January 29, 2013


(MARCOS): “Yes... Yes..."


“My beloved children, today I invite ye again to the true love for the Lord, for Me your Immaculate Mother, for good and for truth, so that your whole life reflects love, sprinkles love to all creatures.

Ye must fill yeselves of God’s Love, but nobody could do it if they do not formerly renounce sin, themselves, their will, their attachments and even the images of these things. Because only thus, your heart could open itself like a flower to receive the dew of God’s tender love which will descend upon ye to truly transform ye in a marvelous work from His Hands and also ye will transform yeselves thus into clear mirror where the Lord can reflect His light for all those who are far from Him to get out from their darkness and see the path of conversion and of the return to Him and thus get close always more of Him.

The encounter with God must be in deep prayer, therefore you must open your hearts in the way that I and My Saints have taught ye Here and you will feel God’s tenderness, you will feel His presence, you will feel His grace, you will feel His love, you will know His sweetness and this sweetness and this peace will overflow from your hearts like a mighty river which then will transform the other souls around you from arid deserts in verdant gardens: of love, beauty, holiness and peace.

I want to lead ye to this sweet Union with God, to this deep intimacy with Him, so that then your heart can truly be the residence of Peace; of that Peace which I have incessantly offered ye for twenty-two years Here in My Messages and in everything that I did Here, but that many did not attain because you did not renounce your human attachments and desires that blocked your hearts to have an encounter with God, the encounter with Me so that I could give you Peace.

Then, My children, so that truly the peace that for so many years I have come from Heaven to bring Here to give ye, truly becomes reality in your life, I ask ye: renounce completely your desires and attachments today, so that thus My peace can really be given to each one of ye in the personal encounter of your souls with Me in prayer.

Then My plan will be accomplished, then My Peace will radiate in the souls of the whole world, then the nations will finally know the peace that gushes from the personal encounter with God’s Love and finally all the hearts of men will seek God, will love Him and will give themselves completely to Him. It will then be the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart!

Help Me in this, making that verily more and more souls have the true encounter with God: by deep prayer, by the practice of My Messages and above all, by the renunciation of all sin, to all the human attachment and even to thoughts, to the images of these attachments.

Continue to pray all the Prayers that I gave ye Here, because they will help ye to have strength to renounce yeselves, sin, your attachments and thus undo all the blockage which impedes your souls of having a deep, intense and true encounter with God’s Love in Prayer.

To all at this moment, I bless generously, from FATIMA, from GHIAIE DI BONATE and from JACAREÍ.
Peace, My beloved children. Go in the Peace of the Lord!”

(MARCOS): “See you soon, beloved Mother.”


Sunday, January 20, 2013 - Messages from Jesus and Saint Sebastian Communicated to seer Marcos Tadeu at the Shrine of Apparitions, Jacareí, São Paulo, Brazil

“My beloved children, I, Jesus, today bless ye again and give ye My Peace. I come today to call ye to be the always scented, illuminated and holy altars of My Sacred Heart, where My Heart truly can reign and perform Its marvels of love in your souls.

Be the altars of My Sacred Heart, always perfumed by the virtues ofKINDNESS, of PURITY, of LOVE, of TEMPERANCE, ofGENEROSITY, of HUMILITY, so that My Sacred Heart comes to rest in your heart, can find many flowers of the most varied virtues to delight in them. Thus also, your heart, exuding the most gentle perfume of all the virtues, can, by My Grace, spread itself to other souls for the entire world, transforming My altars, destroyed by My enemy’s action and by sin and reduced to ruins, in newly perfumed, beautiful and pure altars to thus substitute the stench of sin that engulfed so many of My altars and in them once again put back the gentle perfume of holiness and of virtues.

Be the altars of My Sacred Heart. Altars always illuminated by the light of prayer, of meditation, of the continuous search of My Word, of My Will, of the knowledge of Myself, so that then the light of your altars are not darkness but truly burning and luminous lamps that with their light, dissipate all the darkness and fill the world with the light of My Holy Spirit, with the light of the true knowledge of Myself that frees free the soul of all the darkness, of wickedness and ignorance and causes everyone to increasingly grow and arrive at salvation ,which I offer generously to everyone in My Sacred Heart.

Be the altars of MY Heart, always beautiful and pure, always precious, adorned with the most varied precious stones of the Virtues and primarily of true charity and of love. If you are altars where the flame of true love, where the rubies of true love are present, then, My Heart will descend to your altar, to your soul, will enter in her, will live with you, will reign inside of ye, will fill your whole interior with the fire of My Divine Love until consuming you completely and giving birth to the new creature, the sanctified creature, the sanctified wife of the Divine Lamb, the ideal soul, the truly suitable soul of My Sacred Heart.

