November 2, 2013



(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved and dear children, today, when you are already on the eve of the Feast of My most beloved child Saint Anthony Galvão, I come once again from Heaven to say unto ye: Be Holy!
Imitate My Saint Anthony of Saint Anne Galvão in the immense love for Me, in His immense love for the Lord, so that your life becomes a perfect reflection of His life and even the continuation of His life on earth, thus making every soul that still does not know God's immense love, know it, fall in love with Him and deliver to Him all their life, serving Him, worshipping Him with love as He, My Anthony of Saint Anne Galvão worshipped and loved.
Love the Lord and love Me like My Anthony of Saint Anne Galvão loved Us and thus, you will truly be Holy for God's greater glory and for the greater Triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the world. Imitate His life of prayer, imitate His life of penance, of forgetting Himself, of abnegation, His life of escape from honors, from the glories of this world, from the pleasures of this world, so that you live a life of perfect holiness, love to God and conformity with His Holy Will.
If you imitate the zeal of this dearest child of Mine, Anthony of Saint Anne Galvão also regarding the salvation of souls, ye will be the perfect Apostles of the End Times, who will lead the Lord's Flame of Love, My Heart's Flame of Love to the souls of the whole world, scorching everything and causing everyone to deliver themselves to the Lord and to deliver themselves to Me with all their heart, with all their soul.
He was one of the workers of the first hour and ye are the workers of the last hour. Soon the Lord will come and will do His calculations with all of ye and woe to those who were laborers, lazy workers, vagabonds and who will not have done anything, not for themselves, nor for the salvation of others. The Lord will command that His Angels tie his hands and feet and cast them in the lake of fire that never shall be quenched. Imitate, therefore, the zeal, the ardor, the love of My servant, Anthony of Saint Anne Galvão, being the good workers of the Lord's vineyard as He was.
I love ye very much and today, through and with this so beloved child of Mine is for ye the first known Saint of this Brazilian nation, I bless ye with love and ask ye once again: Be holy and love the Lord with perfect love like My servant Anthony of Saint Anne Galvão loved. To everyone, I bless ye from Lourdes, from Guaratinguetá and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, I will do it. See You soon. See You soon, loved Mother.”



(Saint Gerard Majella): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard, love ye very much. Tomorrow, ye celebrate My Feast, the day in which I was born into Heaven, into eternal life, the day in which I went to Paradise to pray, to pray for all of ye, who are My so dear brethren.
I love ye very much and want to tell ye that I look at ye all with love, I love all of ye and for ye I pray without ceasing before the Throne of the Lord and of the Mother of God. I look at ye with love, I know ye one by one, I want your salvation, I want to make ye get to Heaven, I want to lead ye next to the Lord and the Mother of God. So, I invite ye to give yourselves to Me and let yeselves be lead by Me by the road of True Love, of perfection and of grace, so that I can truly lead ye by the sure footpath that will introduce ye in the deliciousness of Paradise.
I look at ye with love and although I know ye have flaws, sins and miseries (and I even know all of them), I love ye and I wish to raise ye from the dust, from the mud of your miseries and make ye reach that perfection and holiness to which I Myself arrived and that God desires from all His children, for His greater glory, for His greater joy, for the greater exaltation of His name, exaltation of the Holy Catholic Faith in the world and for your salvation and your good. Therefore, come to Me just as you are, with your miseries and weaknesses and I will lead ye all to that spiritual fortitude, to that justice, to that charity, to that love, to that temperance, to that piety, fear of God, understanding, wisdom and all the virtues that I had in My soul. I will pass them on to ye, I will print My own spiritual features in your souls, in other words, My virtues and ye then will acquire the same beauty and perfection that I got with the exercise of the virtues and with My continued effort to every day become better, become Holy.
Let yeselves be lead by Me and I will print, I will transmit to ye all these virtues and will make ye truly get to that eternal blessedness at which I arrived. Above all, I want to transmit ye My love aflame for God and the Mother of God; this flame of love that always burned within Me, that would even choke Me, that would even cause My clothes to become so hot to the point of almost burning. I want to transmit this love to your hearts, love that leads ye everyday to a deeper, more intense prayer, to a deeper and strong intimacy with God, to a greater and more unshakable fortitude in sufferings and trials. I want to take ye to an unbeatable, invincible patience, so that in this world, you suffer everything with patience for love of Jesus and Most Holy Mary. I want to give, above all, My great love of Virtue and My great horror of sin, so that ye be like Me, so that you love everything that is holy and you flee from everything that separates ye from God, from everything that makes ye lose sanctifying grace and makes ye Satan's slaves through sin. I want to above all ignite ye with true love for the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who was My great secret, deep and most ardent love, She who was the secret of My perseverance, the secret of My virtue, the secret of My holiness, the secret of My salvation. Loving Her as I loved Her, ye will keep yeselves in grace, you will have the final perseverance and finally you will reach Heaven.
Come to Me then, that I want to scorch ye with the flame of love that was in My Heart and I will scorch ye in such a way with this supernatural love, that ye will forget all natural carnal impulse and ye will only move in the supernatural love, in the love of grace of the Holy Spirit and you will overcome all inordinate love of yeselves, you will overcome all your evil inclinations that at every moment want to meddle in your deeds, your works made for God and in whatever you do in your lives. And then your deeds will be pure before God, your prayers will be pleasant and your life will be accepted by God as a gift, as a pure present to which He will turn His gaze and will truly bless ye, giving ye His Holy Spirit and transforming ye into the greatest Saints the earth has ever known.
Come to Me then, pray the Rosary, pray all the Prayers that were given to ye Here and I promise ye that I will form ye, I will lead ye to the most high holiness that I reached, giving ye an angelic beauty and making your soul become a blooming garden of all virtues, of all good deeds with utmost holiness.
To everyone at this moment, I bless with all My Love and pour upon ye the efficient graces that today the Most Holy Trinity granted Me to give ye for the passage of My Feast. Tomorrow, I will return Here again, to celebrate the glorious day of My arrival to Heaven with you, ye Here from this Shrine, from these Apparitions, who are the dear ones of My Heart and, especially, to celebrate with My most beloved Marcos, My most ardent friend and devotee, the day of My great Feast.
To everyone, I bless ye now with love.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, amico mio [my friend].”



(Marcos): “Yes, I will do it, yes Lady. Yes, yes Lady.

(Our Lady): “My beloved children, on this holy night which precedes the day of My Feast as Queen, Empress and Patroness of Brazil, I again come to say unto ye: I Am the Mother and Queen of Brazil. Brazil belongs to Me. Brazil is My property and although now, Satan acts strongly in it to take it to the rebellion against God and His Law of Love, against Me and My Love, Brazil which is My property, is inside My Heart and will be saved by a stupendous miracle of My Immaculate Heart, from one moment to the next, leaving Satan, like a charm, without anything. Because of My Apparitions Here in Jacareí, because of the Meditated Rosaries made Here by My little child Marcos and everything that he does for Me, because of the love and of the prayer and of the love from My children who Here truly pray, obey My Messages and love Me sincerely, I will save Brazil.
I Am the Queen of Brazil and therefore I come again to say unto ye: Obey your Queen, pray the Meditated Rosary every day, obey My Messages, do the Rosary Crusade and everything that I have asked ye Here and then My children, you will see dawn for ye soon the new day of the deliverance, of the victory, of the grace and of the resurrection of Brazil. Truly, the souls who are now dead by sin will relive and all this will be carried out by a miracle from My Immaculate Heart, where Here I will obtain the volume of prayers necessary for it to be great power, then I will save My Brazil.
To ye whom I love so much, to ye whom I gave so much love from My Heart, I now ask for your complete and total yes so that I can soon finish My Plans of Love started in Aparecida and that I will finish Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí.
To everyone at this time, I bless generously from Aparecida, from Reserva and from Jacareí.

