August 6, 2012


“- Marcos, Peace. Today I come once more, and give you My Peace and tell you: pray, pray, pray. 
Prayer is the world’s salvation. Prayer is the salvation of your souls. Prayer is the unique means of obtaining Peace. Prayer is the only road to arrive to GOD. 
In this holy time, pray more, especially the Chaplet of the Mother of God’s Tears, and the one of the Tears of Saint Joseph, because the Lord GOD Almighty is willing to pour copious Graces on all those who pray these Chaplets, and always wishes to touch the heart of many sinners, leading them to the path of righteousness and salvation. 
Therefore, pray a lot. I, Manuel, along with all of GOD’s Angels, am by your side, to pray with you and guard you always. 
Our Lord Jesus Christ knows you by name and knows everything that you need. 
Therefore, in times of trouble and confusion, do not be afraid, because HE cares about you and always sends Us, His Holy Angels, to guard and help.