I want to perform in ye this great work, but in many of ye, I see nothing more than ruins. The altars of your souls were stricken by the action of sin and of My enemy, the devil, that ye yourselves consented to enter in ye. How great is your decay. Your altars do not nestle more than scorpions and snakes, than sins, vice, falsehood and vileness. I come to put to flight, to oust these snakes and scorpions from ye and to restore the old beauty of the altar of your soul. I come to make it return once again to be as it was in Baptism, pure and to even further, take it to greater heights of holiness. For such, give Me your yes, let My grace truly enter in your soul, renew it, transform it, purify it and elevate it.

Without your renunciation of sin, I can do nothing in ye. I cannot save your souls as much as I want to because I Myself instituted and decreed: THAT THE SOUL, TO SAVE ITSELF, HAS TO RENOUNCE SIN AND WANT GRACE. So, today, completely renounce yourselves, your corrupted will, all form of sin that offends Me and separates Me from ye forever, so then, I can truly perform My wonders in ye and make ye great saints.

I love ye so much! I want ye so much and My love has already been proven and demonstrated to ye a thousand times here in My Apparitions with My Mother, with Saint Joseph, with the Angels and Saints and I do not tire to call ye back to My Sacred Heart. But hasten your conversion because soon My Heart will put an end to the Time of Mercy, to the term for the world’s conversion and then, I will cause My fire to fall by surprise upon your houses and upon the nations and woe to those who are will not be in the state of grace.

I warn ye with antecedence so that nobody then throws in My face that I was unjust and did not warn anyone. I warn ye: THAT TRULY THE TIME IS RUNNING OUT AND YOU ARE PARALYZED IN THE ATTACHMENT TO YOUR SIN. RENOUNCE EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT IS OF HEAVEN WILL BE GIVEN TO YE.

To all at this moment, I bless generously and especially you Marcos, the most ardent of the devotees of My Sacred Heart, the servant of My Sacred Heart, the temple of My Sacred Heart.”


“My beloved brethren, I, Sebastian, servant of the Lord and His Martyr, come today once again, for the second time to bless ye and give ye My Message.

I love ye with all My Heart! I cover ye always more with My protection every day of your life. I come to ye to call ye today to truly be carnations of love for the Lord and for the Mother of God.

Be carnations of love for the Lord and for the Mother of God, making your life a great and perfect hymn of love to Them, giving Them your heart, living to honor them, obey Them and make Them known, so that in your simple and every day life, everyone can see and recognize the magnificence of the love of the Lord and of His Mother and thus, everyone, drawn by the mellowness of the perfumes of your Virtues and at the same time by the hidden charm of the spiritual beauty of your soul, also want to love God, serve Him and donate themselves to Him whole-heartedly.

Be carnations of love, giving the Lord every day: LOVE FOR LOVE, EVERYTHING FOR EVERYTHING, LIFE FOR LIFE. Since He has given ye all His love and gave ye His own life, dying for ye on the Cross, give the Lord: all of your life, all your existence, each one in the vocation to which he was called, but loving the Lord with all your strength, with all your soul and loving nothing outside of Him nor more than Him. Thus, your soul, like a beautiful and scented carnation, truly, will be a sign of God’s love in this world and will be pleasing to God’s eyes, because then your life will prove your love for the Lord and then He will delight with you and will come live in ye.

Be the carnations of love to the Lord, truly giving to Lord the proof that you love Him, renouncing sin, renouncing yourselves, making war to your flaws and your sins and never conforming yourselves in praying and living in peace while having evil inside of ye. But then, truly fighting your corrupted self, you can testify to God and to men that your love is real, that your faith is genuine and thus, from ye and through ye, the light of the Holy Spirit can burst powerfully upon all those who lie in darkness so that they also recognize their spiritual death and also renouncing their sin and the evil that is in them, strive to also convert themselves and be holy.

Ultimately, I call ye to a heroic faith in God, a faith similar to the one I had, a love that suffers everything, that makes ye willingly accept the crosses, the sufferings, the pains of this life before reneging by words and deeds to the love of Jesus.