(Marcos): “I will do it, yes, beloved Mother. See You tomorrow.”



(Our Lady): “My beloved children, today, again I come to ask ye for more love for My Holy Medal of Peace, for My Grey Scapular of Peace, which by many are still not known and that by those who know them are still so little loved and valued.
Value these treasures that I gave ye Here more, for through the Medal of Peace and of the Grey Scapular, I have already performed many graces in the life of My children and I will perform many more if ye truly use them with love, trust, faith and obedience to Me.
Love the Holy Rosary more, pray it, divulge it and spread it in order that more souls convert and save themselves because it is through the Rosary that the world will be saved. Believe that I can do everything with God: to those who believe in My Power I will grant great graces, true miracles resounding from heaven, making this person extremely happy, blessed and loved by God.
Work for your conversion every day, come Here singing and praying in procession, for Here I Am present day and night to help, to give ye peace and to unite ye ever more with God. Pray, pray, pray, only the Rosary, only prayer with the heart can unite ye with God, can lead ye to holiness and can also save the world from the great evils that threaten it.
To everyone at this time, I bless with love, from Lourdes, from Garabandal and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, dear Mother.”


(Saint Gerard): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard Majella, come again today to bless ye, to give peace and to tell ye with all My Heart: Live of Prayer, live of Love.
Live of prayer at every moment, seeking at every instant to lift your spirit and your heart to God, so that all your actions have as sole purpose, God, to please Him, satisfy Him, delight Him, obey Him, glorify Him and love Him. Pray and lift up your heart to God at every moment, so that everything you do, everything you seek to do is truly for the greatest exaltation and glorification of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of your souls. Always praying, ye will have the inner strength to fight against your evil inclinations, against your inner self, so often rebellious to God, disobedient, vain, proud, and unclean and that so often seeks meddle even in your good actions to stain them and turn them unpleasant before God and the Mother of God.
Pray a lot, therefore, because with the prayer of the heart ye obtain the interior strength to conquer your self, to renounce it and your personal inclinations, so that your actions will be more pure, free of all and any human interest and then your actions will be highly pleasing to the Lord.
Live of prayer, because only in prayer ye will find the inner strength to repel all the temptations from the malignant one, to fight against your evil personal inclinations, to subdue the evil impulses of your human nature and then ye will truly grow in perfection, in spiritual beauty, in innocence, in holiness before God. May prayer be your light, may prayer be your daily strength and always, always, always have present that which the Mother of God Here has said to ye so many times and that Saint Alphonsus Liguori Himself would always say: Whoever prays saves himself, he who does not pray condemns himself. He who prays a lot saves himself, he who prays little puts himself at risk of being lost and he who does not pray will be condemned.
Live of love, seeking in every place and in every moment to make acts of true love to God, so many acts of mental love, worshiping Him, thinking of Him, raising to Him many prayers, ejaculatory prayers and acts of love and also performing acts of true love for God, making Him more known and loved, teaching souls to love Him and to serve Him and also seeking always and in every moment to conquer hearts for Him. Pray incessantly the act of love: Jesus, Mary, Joseph I love Ye save souls. And this way, you will truly give God, you will also give to the United Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the joy, the balsam of your pure love and you will intercede for so many souls who need so much sanctifying grace, who need salvation, your prayers to find the path of conversion that leads to salvation.
I, Gerard, am with you, by your side, to teach ye to live increasingly of love, for love and in love. Love that is true always thinks when it looks at Jesus on the Cross, always thinks that Jesus gave Himself entirely to Us, then is fair that We all give ourselves entirely to Jesus. Love that is true gives all for all and before the love of Jesus does not know how to refuse anything to Him.
To everyone at this time, I bless with love. Continue praying the Rosary every day; through it the United Sacred Hearts will save the world.
I bless ye abundantly now and especially you, Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and of My friends.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, beloved Saint Gerard. Arrivederci amico mio [Goodbye my friend].”


(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, when you celebrate the Feast of My Most Holy Rosary, reminiscing My stupendous Victory in the Battle of Lepanto, I invite and call ye once more to be more ablaze with love for the Holy Rosary, loving It with all your heart like My dearly beloved son Dominic de Guzman loved it, like so many of My Saints loved it, prayed it and spread it, in a way that the Holy Rosary always be the light, the strength that moves your souls ever more, to irradiate the light of Paradise itself, that moves ye increasingly forward on the path of holiness always working for your own salvation and for the salvation of the whole world.
Be more ablaze with love for the Holy Rosary, praying it with love every day like My Dominic of Guzman prayed it, on His knees, with piety, devotion, true love in the heart, with real thirst for God, with true thirst for My love, with real thirst of imitating My Virtues, to be holy, so that your Rosary never becomes a lukewarm prayer, never becomes a cold prayer, much less unexceptional, but that it is a true encounter with God, with Me and that your Rosary transforms into a true furnace of love that burns ye and increasingly in the Holy Love of God and also burn everyone around you, everyone who will hear ye pray the Holy Rosary.
Be more ablaze with love for the Holy Rosary, contemplating the Mysteries of My Rosary with your heart, in other words, truly seeking to imitate the lessons that I and My Son Jesus gave ye in each Mystery and that My little child Marcos has already taught ye which ones. These virtues will truly lead ye to the extreme and perfect holiness and will make ye suitable for Heaven.
Contemplating My virtues, contemplating the virtues of My son Jesus and then imitating them, your Rosary will truly transform ye in the great Saints that I prophesized to My little child Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, who would arise in the end times. They will ignite the world with the mystical flames of My Love, spreading the Holy Rosary ever more and teaching everyone to pray it ever more with love and with the heart. One of these ardent Apostles of Mine is My little child Marcos, who already made 300 Meditated Rosaries for Me, meditated with the heart, with love, with piety, seeking to reap from all the Mysteries of My Rosary the eternal lesson of God's Kingdom, in other words, that which the Lord and I want from ye, that which are God's Commandments and also My Virtues so that ye may imitate, fulfill the Lord's Will in every moment of your life with perfection and thus becoming the great Saints of the latter times.
Here, in this Shrine, in this place of My Apparitions, where My Most Holy Rosary is so loved, so prayed, so propagated by My little child Marcos who, making a superhuman effort, devoted his entire life to recording the Meditated Rosary, publicizing it so that Brazil and the world would be scorched in the mystical flames of My Love through him. Here, where My children accepted My Meditated Rosary with the heart and pray it every day, I Am truly comforted, loved and glorified and by these Meditated Rosaries that My little child Marcos recorded, made and divulged for Me, I will save Brazil and the world from the threatening loss that now hangs over them. I will once again show My power, as I showed it in the Battle of Lepanto and as Victorious Queen of the world, from one moment to another, when Satan will convince himself and believe that he is the sure winner of the battle against Me, I will take the victory from him. Like a charm, he will see himself with nothing and once more, My Triumph will be Mine, then all of the earth will recognize Me as the true Mother of God, as Mediatrix of all Graces, the Victorious Queen of the World and the Lady of all nations.
Then, we will see true peace, lasting peace, God's peace and all men, through My intermediary, will love and serve God and God, through Me, through My intermediary, will bless His people, will pour His eternal mercy upon them and will give them all the goods, all the benefits and blessings from His Heart. Then, My great victory will be performed, by the power of My Most Holy Rosary, this prayer that the proud hate, but that the pure of heart love ardently, as My little child Dominic of Guzman, My Alphonsus Liguori, My Alan de La Roche, My Marcos Tadeu, My Bernadette and all My Saints loved it.
I will truly triumph through the Holy Rosary. The more you pray the Rosary, the more I will love ye and the more I will cover ye with My predilection and My graces. Ultimately, be more ablaze with love for the Holy Rosary. because It is truly the golden cord, the gold chain that fastens your souls to My Heart. While ye love the Holy Rosary and pray it with love, you are bound to Me and Satan will have no power over ye. If you leave it, Satan will immediately take possession of your souls and of your families and great shall be your disgrace.
Be more ablaze with love for the Holy Rosary, because It is the luminous road that leads ye inside My Heart and from My Heart inside Paradise.
To everyone, I bless at this time with love, from Pompeii, from Fatima and from Jacarei.”

