call you to give yourselves unreservedly and unconditionally to Me so that I may carry in you the great plan of the Lord and my Immaculate Heart that encompasses Medjugorje, Jacareí, and My Apparitions scattered throughout the earth, and each one of you also, My dear little children.
Today finally, I invite you to imitate the patience of my dear little children, My seers of Medjugorje, My Medjugorian people that since thirty years ago, are faithful to Me, and the perseverance and faithfulness of My little child Marcos, who since twenty years ago remains, undaunted , zealous, ardent in My school of holiness and love, for that so, little children, also in you My plan is carried out without hindrance or delay whatsoever and I can make burst in you, and through you powerfully, the Flame of My Love with Its efficacious graces of conversion and salvation for the whole world.
Today, on the 30th anniversary of My Apparitions at Medjugorje that you are still celebrating, I do bless you all with love ... from Fatima, from Medjugorje ... and from Jacareí.
Peace My children, Peace Marcos, the most darting and dedicated of My children ... "

"My children, today when you are commemorating the birthday of my first Apparition in Lourdes to my little child Bernadette, I invite you all to raise your gaze to Me, your Immaculate Mother that in the elected Massabiele grotto's confirmed the Dogma of My Immaculate Conception, and called the entire world to penance, that generate the perfect love to Lord.
Told I, to my little daughter Bernadette because Preserved of all sin's stains to be the worthy Mother of God , perfect address without any stain of sin that could live in Me, and receive from Me the human nature, and thus, accomplish the great work of the salvation mankind.
Because I was truly destined to be the new garden of the Holy Trinity, the new Eve, the new creation of God, His second Eden, His second Heaven, where he could truly rest and entertain Himself in sweet loving talks with His creature, and finally delight Himself on it.
Because I was predestined and prophesied as that one, that should crush the serpent's head, until definitely defeated. And so, I could not to be under the yoke of ordinary mortals slavery to sin and to this damn serpent, but yes to be free of all guilt and satanic bondage so that I could with My Power, free my children from the tyrannical slavery of the sin and of the devil.
And so powerfully and effectively cooperate in the Work of Redemption of My Divine Son Jesus Christ.
That's why I have revealed and confirmed My Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, and at the Grotto of Massabiele, so that you truly believe in my power and truly you all entrust to Me without reservation, so that increasingly I liberate you from the sin's bondage and of Satan, and make you come to the Lord by a perfect penance.
I repeatedly told my little child Bernadette, to lead you to a perfect resignation of yourselves, of the world and of the glories of this false and illusory world. And so even more, you can live a true life in God, for God and with God.
For that truly you could empty of yourselves until dies in you, all inordinate love of yourselves, and could then live in you the true God's Love, which only pours itself out into the purified souls, by the penance that I asked at the Lourdes Grotto's.
Only the penance generates the perfect mortification and the soul's purity that reach for you the perfect Love of God, and that He always lives in you and remains in you forever.
I keep staying Here at My Jacareí Apparitions, which are the continuation and the completion of Lourdes, to lead you to this perfect penance that will generate in you the spiritual purity, necessary to achieve the perfect union and the perfect Love for the Lord. And with Me is My little child Bernadette, who was at everything a perfect copy of My Purity and of My Most Perfect Love of the Lord, so that she helps you and takes you to the perfect love of the Lord.
If you be like she was, you'll be pure water's source as was My Miracle Source that I did sprout at My Massabiele Grotto's by Bernadette's hands. Thus as well as through her, through the Source and through Bernadette I made the largest Wonders of Graces, so too through you I will make the largest conversion of the hearts for the greater Glory of the Lord and the Triumph of His Grace in the world.
To everyone today, I do bless with Love from La Salette, from Lourdes and from Jacareí.
Peace beloved Marcos and son of Mine. Peace My Children."