Have a courageous faith, like Mine was, to the point of sacrifice of martyrdom, so that then, you can one day live with Me in those immense heights of Heaven where I am in one of the places in which the Angels who fell left empty. Yes, I Am one of the most supreme saints of Heaven because I loved a lot and I testified My love for Jesus with My own blood.

Come brethren! Follow on the road of spiritual perfection. That from now your biggest and only wish be that you may become great saints, because what this world needs most nowadays is of true saints, who with word and with life are more that what they speak, be more than what they seem and truly conquer souls for God with the true and perfect charity and with works born of this charity.

I bless everyone generously at this moment. I bless this Place that is so dear to Me, that I favor so much and for which I have a very special protection and care. And I also especially bless you, Marcos, who during all your life you never forgot Me on My day, however you are or however busy that you are. To you, who every year accompanied My procession with devotion and love on My Day, I now bless generously and to all My true devotees.”

January 23, 2013

January 1, 2013 - Message from Gerard Majella Communicated to seer Marcos Tadeu - at the Shrine of Apparitions, Jacareí, São Paulo, Brazil

"Marcos, today I come to tell you: I love you! I love this holy place of the Apparitions and I love each one who comes here. I protect everyone with love and never leave you alone.

In this new year that is born, I wish that you leave the darkness of sin and that you start a new life, in conversion and love. Renounce all sin and then God's Grace will burst forth with so much power in your lives that you will never be the same!

The Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph want to perform great wonders in your lives throughout this year, but your souls must prepare themselves well for this Grace. Therefore, pray until you have the inner strength to renounce sin and thus Divine Grace can triumph in your souls.

I bless ye with love and cover everyone with My mantle today."

January 18, 2013



“My beloved children, today, I, JESUS, come with My Sacred Heart to bless ye with My Most Holy Mother and My Foster Father, Joseph and to tell ye: Glorify My SACRED HEART, giving It LOVE FOR LOVE, giving It contentment, answering yes to the call that for so many years in this Place I have made to ye to convert yourselves, and to get close to Me so that you may be converted and saved.

Glorify My Sacred Heart, giving It honor, glory and praise through a pure and holy life, through holy works that truly prove your love for Me and looking to make your lives a constant hymn of love to My Sacred Heart, so that through you I can also spread My light and My love to all the souls who still do not know Me, calling them back to the fold of My Sacred Heart, so that all My Sheep may know Me, love Me and be saved by My sacred Heart, through the knowledge of the truth that I Am the Eternal truth.

Glorify My Sacred Heart, giving EVERYTHING FOR EVERYTHING. Since I have already given ye all My life, give Me yours. Since I have give ye all My Heart, give Me all of yours, because I only give all My Love to the souls that give Me all their love and I only give all My Heart and My predilection to those souls that also prefer Me to all other loves, to all other things and completely give Me their hearts.

Be the fiery sparks of My Sacred Heart, bringing the flame of My Love to the entire world, lighting this flame in every soul, every day of your life, bringing My Word to them, bringing My Love to them, bringing to them the knowledge of the truth that saves, so that thus the entire world can be aflame again in the flames of My Sacred Heart and can be transformed into a fire of love. 

Be the sparks of My Sacred Heart, lighting My Sacred fire in hearts and in souls by your word and your example, so that thus, the fire of My Heart that is My Holy Spirit makes disappear in souls the fire of sensuality, envy, greed, sloth, lust, blasphemy and of sin and thus the souls ablaze in the fire of My Sacred Heart burn with Me, with My Mother, My Foster Father Joseph, to be a single flame of love in My Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father

I chose ye since before you were born so that one day you would be Here, so that today you would be Here and might know My great love, hear to My Message and be bearers, the Messengers of My Message to the whole world. My Heart puts My confidence in ye. You are Earth's last hope, bring therefore, My salvation, bring My Love to every creature so that every creature knows Me, loves Me, praises Me and blesses Me.

Hasten your conversion because the time of My Mercy is running out and soon will come the time of My Justice and I tell ye, no one will be able to escape from My Arm that is long and wide enough for to reach ye to the ends of the earth and I tell ye: woe to the mockers, woe to those who throughout all this time were proud and closed their ears to My Voice, because I tell ye, the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah will be sorry for the Punishment of this generation and I tell ye that the Sodomites will consider their Punishment as a gentle and cool breeze in comparison to the fire that I will let fall on this wicked and perverse generation. Therefore repent without delay, do not pierce this Sacred Heart anymore with the spear of your sin. Come unto Me, that I wait for ye with My Arms open and that I Am ready to forgive ye, to love and save.

To all at this time, I generously bless with love."