(Marcos): “See You soon. See You soon, dear Mother.”



(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, I will do this, yes. Yes. Yes. As You want.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today again, I call ye to the true love for God, who sent Me Here for the salvation of all of ye. The Lord loved ye so much, that He did not look at your demerits, He did not look at your sins, but so only loved ye, chose and called ye to be Here in My School of Holiness, Here in this gate of Heaven, which is My Shrine, My Apparitions in Jacareí.
For all of ye to enter by this door of salvation, which is I Myself, which is My Immaculate Heart, knowing My Messages, obeying them and making them known to the entire world, ye enter through the door of salvation, which is Me. Imitating My virtues, ye enter through this Door of Heaven, which is I Myself and ye become pleasant to God, worthy of salvation and of His Glory.
Come then, My children, love this God, who love ye so much. Love this God who created Me thus so holy, so beautiful, so pure, to be for ye, cause of your joy, to be your peace, your Mother, your teacher, protector, friend, defender and perfect model, so that imitating Me, ye may live without any error to your faith and may arrive safely to that holiness and glory in Heaven that I and the Lord prepare for ye every day.
Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí, God's Love for humanity was demonstrated in an extraordinary and simply unprecedented way. Here, Our Love gave ye so many graces, so many benefits, so many powerful aids for your salvation which are My Meditated Rosaries, My Holy Hours of Prayer, Our Medals, My Grey Scapular of Peace and so many other treats from My Immaculate Heart.
Truly Here, Our Love was proven by ye and by humanity in a way never before seen in humanity since the Word was made Flesh. Therefore, come to Me, My children, come to this Love that wants ye so much, that wants so much to live in ye, that wants so much to dwell within ye, that wants so much to make ye happy, giving ye heavenly peace, the true peace, the divine peace that the world cannot give ye and that the only one who has it is the one who truly loves and uses adequately the treasures and graces that I have given ye Here.
Come to Us and We will enrich ye, because I Am the treasurer of all of God’s graces, I Myself Am God’s treasure, I Am God’s richness all who will know Me will be rich in His grace, will be rich of His science, of His divine wisdom, of His Love and of His Peace and this one will truly be loved by Us, will live in Us and We will live in him and We will be only one thing in Love.
Come to Me with the same pure love with which the Saints came to Me, My Alphonsus Liguori, My Seers, My dearest Bernadette, Barbara, Lucia and also as My beloved Marcos comes to Me. Come to Me with this pure, true, scorched love, ye will truly find Me, you will find the truth, the truth will live in ye and ye in the truth and I then, living in ye, will attract upon ye, the Holy Spirit, who will make ye works of perfect holiness for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
To everyone at this time, I bless generously with love, from Lourdes, from Casanova Staffora and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “Yes. See You soon, beloved Mother from Heaven.”


(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, I will do it.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My dear children, today, Day of the Holy Guardian Angels, I invite ye to increase your love for them. Pray more to your Guardian Angel. Happy, blessed is the man who loves his Guardian Angel, who trusts in him and surrenders completely to Him, because this man will always be carefully guided by his Guardian Angel on the road of good, of love, of grace and of salvation.
May your Guardian Angel be your greatest companion, pray to Him often, and with perseverance, call Him in all times of trouble of your life and grant that your heart is truly docile to Him, listens to His inspirations and follows His holy advice.
The Guardian Angel always inspires you good, gives your heart good thoughts on how you can pray more, how you can better serve God, how you can better obey My Messages, listen to Him. In times of temptation, He always warns your consciousness that you are about to commit evil, listen to His warnings and you will not fall into the clutches of Satan by mortal sin.
Consecrate yeselves every day to the Holy Angels and pray the Hour of the Holy Angels every Tuesday, so that they truly guard ye and guide ye on the path of holiness.
I bless everyone at this moment, from Lourdes, from Guadalupe and from Jacarei.

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, I come again to call ye to seek your inner transformation through prayer with the heart. While ye do not convince yeselves that without prayer with the heart ye will never attain love in pure transformation, you will never get out of monotonous and lukewarm prayer to enter truly in the prayer of the spirit, in the sincere and blazing prayer of the heart, which unites ye to God, which makes ye live in God and makes God live in ye.
Seek prayer with the heart, that is needed to be able to grow in a soul, that the soul dedicates to it: time, attention, love, zeal, silence, recollection and, above all, the renunciation of oneself, of vain pastimes and merriment in order to truly meet with God, meet with Me, truly find the door of the heart, to then, through this door, meet God and so God meets the soul itself.
Pray with the heart in order that your prayer truly be a living prayer, which produces in ye: conversion, transformation, and fruits of holiness. Pray the Rosary with the heart, so that it is truly a living prayer that leads ye to a profound transformation, a prayer that gives ye the inner strength to overcome your defects and attain holiness in all its fullness.
Put My Messages Here first in your lives, because while you do not do this, neither God nor I will do anything for ye. While you do not put Our Apparitions Here first in your heart, in your life, God and I cannot act in your life, nor in ye and you will continue in the darkness. Do this, therefore, if you want to receive from God: His Grace, His Blessing and the pouring of His Holy Spirit. Put Our Apparitions Here first and then We will also put ye first, pouring Our Graces of Love upon ye. For not having placed Our Apparitions Here first was why the devil often led ye to sin, using your evil inclinations, your inordinate love of yourselves and of creatures, seducing ye and attract ye towards sin, moving ye away from Me and the blame was totally yours. Now, finally put My Apparitions first and then, ye shall find in My Messages, in the Prayers that I have given ye Here and in the supernatural union with Me, you will find the strength to overcome all temptations.
Pray, pray very much, because a great danger is approaching the world, a great evil is about to happen very soon. Pray, pray for the world's peace, pray the Rosary because only with the Rosary the world can be saved. Thanks to ye Here, My Plans are being carried out perfectly, continue little children, with the dissemination of My Messages, with prayer, so that then, I can lead ye to the great holiness that My Immaculate Heart wishes for ye.
Thanks to My Apparitions Here in Jacarei, I Am performing wonders of love in the life of My children in the whole world and along with Me are also My Angels and My Saints who Here with Me are so loved, glorified and exalted, primarily by My little child Marcos and then by all those who, with Him, learn Here, the most high spirituality, fervor, devotion and true love, for God, for Me, for the Angels and for the Saints. Therefore, Here, My Heart has truly already triumphed and defeated Satan.
To everyone at this time, I bless from Lourdes, from Fatima and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, dear Mother.”



(Marcos): “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

(Saint Gerard Majella): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard, servant of God and of the Mother of God, rejoice today for coming again to ye.
Pray, pray, pray with the hearts. Prayer with the heart will make ye increasingly grow in the true love of God, in the true love to Most Holy Mary and will give ye the interior strength to fulfill all the virtues. With the prayer of the heart, your faith will become strong. You must pray every day with the heart, for the increase of your faith, for the strengthening of your faith, so that it will be similar to the faith of the Virgin Mary Herself, of the Mother of God, who in every moment, has an unbreakable faith in the Lord, in His Divine Son Jesus Christ, particularly when the trials of contrary appearances presented themselves to Her. While She was fleeing to Egypt with Saint Joseph to save the infant Jesus, although seeing Her small child pursued, threatened by a mortal king, She believed, however, that He was the King, the Lord of Lords and the one who rules everything, conserves everything and maintains everything.
You must have faith like that of the Virgin Mary, especially in times of suffering, so that your response in the face of pain, sorrow and distress is not despair, but faith. Pray, therefore, with the heart, so that your faith increases and becomes stronger to the point of becoming heroic as was the Most Holy Virgin's.
I too can and want very much to help ye to increase and to strengthen your faith, for I too was tested many times with the trials of contrary appearances, with tribulations and contrarieties and at every moment I had to exercise the virtue of faith, of patience and of perseverance that achieves everything, supports everything, conquers everything and make the soul possess everything. By the virtue of faith, by the virtue of perseverance, of the constancy in faith, ye shall possess your souls as well as millions of other souls, ye will conquer and possess in God.
To everyone at this moment, I, Gerard, bless ye generously and I say to ye again: Be zealous in everything that you do, in prayer, in the cleaning of your homes, the organization of the place where you live, in your own way of dressing, of behaving, of working, in everything, be zealous, applied, orderly, in everything be dedicated and helpful so that no one has a complaint of ye and so that you good example leads others also to be zealous, orderly, dedicated, helpful and perfect in everything, because he who is perfect in the little things is also in the big things.
I, Gerard, will lead ye more and more to pray with the heart, come to Me, call upon Me in your prayers and I will lead ye to a deeper encounter with the Lord.
To everyone at this time, I bless ye with love and especially also to the Slaves of the Mother of God, who are Here at My feet, to all of ye who hear Me, who obey Me and do what I tell ye and especially to My beloved brother Marcos, who is the most ardent of My devotees. I say to ye: ye who obey My Messages in the end you will be rewarded by God and you will have the blessedness of eternal life.
To all, I bless ye now generously, see you soon Marcos, the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God and the most dear of My friends.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Marcos): “Yes. Yes.”
(Saint Lucy of Syracuse): “My beloved brethren, U, Lucy, Lucia, love ye very much and rejoice today for being with you again, to give ye My Message and My blessing.
Ye are the last hope of humanity, so ye now must illuminate this world that has finished being wrapped in the darkness of sin, of apostasy, of rebellion against God and of the error of Satan, so thus ye truly may be the luminous suns that chase away all the darkness and that make the light of truth shine for every soul and every heart.
Ye are earth’s last hope, therefore now you must get out and bring the great light that the United Sacred Hearts, Here in these Apparitions, give ye, to Here, with this light, illuminate the whole world and make the whole world know the light of grace, the light of truth and of the perfect Love of God. If ye live in the light, if ye live in holiness, in prayer, in the complete surrender of your hearts to God, then, from your soul, from your being, from your way of acting, a splendorous light of grace, holiness and beauty pours itself upon the whole world and the souls obscured and uglied by sin see in ye this great light and through ye finally find the road of salvation. Bring light to souls with word and example, so that your whole life, being a great and perfect light, serves as a sign and a call for all those who live in the darkness of sin.
Ye are earth’s last hope, therefore now you must pray more than ever, you must pray the Holy Rosary, you must pray all the prayers that the Sacred Hearts gave ye Here, you must also pray hard My Chaplet composed by My most beloved Marcos to Me, because through this Chaplet I will be able to help ye a lot and accomplish great graces in your lives, to give ye strength to get to the end of this period of the great tribulation keeping the faith, love and hope and at the same time converting many sinners through this prayer, that is so powerful before the Sacred Hearts and that can change everything. You must now, with your prayer, save the world, causing everyday a great strength, a great power of prayer to ascend to Heaven in order that so many sinners who already find themselves spiritually dead can be resurrected for the grace of God, you must bring Our Messages, that all of Heaven gave ye Here to the knowledge of all as soon as possible, because only thus this world could have the hope of salvation and finally find peace.
Convert yeseleves without delay, the great Chastisement is very near, in fact, ye already see the signs that announce to ye that the end of times have arrived: wars that explode from all sides, violence, hate in the hearts of men, children who kill their own parents, mothers who kill their children before they are born, the punishment of nature, hurricanes, earthquakes that increasingly announce to ye that it is now the arrival of the hour of Divine Justice to punish the world with its crimes and sins. Convert yeselves quickly, so that the Chastisement does not catch ye by surprise, because for all those who will be in sin, the Chastisement will be terrible.
I, Lucy, Am your sister, I do not want to see ye suffer, therefore I ask ye: convert yeselves because otherwise a great sorrow awaits ye in your future. I do not want to see ye suffering in the future, so convert yeselves without delay and prove your conversion to God with deeds, for God will judge ye solely by your deeds and not by words. Therefore, My beloved brethren, come to Me every day, ask for My help and I will help ye to increasingly go forward in the way of your conversion.
I bless ye all now with love and I especially bless you Marcos, who gave me a great joy and glory making a new Chaplet in My honor, I promise that as many are the souls who convert themselves and are touched by grace with this Chaplet, that will be as many crowns of glory put on your head in Heaven. In this place that I love so much and so that gives Me so much honor and tp all of ye who hear Me now, I bless ye generously and especially you Mark, the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God and the most ardent of My devotees."