“Beloved children of My Heart, today I call ye again close to My Sacred Immaculate Heart to there burn ye in the fire of the Holy Spirit and fill yewith heavenly graces that I bring from the Lord.

Be My valiant warriors who honor Me every day, combating with Me and for Me, bringing My Messages to all My children, propagating My devotion to My Rosary and all the Prayers that I gave ye Here so that My children then find the sure and salutary, effective and lasting remedy that will cure all spiritual disease and grant them perfect health of soul so that thus they walk by the road of holiness every day with a quick and decided step to thus become living reflections of My Immaculate Heart.

Be the valiant warriors of My Heart, seeking every day to bring to the greatest possible number of souls the knowledge of My love, so that, feeling My Love and knowing how much the Mother from Heaven loves them and calls them Here in this Sacred Place, close to Her Heart, My children can finally find the Peace of My Heart, the light for their souls and the Grace of God that will transform them from hard and insensitive rocks, from ice-cold stones, that will transform from swamps of sin into gardens of grace, beauty and holiness, in live flames of love that proclaim along with Me, the Lord’s Glory and the strength of truth for this world that lays in the darkness of lie, of sin and of the deceitful illusions of Satan.

Be the valiant warriors of MY Heart, giving Me ALL FOR ALL, since I have already given ye all My Love, give Me all of yours and since I have already consecrated all My life and all My existence to ye, consecrate yours to Me, following Me by My footprints, by the footprints that I leave for you towards Heaven on the path of holiness. Thus, My children, closely following Me, I will truly be able to imprint in your souls: My virtues, My qualities until you become like Me and thus give perfect honor, glory and praise to the Most Holy Trinity.

Be Daisies of humility and love, renouncing your will that is always corrupt and rebellious to the Lord's will and Mine, looking to conform your thinking and your will with the Lord's and with Mine, so that I can truly convey to you the extremely powerful influxes of My Immaculate Heart’s flame of love so that then your life becomes like a continuation of Mine, that gives the Eternal Father the perfect obedience, perfect correspondence and perfect love that He expects from all His children.

Be My Daisies of humility and of love, who truly forget themselves, renounce their will and are always with their petals open to receive the morning dew and the sunshine, ie, to receive the dew of My Love, the soft dew of My Will always holy and good to ye and to let ye be warmed and illuminated by the rays of light of My Glorious Body, of My Immaculate Heart that expels all the darkness, all the sins, all of the evils from your life. Thus, ye will truly be beautiful, humble and precious daisies in the celestial garden of My Immaculate Heart and I will be able to truly one day transplant ye from the Garden of My Heart to the Garden of the Most Holy Trinity there in Heaven. Being loving and humble daisies, pure and completely obedient to Me, I will be able to present ye to the Lord as the most precious and most fragrant bouquet, cultivated by Myself to please Him and give Him contentment and joy.

I continue always with you, My children, every day, converting ye as quickly as possible, because time is running out, I’ve been telling you for years already, but you have not taken Me seriously. If ye do not listen to Me, I will be forced to let My Son show ye a little of His Justice so that ye truly decide and leave sin and become holy as He wishes.

Remember that now I Am your mediatrix, intercessor and lawyer, but on the day of God’s Justice, I will be your judge. Therefore, seek to be on My right, ie, along with Me in the moment in which My Son comes, seek to be with Me now, in Prayer, in the Obedience to My Messages and in the faithfulness to My Will and to My Plan of Love so that in that hour I can be favorable for ye and can introduce ye to My Divine Son as part of My flock, and My blessed progeny.

Now, until the Anniversary of My Apparitions Here, pray more, remember all the Messages I have given ye, remember all the gifts and benefits that I made for ye. Also remember all My Apparitions, reviewing them again through the videos that My son Marcos did and gave ye. Also watch again the life of the Saints which does so much good for your soul and pleases My Heart so much, so that thus, on the blessed day of the Anniversary of My Apparitions Here, I can find your souls burning with love to then elevate on just one flame of love Our united loves to the Most Holy Trinity to bless Her for the extraordinary Gift of His Love which are Mine, Our Apparitions Here.

Continue with all the Prayers that I gave ye Here. Through Them, I will one day transform ye in great saints who will shine with the light stronger than a thousand suns together in Paradise.

To all and especially to you Marcos, the most hard-working of My children, I bless you generously now, from FATIMA, from LA SALETTE and from JACAREÍ.”