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Saint Joseph): “Beloved children, I, Joseph, bless ye today once more and give ye peace.
Pray the Rosary, in every moment and situation, pray the Holy Rosary, which is always the most effective and powerful weapon given to ye by God and by the Mother of God, to save ye and for the salvation of the whole world. At each Hail Mary of your Rosary, I Am present to collect your prayer, offer it to the Lord for ye, united to Me powerful Prayer.
Pray, pray and pray. I love ye very much and do not want to see ye suffering in the future, therefore I say unto ye: Convert yeselves, leave the way of sin, be good and holy so that the coming of the Lord does not surprise ye like a thief in the night, keeping your lamps opened because the Lord will come without warning and when least expected.
I generously bless everyone now and give ye peace..”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Our Lady): “My beloved children, today, again I say unto ye: Pray, pray, pray with your heart. With prayer with the heart, ye will come to a great holiness, you will give God and to My Heart a great joy. With prayer with the heart, you will know God's Will and will be able to accomplish it. With prayer with the heart, ye will be able to radiate Love, My Love, to all souls and conquer them for My Son Jesus and for Me. Pray with the heart, because this prayer will give ye peace, will give serenity of the soul and will cause your soul to grow increasingly in faith and in the true love to God.
I am your Mother and I cannot remain inert, still, seeing ye lost in this world, wandering the world without knowing which road to take, so I came from Heaven to show ye the true path that you must follow, therefore I say unto ye: pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes a joy for you.
My children, pray the Holy Rosary. With the Prayer of the Rosary, ye shall be able to overcome all the trials; with the prayer of the Rosary, ye will succeed in saving the world and reach a new era of peace for it. Pray, pray the Rosary; he who serves Me every day praying the Rosary, shall not perish.
I am very happy with all those who are disseminating My Messages, praying the Hours of Prayer that I gave ye Here, and doing everything I asked ye Here in My Apparitions, once again I repeat to ye: Ye are the last hope of My Heart, do not disappoint Me nor allow so many souls to be eternally lost, who can only be saved if you do well everything that I command ye and fulfill God's Will concerning you.
"To everyone at this time, I bless with love, from Montichiari, from La Salette and from Jacarei."

(Marcos): “See You soon, dear Mother.”



(Saint Raphael, the Archangel): “My beloved brethren, I, Raphael, Archangel Raphael, servant of the Lord, servant of the Mother of God, your protector and friend, come again today to bless ye and give My Peace.
Come to Me and I will give ye the flame of true love for the Lord, because I Am full of this flame and want very much to inflame ye of true love for the Lord, for the Mother of God, so that ye yourselves may become mystical flames of perfect and pure love for the Lord and the Mother of God.
Come to Me and I will inflame ye of the flame of love for God, making ye increasingly love God, thirst for His Love, hunger for His Word, desire to unite with Him and to serve Him with all your heart. I Myself will give ye My own flame of love and with this flame, I will burn ye, I will consume ye of holy desires of even giving your life for God like the Martyrs gave, then, your soul, completely laced of love, tamed by divine love, will live and will do everything to make the Lord better known, more loved and better served by yeselves and by all men.
Come to me and I will burn ye with the Flame of Love for the Lord, giving ye the true and sincere desire of pleasing God, doing what He wants, as He wants and how much He wants. This flame of love will give ye the interior strength to say yes to the appeals of divine grace, this flame of love will give ye strength to renounce yeselves, your disordered inclinations and also the seductions of the world. And then, ye as knights burning with true love towards God and Most Holy Mary, will burn all souls, setting them ablaze with the fire of Divine Love and leading all mankind to prostrate itself on its knees before the Lord and His Holy Mother, serving Them and giving Them its hearts. I, Raphael, wish to burn your souls with this love, therefore, come to Me, give Me your yes and your heart and I will burn ye with passion in such a way by Divine Love that ye will never be the same.
Practice the Christian Virtues in order that your lives be an example for all men, be uncluttered, be striven and zealous in all your duties: at work, in school and at home, so that no one complains about ye and that ye can give good example to the world. Be honest, not taking even a matchstick from your neighbor. What belongs to the neighbor belongs to the neighbor, what is your is yours and what is God's is God's. Do not be dishonest, pay back what you borrowed; return to the owner the goods that ye have borrowed, so that thus, your conduct is always perfect and irreproachable. Never desire what you do not deserve, never desire unrighteous money, that you know you do not deserve, because this will never be blessed by God and the dishonest one will be cursed by the Lord and his days covered in unhappiness and bitterness.
Pray the Holy Rosary every day, because through the Holy Rosary, ye shall be increasingly scorched by the flame of perfect love for the Lord and the Mother of God that I Myself will give ye. Pray the Hour of the Holy Angels every Tuesday with love and faithfulness, as was said Here. Through this Hour, We, the Holy Angels, will perform innumerable graces in your lives and we will lead ye closer to God.
To everyone now, I now bless generously with love and especially to you Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and the most dear of My friends.”

(Marcos): “Yes. See You soon.”



(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, I will do it, yes. Yes.”
(São Geraldo): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard, call ye again to Prayer, to Conversion and to correspond to God’s immense love for ye. This Love that Here, in these Apparitions, called ye, and cumulated ye of so many treasures of His Love, of His Mercy and of His Grace for your salvation, this immense Love, who never tires of inviting ye to embrace the full life that He offers ye Here, the life of holiness, of the perfect union with God.
I, Gerard, wish to lead ye to the perfect union with the Lord, that union which I Myself had with God, conforming My Heart in such a way, that I only wanted what He wanted and I did not want that which He did not want. I want to lead ye to have a union of will of spirit, of through with God in such a way, that your life be solely to do that which the Lord wants of ye and renounce at every moment, that which your own corrupted nature wants of ye, renounce your inclinations that so often lead ye to sin. I want to strengthen you in this union, so I ask ye: Deliver yeselves in My Hands, let Me lead ye ever more by the perfect way of union with the Lord, way that is made with prayer, that is made of renunciation of yeselves, of the forgetfulness of you will, rebellious to that of the Lord's, to do His Will, which is always your good and your happiness.
Practice also the Christian Virtues that I Myself practiced, above all, practice the Virtue of Temperance; this Virtue that regulates all your actions, all your words, all the movements of your inclinations, regulating them and submitting them to the dominion of faith and of reason in ye.
Thus, ye truly progress on the path of perfection, avoiding all excessed, as much for good, as for evil, being souls, people, children of God truly balanced in faith, in prayer, in love and also in the pursuit of the sensitive delights of the flesh. With the Virtue of Temperance, which is also very close to the Virtue of Prudence, ye will avoid all evil, you will reap all the good and you will advance speedy on the path of spiritual perfection.
To everyone at this time I ask: Pray the Holy Rosary every day, pray the Chaplet of the Tears of the Mother of God, pray the Chaplet of Triumph and all the Prayers that Heaven asked ye Here. Continue doing the Hour of the Holy Angels every Tuesday, for through it the Holy Angels will unite themselves to ye and ye to Them, They will lead ye by the way of holiness and of perfection and will increasingly give ye Their peace.
I bless ye all now and especially you, Marcos. Today, you gave Me a great joy, making a new Chaplet in My honor and in honor of Saint Lucy. Yes, you did a great work; you provided a great service for Us and for the salvation of souls. At that moment in with you were recording the Chaplet, Myself and Lucia neutralized the demons, paralyzed the infernal spirits, we freed many souls who were in its power and we prevented others from falling into it, we closed hell's doors and poured upon all of hell a copious rain of blessings. Continue, My most ardent and fervent friend, continue to make me known and loved and also continue to make Lucia known and loved, because this will cause millions of souls to be saved.
To everyone, I bless ye with love now and especially to you Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and of My friends and the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, beloved Saint Gerard.”



“Beloved children, pray, pray, pray. Have the Virtue of Fortitude, because this Virtue leads ye to increasingly advance on the way of Holiness, in the fulfillment of the Will of God for ye, and that she also will make ye support the oppositions and contradictions of this life, as I Myself endured.
Pray. By the Rosary, one would arrive at the Lord's great victory.
To everyone at this time, I bless from Fatima, from Lourdes and from Jacarei. "

(Marcos): “See You soon, dear Mother.”



(Saint Gerard Majella): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard, rejoice for coming again to give ye My Message and bless ye this night.
Practice the Virtue of Fortitude, have this Virtue in your souls which is so important for your sanctification and your salvation. The Virtue of Fortitude give ye the strength to confront all the trials, difficulties and sufferings of your life. It is the moral strength that impels ye to go forth ever more in search of the desired good, salvation, sanctification. It is the virtue that gives you the strength to be not deter before the fear that so often paralyzes your souls and gives ye the strength to not fear not even death, so thus, you go forward and achieve the desired good.
With the Virtue of Fortitude, ye are undaunted in the search of Supreme Good, in the search of Holiness and of Perfection. This Virtue gives ye the virility of Faith, which is so important and without which ye cannot be Saints and you cannot save yeselves.
Have, therefore, a virile Faith, practicing the Virtue of Fortitude, not stopping by no suffering, trial, or obstacle in the middle of your path, in the search of your sanctification, of the salvation of your souls and of the salvation of the souls of the whole world, because practicing this virtue ye will become strong in God's Eyes and you will be true men of Virile Faith.
The man who has the Virtue of Fortitude, is ahead, is like a soldier who advances in the battlefield, he does not fear the trials, the tribulations and not even when things do not turn out well and is often struck by the ordeal, he does not stop, he is not paralyzed by fear, by pain, by discouragement, but always goes onward, always more forward in the search of the objective, of the goal, of his sanctification, of his salvation and of the fulfillment of God's Will about him.
Be strong, be men of Virile Faith, as I was, so that truly ye be recognized as children of the Lord, as children of the Mother of God, who in no trial, who in no suffering, stopped, let Herself be paralyzed by discouragement or by fear of death, but who always advanced fearless in the fulfillment of the Will of the Father, then, the virtue of fortitude will make ye Saints and the Will of God will be done in ye.
I, Gerard, love ye and pray for ye on the Throne of the Most High. Fulfill your daily obligations as I fulfilled, with obedience, love, zeal and faithfulness, both in the fulfillments of your spiritual duties as well as in the fulfillment of the temporal duties, be perfect at everything, so that no one has a complaint about ye and that you may give good example to the world. May your moral, spiritual and behavioral rectitude speak for ye and thus touch the hearts of those who do not believe.
To everyone, at this time, I bless with all My love and especially to you Marcos, the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God and of My friends, who throughout all the years of your life proved your love in deed and proved to possess the virtue of Fortitude, confronting everything and everyone and never detaining yourself in any trial, tribulation or setback.
To everyone, at this time, I bless with love.”

(Marcos): “Yes. See You soon.”



(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, I will do it.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, once again, I ask ye, Love the Holy Rosary more, pray it with more love, spread it so that the world can be saved by its great strength.
With the Prayer of the Rosary, you can change everything that seems impossible, with the Prayer of the Rosary many obstacles that Satan on the path of the dissemination of My Messages as well as in your path, will fall to the ground.
Pray the Holy Rosary, propagate it so that the greatest possible number of souls pray it and save themselves through it.
Live in Justice, seek in everything to be right with God, be right with your neighbor, seek at every moment to leave your sinful and corrupt will aside, to do God's Will. Thus, ye shall be conformed to the Holy Will of God and ye shall be righteous in His eyes.
I, the Mother of Holy Justice, from this Virtue that is so loved by Me, I wish that all My children be righteous, so that then, your justice shines before the world in order that many souls can follow by the road of Justice, of Holiness and of Perfection to God’s Eyes.
To everyone today, I bless once again from Lourdes, from Caravaggio and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, I invite ye once again to reflect upon God’s great love, which chose ye and which called ye, to know salvation and grace here through My Apparitions in Jacareí.
God’s love for ye was so great, so immense, choosing ye as you are, taking you from the dust of sin, from the puddle of sin that many of ye were in, or else, taking ye from the darkness, from indifference, from insensibility towards Him, which would certainly condemn ye and the Lord lured ye Here, to know My Messages of grace and salvation.
See how God's love for ye is immense; love this Love, correspond to this Love and no longer be so ungrateful to the Lord who loves ye so much and wants your salvation.
Time is running out, My children, and the deadline for conversion of the world by the Lord, is ending. If ye, if the world does not convert and does not take care of My Warnings, the Almighty will ultimately purify this world with a great Chastisement. I do not want to see ye suffer, therefore I ask ye: convert yeselves without delay, accept God's Love in your heart, give your yes to this Love. If ye accept this love from God, if you accept God's grace, you will see that you no longer need worldly pleasures and of vain things of this earth, because your heart will be so full of the true peace, of the true joy and of the grace of God that you no longer feel the lack, nor the necessity of vain things and of carnal pleasures.
When the soul is full of God’s Love, it no longer feels the strength of carnal appetites, because their heart is already full of happiness and has everything, for it possesses God. I wish to lead ye to this fullness of the possession of God, through prayer with the heart, love and total surrender in the Hands of the Lord.
To everyone at this moment, I bless generously, from Fatima, from La Salette and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children. Peace to you, Marcos, the most obedient of My children, who today, once again you glorified Me making a new Meditated Rosary for Me; at that time, hell's doors were once again closed, not a single soul was condemned, the demons were paralyzed and could not harm souls, they could not tempt them and a shower of graces descended from Heaven upon the whole earth, therefore I want you, I bless you generously now, My beloved child.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, I ask ye again: increase your love for the Hour od Peace, so that U can truly give Peace to your hearts and to the families of the entire world. Pray it with great love and with great trust because through It, many souls are saved, many places of the world where peace is threatened, or even destroyed, once again have peace, divine peace, God’s Peace and many souls that find themselves lost and confused rediscover the way to Heaven and salvation through My Hour of Peace.
Above all, when you pray the Hour of Peace, I fend off from ye many evils males, many punishments, many temptations of the devil, so: pray, pray, pray My Hour of Peace, with more love. When you pray the Hour of Peace is when I most love ye.
Know, My children, that where My Hour of Peace is prayed, I Am present with the Angels and Saints, pouring all the graces from My Heart.
To everyone, I bless at this time and especially you Marcos, the hardest working and dedicated of My children and to all those who love Me and obey Me, from Lourdes, from Turzovka and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “Peace, beloved Lady. See You soon.”