“My beloved children, I, JOSEPH, also bless ye today and give ye Peace. Convert yeselves sincerely and prove with works your love to the Lord so that then He truly has mercy on ye and gives ye His Peace.

Prove your love to the Lord with works, giving Him and Mary Immaculate every day Holy works, prayers ablaze, divulgations that are truly moved by holy love for Then and the desire to see Them known and loved, so that thus, your works transform themselves a most pure and ardent incense that rises to the heights of Heaven to the Throne of God and so can please the Lord and make the Lord auspicious to you, causing a shower of Mercy to be poured on ye.

Prove your love to the Lord with works, giving Him every day the sincere effort to overcome your defects and sins so that ye may exercise yourselves more in the pursuit of virtues and holiness. Practice truly what you say you believe. Practice and prove with works that you truly believe that which you say in your prayers and that you have as truths of faith in your hearts, so that then the Lord does not call ye hypocritical Pharisees, but truly recognizes ye as His apostles and disciples that are sincere and faithful to Him.

Prove your love to the Lord with works, seeking every day to give to the Lord the sincere commitment to make war on your defects and sins, to throw them out of your souls to thus seek all that is holy, pure, beautiful, pleasant, perfect to the Lord’s Eyes, in order that God looks at your prayers and at your works with endearment and love, receives them graciously and gives you His grace, gives ye His mercy.

Prove your love to Mary Immaculate and to Me with works,showing that ye are Our true children with holy works. Enough of promising and never complying, do Our Will, leave yours, renounce yeselves and follow Us by the road of virtues, of perfection and of true love. Convert yeselves quickly, do not play with holy things, do not play with the Lord’s Mercy or on the contrary I will be forced to let an unexpected Punishment fall on ye. Convert yeselves truly or otherwise I will abandon ye. I am a loving and merciful Father, but I am also Holy and Just, I hate even the smallest sin and I cannot enter into a heart where My enemy is lodged, or rather, sin of whatever nature it is. Therefore, if you want to unite yourselves with Me, cast out My Enemy, sin, from your hearts, and then I will unite Myself with you, otherwise I will abandon ye and let Satan do to you what he wants.

Continue with all the prayers that I gave ye Here, because through them, ye will extirpate sin form your souls, ye will step on Satan’s head and his seductive temptations and ye will increasingly attract Me to your hearts.

To everyone in this moment, I bless with love and especially to you, Marcos, the most ardent devotee of My Heart that I have in the world, My greatest and most ardent servant, the predicted son of My Most Loving Heart and I also bless all My slaves of love who with you gave Me their lives here and to all My children who sincerely seek to convert themselves for love of Me.

I bless everyone now, from NAZARETH, from My MOUNT ROYAL and from JACAREÍ.”

Cenacle of January 13th, 2013, in the Apparitions's Chapel, in Jacareí - SP-Brazil

January 9, 2013



“My beloved servants, My beloved children, I, JESUS, bless ye today and give ye the Peace of My Sacred Heart.

Glorify My Sacred Heart with a holy life as the Saints glorified Me. May your life be all pure, immaculate, replete of prayer, of good works so that My Sacred Heart be glorified in ye. Glorifying Me, adoring Me in Spirit and Truth signifies praising Me, serving Me with works, with holy attitudes. Therefore, repent of your bad habits, of your sins, of your evil inclinations and evil works. Live holily in My eyes, practicing good works of charity, of holiness, of love, of prayer and of purity, such that your works transform themselves in a true hymn of love to My Sacred Heart to glorify Me in the midst of all men.

Glorify My Sacred Heart, making Me more known and loved. Make Me more known and loved by word and example, making all My children who still do not know Me, first know My Blessed Mother and then My Sacred Heart, since making My Mother known, ye will make Me more known and loved, because My Mother is the way, is the blessed bridge that leads all men into My Heart, that brings all men into My Sacred Heart and to the true love for Me. Making My Mother know, ye glorify My Name, because She and I are inseparable in LOVE as we were inseparable on the Cross, in the world's redemption.

Work relentlessly to make Our Sacred Hearts known, making Our Messages known to the world, for only this way this wicked and perverse generation might have some hope of salvation. The world has become worse than at the time of the flood of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sins and more sins accumulate every day before Me and although My Arm had already punished this world many times for its crimes, hearts have not changed with the punishments. Hearts have not transformed. Soon after the last punishment, they began to offend Me again with the same sins as before and even worse. Therefore, I desire a deep conversion from all of ye, My children, antes before I end up launching My fire from Heaven above over the Earth until reducing it to a ball of ash.

Repent of your sins from the bottom of your hearts. Cry for your sins and do not wait for tomorrow to convert, because you do not know if I will tolerate until tomorrow, if you wait for tomorrow. Convert yeselves now and turn your hearts to My Sacred Heart that for so many years awaits you with so much longing and so much desire of uniting itself with your hearts.

Glorify My Sacred Heart, corresponding to My love, giving Me LOVE FOR LOVE. I have done so much for ye and ye have done so little for Me. I have given ye so much proof of My Love and ye have not given Me any proof. Finally give Me your heart now, corresponding to My Love, saying yes to the call that from the top of Heaven I make to ye in this Place already for 22 years with My Blessed Mother, with My Angels and My Saints.

I have proven to ye along all these years My great Love Here, giving you grace upon grace, Mercy on Mercy, Message upon Message to raise ye of the bog of sins in which you are fallen, to lift ye up and elevate ye to Heaven, but ye, what have you done? What are you doing for Me? What works for Love are you presenting to Me to prove that you love Me? You fail in everything, My children. You fail so often in prayer, you fail in the practice of virtues; you fail to prove your love for Me even in suffering, because so many times you revolted against Me when I allowed a small cross. You are not able to prove your love with anything; your hands are empty! You are not even able to do the Prayer Groups, the Cenacles that for so long My Mother and I have asked ye to do to bring the Prayers from this Place, Our Messages to all Our children. How do you expect to be saved this way; In this laziness, spiritual aridity and lukewarmness in which ye find yeselves? This way, you will only get eternal fire, therefore I tell ye, My children: Convert yeselves because now My Sacred Heart still once is willing to forgive, is willing to wait for ye, is willing to have Mercy on ye. Cast sin away forever out of your lives, because sin takes you away from Me, cuts the link of grace that I have of your souls, deprives ye of My lights, rips the bond of My Sacred Heart with you and makes ye more each day slaves of Satan and evil.

Convert yeseves! Return to My Sacred Heart and I promise that I will not repel ye. Come to Me through My Most Holy Mother, Joseph My faithful servant. Come to Me, beseeching Me through My Angels and My Saints and I promise ye that My Heart look at ye favorably.

Continue to come Here in this Place so that I can continue your conversion. Continue to do all the Prayers that Here, Me, My Holy Mother and My Saints have asked ye, because through these prayers, My Sacred Heart will triumph in ye and will be more glorified by.

To all at this time, I bless generously, from PARAY-LE-MONIAL, from TURIN where I appeared to My daughter Consolata Betrone and from JACAREÍ.

Peace, My children. Peace to you Marcos, the most hardworking and dedicated of the servants of My Sacred Heart."

Cenacle of January 6th, 2013, in the Apparitions's Chapel, in Jacareí - SP-Brazil

Jacareí, January 1, 2013 - Message from Our Lady Communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira - The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God - First Message of 2013 (Our Lady)

“Dear children, in this new year which is born, I invite ye again to turn your hearts to God and to start a new path of conversion. Start a new path of conversion, truly retracing all your vows and resolves to be saints, seeking from now on to deepen yourselves more in Prayer, in the knowledge of God, of His word, of His love, seeking to flee, always more, from the vain things of the world and seeking to please the Lord by a beautiful, pure and fragrant life of prayer.

Have a true conversion, seeking always more to know the will of the Lord about you by deep prayer, by the meditation of My Messages, of His Word and also by the attentive observation of the happenings that occur every day in your life through which God speaks to you. So, traveling always more the road of the seeking to please the Lord with your acts and your holiness, ye will truly grow this year, like beautiful and fragrant flowers to give Him honor, praise and glory.

I love all of you, My children and in this new year, I will increasingly help ye to grow in holiness. Be docile flowers in My Hands, that let themselves be cultivated by Me and that allow that I truly pour on ye the soft water of the grace of God which purifies ye, that gives ye life and vigor to grow always more in the perfection of the Saints, in the Christian perfection.

My Immaculate Heart will follow this year all the steps you take on the path of holiness and will be at your side in all moments of your sufferings, of your troubles and sorrows.

During this year, the Grimm Reaper, the Angel of the Justice of God will pass by many nations of Earth and woe to those who will be guilty before the Lord. The Grimm Reaper will also seek all those who sowed corruption in the midst of souls and woe to the souls who are written in the Book of Justice. Therefore My children, convert yourselves, each one renounce the sin of the heart and that you practice with your hands, so that thus, ye truly be visited by the Angel of Peace instead of the Angel of Justice.