(Saint Gerard Majella): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard, I rejoice to be able to be with you again today and I say unto ye: Pray, pray, pray. For only Pray will lead ye by the path of peace, of truth, of good and will give ye the inner strength to fulfill the will of God concerning you. Nothing is more important than loving God and doing His Will, this My Holy Master Saint Alphonsus taught Me, but the soul can only know God's will to fulfill It if it is a soul of deep prayer, and prayer done with the heart, so that the soul finds God and knows His Holy Will.
Only the souls of deep sincere prayer with the heart perceive, feel, know the Will of God. Therefore, pray, pray, pray, until the Will of God is clear for ye and pray, pray, pray, in order that ye may have inner strength to fulfill His Holy Will.
Because you are so attached to the vain things of the earth, because you are so attached to your sins to which you do not want to renounce, is the reason you are not able to pray with the heart and you are not able to pray with the heart because you are in darkness and because you are not able to pray with the heart, you do not know the Will of God about you.
Therefore, My beloved brethren, detach yeselves from vain things, detach yeselves from the sins that ye will not renounce, in order that your heart truly prays and thus you can know the Will of God for ye.
Come to Me, every day in prayer and I will increasingly help ye have the inner strength to renounce everything that blocks your heart, for the Love of God, for the knowledge of God and the fulfillment of His Word.
To everyone at this moment, I bless and especially this place that is so loved by all of Us in Heaven and to you Marcos, the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Marcos): “Yes, where do You want me to put it? There, yes. Yes. And there in front, yes. Yes.”

(Saint Catherine of Bologna): “My beloved brethren, I, Catherine of Bologna, I rejoice to be back today and give ye My Message. The Lord and the Mother of God are happy with your prayers, with your obedience to the Messages that She hath given Here and with your sincere effort to fulfill whatever Heaven asks ye Here. But more zeal, fervor and love in what you do is necessary.
Therefore, redouble the fervor and the zeal of your heart, asking for these virtues in your prayers. The Lord wishes that you truly be great Saints and whoever asks for this grace, through the Rosary, will obtain it. I am with you in every moment of your life, I never abandon ye and especially on difficult moments, I am near ye.
Continue by the road in which Heaven Here has invited ye to follow, banish from your hearts all calumny, all slander, all envy and all pride, because these sins, these flaws are displeasing to the Most High and kill the sanctifying grace in your heart . Increasingly practice the virtues of Love, Humility, Charity, Zeal in all that you do for the Lord.
I, Catherine, am very close to ye in prayers, during the Hours of the Santos, during the Holy Rosary, I am very close to ye. I bring your prayers to God, uniting them with My own Prayer and My merits, to achieve for ye all the graces which you ask, in moments of tribulation and suffering, call upon Me and I will help ye.
To everyone now, I bless generously, I bless this Place, I bless everyone who loves It, I bless everyone who works for it and especially to you Marcos, the Saints' most dear, the most obedient and the most striven of the children of the Mother of God e the one that I love deeply, whom I guard deep in my heart.”

(Marcos): “See You Soon.”



(Saint Gerard Majella): “My beloved brethren, I, Gerard Majella, come today to give ye My new Message and say unto ye: Pray, pray, pray. Only with prayer ye will be able to conquer all the problems, trials and perplexities of your lives. That which you cannot understand, the dangers and trials that you cannot understand, ye will only conquer through prayer, especially the Rosary prayed with the heart.
Pray more, because prayer is your salvation, it is the world’s salvation. While one can pray, no one gets disheartened. I am with you and love ye very much, in the moments of your trials and sufferings I am closer to ye than you can imagine.
Love the Holy Angels more, ye have forgotten Them a lot. They gave ye so many Messages here, to show ye how much They love ye, how much They want to live a true life of union and love with you and how much They all want to lead ye on the path of prayer towards Heaven
The true devotee of the Holy Angels will never perish. The true devotee of the Holy Angels will never betray God’s Love, nor lose sanctifying grace. Happy and blessed the soul that cultivates a true love and devotion to the Holy Angels, because this soul will walk on a safe road that will lead her perfectly to heaven
I, Gerard, love ye very much and want your salvation, whatever the cost. Come to Me, let yeselves be lead by Me on the path of holiness and of true love. Not even your weaknesses and sins should serve as a deterrent or an excuse for you to come to Me. Come as you are, with the defects that you have and if you are obedient to Me, little by little I will give ye the inner strength to conquer them all one by one and arrive safely to Heaven
To every now, I ask once again: Pray the Holy Rosary, pray the Chaplet of the Mother of God’s Tears because this Chaplet id very powerful, pray the Chaplet of Triumph that the Mother of God gave ye Here. If this Chaplet had been given in My century, in my time, oh, how I would have prayed it without ceasing and how I would never leave it. Ye have received this great grace from the Mother of God, take advantage of it and with this Chaplet, fight against all evil and pray for God's victory, the victory of the Mother of God in all souls.
I, bless ye all now and especially to you Marcos, the most generous, the most affectionate, the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God and the dearest of My friends.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Saint Lucy of Syracuse): “My beloved brethren, I, Lucia, Lucy of Syracuse, rejoice for coming today to give ye another Message and bless ye.
Pray the Rosary, in all the trials, in all the sufferings of your life. Pray this so powerful prayer that the Mother of God gave ye and that is the Source of all graces for ye. When your life does not seem to make sense anymore, when it seems to have no exit, or solution, pray the Rosary. Pray, pray, pray. The Lord will hear your voice, the Mother of God will hear your voice, your prayers will not fall on deaf ears and She sooner or later will come give ye the answer to all your prayers and also the prize of your perseverance in prayer. Pray the Holy Rosary because only with it, only with the Chaplets that the Mother of God gave ye and ordered that ye pray Here, ye will be able to have the victories of God's grace in your life.
I, Lucy of Syracuse, am with you, your prayers are all seen and heard by Me and I will help ye in every moment of your life. I am with you, I love ye and as I have promised ye so many times Here, I will never ever leave ye alone, I will always be by your side and all the graces that are the Lord’s Will, I will obtain for ye if you ask Me with trust and perseverance.
Pray, love, fulfill your obligations every single day, be zealous in prayer, in work, in study, in cleaning your house, in the fulfillment of all your Christian duties, thus you will be pleasing to God.
To everyone now, I bless with love. I pour upon ye all the blessings from the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

(Marcos): “See You soon, dear Saint Lucy.”



(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, the 13th, one of the days of the month that I asked you to consecrate to Me, with prayers, sacrifices, renunciations, special meditations, I come again to invite ye to be mystical roses of love for the Lord.
Be mystical roses of Love for the Lord, opening your heart for His Love, allowing His Love enter in your heart, allowing your soul to have a true encounter with God’s Love, therefore, renounce all sin, renounce all your sinful attachments, in order that ye may truly have an encounter with God, so that God may approach ye.
If ye open your heart to God, He will enter and will perform great wonders of Love and Peace in your heart. Ye then shall be filled with divine love, and you will sprinkle this love wherever ye go.
Be mystical roses of love, living an intense life of prayer, praying with your heart and giving God all your heart. Comply with all the Messages that I gave ye in Montichiari, in Fatima until making it Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí. Meeting My Messages, the Messages of all My Apparitions, you will be pulling out of My Heart many painful swords that the souls and that the world drives into Me at every moment without having anyone to take them out. Then My Immaculate Heart will perform in ye its Plan of Love and My Heart will triumph in ye and in the whole world.
Meditate more on the Messages that I gave in Montichiari to My little daughter Pierina Gilli, perform more acts of love to God, pray more Rosaries for the carrying out and completion of the My Plans.
To everyone, I bless with love, to everyone who completed this Trezena along with My little child Marcos Here, everyday, upon ye now descends a great shower of blessings and graces from My Heart for this Trezena that you finish today and offer Me for the salvation of so many souls.
And I also bless, especially you Marcos, the most obedient and striving of My children and to all of ye whom I love with all My Heart, I bless now from Lourdes, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, on this day, I invite ye again to open your heart to God’s Love. God's Love has sought you like never before, with all His Love in these times of sin, of darkness and of hatred of God and of the Holy Catholic Faith. Yes, He has sought ye with all of His vehemence, wishes to enter in your hearts, wishes to live with you, unite Himself with you.