If ye convert yourselves, if you pray the Holy Rosary, the Prayers that I gave ye, every day, if families pray the Holy Rosary, then, the Angel of Peace shall descend and give peace to the world.

Leave the sins of the year gone behind. Begin a new life today; the past does not matter anymore. Now what I want of you is Love, PRAYER, HOLINESS and TRUE DESIRE TO SERVE GOD. May each of ye follow in the footsteps of the Saints; God has placed them as bright stars in the dark night of your time so that ye all could see the path that leads to Him, to Our Sacred Hearts and so, even in the midst of darkness, ye could follow the path of salvation, grace and holiness.

I will grant everything to those who ask Me by the intercession of all My Saints and who are truly striving to follow their examples.

To all at this time, I bless with love. Especially you, Marcos, the hardest working of My children. I bless My Slaves of Love who Here donated their whole life along the entire year that passed and in the previous years and who are the apple of My Eye. And I bless you all, My children, who endeavored to follow faithfully the example of the Saints and fulfill My Messages.

I bless ye from LA SALETTE, from LOURDES and from JACAREÍ. Peace, My children. Peace, Marcos, I love you very much.”


September 11, 2008 - Message from Saint Bernadette Soubirous

Message from Saint Bernadette

“I, Bernadette of Lourdes, love this Shrine and bless it without ceasing. This Place is dear to Me, as it is the Residence and the Throne of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Immaculate Mary and Saint Joseph.

In this place, chosen by Heaven, I will always be present and attentive to the supplications of everyone who turns to Me with confidence.

I Myself have made of It My Eternal residence of love, where I will help all of Most Holy Mary's children get to Heaven.

My Arms will always be open to receive all those who come Here with faith and love.

I bless you all. Peace."

Jacarei, April 2, 2006 - Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ (from April 2, 2006)

"My Angel, write that My love for man led Me to suffer for them in such a way that they cannot claim anything to not believe that I love them and that I Am goodness and mercy.

Here is one more of My Sorrows unknown from men that I give you to know: When they arrested Me in the dungeon, they heated a branding iron, and marked my back with it. The pain that I felt made ​​Me almost faint. Drops of sweat bathed My entire body, My vision darkened, My legs softened. My Mother saw everything by supernatural vision and Her Tears of Blood pierced My soul like a spear. Later, in the Flagellation, that part of burning flesh of My back, was plucked by the blows of the executioners; that Pain that Me and My Mother felt was so great that no mind will ever be able to understand it all.

Blessed is the soul who honors this great Pain of Ours, because We will erase for her the flames of Purgatory and will deliver her of the flames of hell."

Jacareí, January 10, 2006 - Message from the Holy Spirit (January 10, 2006)

(Report - Marcos): “At the scheduled time, came the Lord Holy Spirit. Contemplating God, Our Lord filled me with extraordinary joy. He told me:”

(Divine Holy Spirit): “I Am the Lord and say that the darkness of this humanity will turn into luminous day. Yes, by My power, the darkness of this world will turn into a bright lamp. From America to Oceania, I will make My radiant Light descend and will cause everyone to be illuminated by It. I will blow over Europe, Asia, Africa, and from one pole to another will cause My Name to be heard and My Light to be seen. I will make this grace by means of the Hearts of Mary and Joseph, that, together, prophesy in My Name for this generation. I, the Lord, will come and at My passing, many spiritually dead will revive. Go in Peace, My son. Peace!”

(Relato-Marcos): “Then he blessed me, spoke to me particularly and disappeared.”

November 9, 2003 - Our Lord (Sacred Heart)

Message from the Sacred Heart (from November 9, 2003)

“My chosen souls, My Mother appeared in Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, in Paris, in El Escorial, Garabandal and so many locations of the earth, but men refused to obey Her or listen to Her.

The day will come in which men will cry tears of blood for not having listened to My Mother's Messages. My Mother's Books of Messages are often kept in dusty drawers without being read, without being divulged, without being put into practice. Our Messages will be collected, one by one, when I call you to My Presence and ask you for them. I do not want you to come empty handed, therefore, work while it is day and the sun is shining, seek sinners, seek the secluded, seek atheists, seek those who suffer, seek the anguished and bring them Our Messages because they are light, they are life, they are salvation.

My Sacred Heart wishes that each one of you become holy. Here, it is the School of Holiness and We, your divine teachers, teach you peace, love, virtue, salvation and good. Put Our lessons into practice, because only thus, you will be able to be pleasing to the Our Eyes and you may be approved in the great test.

My Sacred Heart pulsates with love for you and to all now, blesses you with love.”


Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ (from October 7, 2001)

"My child, tell the souls of the entire world, that MY SACRED HEART is pierced with sorrow like My MOTHER's... Everywhere that My Most Holy Eyes turn, I only see: wars, sin, violence, injustice and rebellion against Me and everything that is holy.
The 'LOCATIONS' in which Me and My Holy MOTHER have appeared, are completely abandoned and relegated to oblivion... Wherever My MOTHER and I go and give OUR MESSAGES, soon the malignant one moves his to make My Name and My MOTHER's Name disappear.
Oh, My child! I have sought 'lovers of the Cross', 'friends of My Cross and of My Passion', but, I do not find. When I present the Cross to My children, they either flee, or hide, or rebel against Me. If they had accepted the sufferings; if they had accepted My redemptive Crosses; if they had helped Me with their sufferings in the conversion of sinners, there would be no more wars and sin would have been vanquished, but they do not understand My Cross. They do not understand My Passion. They want to live only on the enjoyments and pleasures, money and luxury, self-indulgence and amusements. They only think of amusements and do not want to know about anything, my child, about anything.
Poor youth! It languishes day and night and it has done things so horrific as have never been seen in the history of humankind: they kill, steal, lie and spread evil. The malignant one seized the young that I redeemed and who were baptized in My Holy Catholic Church and made of them, of many of them, instruments of evil.
How can I not cry, My son? How can I not cry before such disgrace?
Say to My children, say to the young people; that I love them and that I do not want the condemnation of any of them. That they convert... That they listen to My Mother... That they listen to Our Messages... That they put the Rosary in their hands and fight against the malignant one, against the world, against sin and against their own worldly desires.
Say to families; that My Sacred Heart is very sad, because they no longer pray, because they no longer kneel anymore at the feet of the Image of My HEART and of My MOTHER's, as they once did; satan comes in and out freely of your homes and of your families, because ye do not pray anymore. Acts by one, acts by another and sometimes, acts by all. Only the Prayer of the Rosary and Fasting, lived by your families, could cast out from inside your homes, the malignant one.
Oh, My child! How can MY HEART and MY MOTHER’s HEART not be sad; seeing so many abortions, so many evil priests, who do not pray, who do not live what they say, who only give bad example, who only think of worldly things?
How can I not cry... seeing innocent children dead in the womb of their mothers?
How can I not cry... upon seeing My Church shattered?
Nobody else knows the true faith. Nobody else believes in the Dogmas of My Church, in the privileges of My MOTHER. No one else recognizes My DIVINE presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
Tell My children: that I want them to spread the Devotion to the IMMACULATE and EUCHARISTIC HEART OF MY MOTHER; because only thus, souls will recognize once again what is MY MOST HOLY SACRAMENT OF THE ALTAR.
How can My Heart not be sad; seeing My children dying under iron and fire?
How can My Heart not be sad; seeing My Pope forsaken and ridiculed by all?
How can My Heart not be sad; seeing My MOTHER being downgraded, humiliated and despised inside My own Catholic Church, of which I made Her MOTHER and QUEEN?
How can My Heart not be sad; seeing so many crimes, so many immoralities and so many sins? So many bad books, so many indecent magazines filling the world with the mire of sin?
How can My Heart not be sad; seeing that even after ten years, very few were those who obeyed Our Messages and recognized Our Holy presence here in this place?
Say, My child, that: MY HEART is very sad... very sad... and that there is only one way to console Me, and also My Mother: obeying Our requests... (Our Messages).
Tell My children: That they say NO to the world, that they refuse the offerings of the malignant one and renounce sin. Tell them that they meditate more often on My Sacred Passion. That they read the book 'IMITATION OF CHRIST', that they read the 'TREATISE ON TRUE DEVOTION' To My Mother, that they read the books that deal with My Mother ‘s `Privileges and Glories´, that they read the life of My Mother and My life, (Note: these are the books `MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD´), that they read Our Messages... If this generation does this, I will have pity, I will have compassion, I will have mercy on it. Otherwise, fire will be its end.
Say, My child, to the souls of the entire world, that MY SACRED HEART is crushed by the sins of the world and so is MY MOTHER’s and SAINT JOSEPH’s...
Console Me, My child, console Me and tell souls to do the same.
I bless you all.”