Open your hearts to God’s Love, so that He can truly live within ye and from ye radiate Himself, transmit Himself to all hearts, to all the people of the world. Then, We, together, will raise a great barrier against Apostasy, against the loss of Faith and against all opposing forces against the Catholic Faith, the Holy Truth, and with the power of Love, of Prayer, We will crush evil together.

Open your hearts to God’s Love, which sent Me Here and for 22 years now, every day, does not tire of calling ye back to Him through Me. God, through Me, offers ye Here a life full of peace, of love and of happiness, ye just need to accept it, say your yes and then, Our Will will be realized in your life. But, for that yes to be perfect, you must renounce sin, your contrary will, rebellious to God's Will and give to God freedom for Him to do in your life what He wants. Then, the Lord's Holy Will will be fulfilled perfectly in ye and We will accomplish in your life and in your soul great wonders of grace of Our Love.

My Apparitions Here, for more than 22 years now every day, is the great proof of My Love for all of ye, My children. Welcome My Love, correspond to My Love and pray the Holy Rosary every day, in order that the world accepts My Love.

Divulge My Messages, do not be discouraged, because many souls will be saved through them. You will only have success in the dissemination of My Messages with prayer and you will overthrow all barriers that prevent them from arriving quickly to the attention of My children.

I am very happy with All Those who have been praying the Hours of Prayer that I gave ye Here, faithfully day by day, to All Those who have done My Trezena with love and who endeavor to correspond to My wishes.

To everyone today, I bless again from Lourdes, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.

Peace, My children. Peace, Marcos, the most obedient of My servants, of My children.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, My Lady.”



“My beloved brethren, today, I, Lucia of Syracuse, come again with the Mother of God, to bless ye and give ye My Message.
Convert yeselves without delay! Convert yeselves sincerely to the Lord, opening your heart to Him, allowing His Grace, His Love, to enter your souls, perform in your souls the deep, lasting and true conversion that He so desires from ye.
Convert yeselves without delay, was the most repeated appeal throughout all these 22 years of the Apparitions Here, by Us, the members of the Celestial Court, but, how far are you from this true conversion, because you still have not opened your heart to God's Love, you still have not sough with all the strength of your hearts to have a true encounter of love with Him. An encounter that can only happen when your souls renounce sin, or at least desire to give it up in their heart, truly renounce the vain things of this world, to seek heavenly things that are eternal and do not pass. When your soul will have the perfect encounter with the Lord, she will fall in love with Him in such a way that she will desire Jesus and only Jesus. Jesus will be the King of your heart, Jesus will be the charm of your soul, Jesus will be the Lord of your heart with all its feelings, Jesus will be the One who will occupy all your mind and the purpose of all your actions and deeds will be to please Jesus, to please His Most Holy Mother, doing His Will.
If your hearts open to Divine Love, he will enter and perform in ye so great a transformation, that ye yourselves will not recognize yourselves anymore, because you will be completely different than you were before. The old things of this world, the sins that this humanity commits for so many millennia will no longer have presence nor power in your souls and ye will change not just your way of living, but also the way of living of this world, that, aged by sin, languishes and now is dying spiritually.
Convert yeselves without delay, therefore, opening your hearts to God’s Love and allowing this Love to perform in your hearts the supreme and deep conversion. Hasten your conversion! Do not be like the people of the time of the flood, who ate, drank, would get married and would give themselves in marriage, thinking that Divine Justice would never come. And that Noah, who was building the Ark in the Name of God and was preparing Himself to escape from te Chastisement, fleeing from the pagan and atheistic way of living of those men, that Noah was crazy. Do not be like the people of that time, who lived inadvertently in their sin, until the Flood came and killed them all. Do not be like them, because I say to ye, Divine Justice is very near and woe to those who will be empedernidos, hardened in their sins, Justice will strike them from one moment to the next and truly I say unto ye: How many will be those who will repent, who will cure their live lived without God, but it will be too late. The time of conversion is now! Never has there been so many graces given to ye, for your sanctification, for your salvation as now, therefore, take advantage of this moment and convert yeselves without delay, now that I, Lucia, am so close to ye and can grant ye so many graces.
Come to Me, follow Me by the road of holiness, of prayer and of perfection, now that I let Myself be found by ye, now that I Am so close and can grant so many graces for ye, because soon I say to ye: When the Time of Mercy ends and the of Justice begins, I will sit next to the Sacred Hearts to judge the Earth and then I will no longer be your Lawyer, but yes, I will be Co-helper in God’s Justice. Therefore, I alert and warn ye: The time that you have for your conversion is very short, convert yeselves now, convert yeselves without delay, undertake a deep change in your life and do not remain at peace with your sins, because from one moment to the next, the fire of purification will fall upon the earth and I say unto ye, terrible will be to go with the enemy to the eternal flames when he grabs sinners and drags them with him to the fire which can never be extinguished by anyone.
To everyone at this time, I say: continue with all the prayers that were given to ye Here, continue with the Hour of the Saint, continue with the Trezena of the Lady Mystical Rose, because these Prayers that Heaven loves so much and that have so much power, will help ye in the perfect conversion of your hearts and also in the perfect conversion of all your brethren.
I, Lucia, am very happy with all of ye, that ye are striving to obey the Messages that the Mother of God give ye Here and for being, increasing each day, holy and friends of the Lord.
To everyone at this time, I bless with love, especially you, Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees, the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God and the most dedicated of the Lord’s servants.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”



(Mary Most Holy): “My beloved children, today, the 7th, day I which you commemorate another Monthly Anniversary of My Apparitions Here, in Jacareí, I come to tell ye once more: I Am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. So, I came from Heaven to bring ye Peace, to bring ye the Messages of Peace from the Most High, to, with them, lead ye by the road of peace that is true conversion, which is only possible by the complete return of each one of ye to God and by the conformity of your souls, of your lives and of your will with God’s Will and with His Commandments.
Only when man turn to God, only when he converges his thoughts to divine thought, only when he conforms his will to the will of the Lord, truly, the heart of man will have peace and when it will be in peace, then, the whole world will have it. Therefore, little children, today I ask ye: Renounce your rebellion, your stubbornness, your disobedience, towards God and I, obey Our Messages, conform your hearts, your will with Our Will, so that truly Our Peace, heavenly peace, may reign in your hearts and in the hearts of the entire world.
Accept all My Messages that for 22 years until today, I give ye Here every day with the Angels, the Saints, with My Son Jesus and with the Lord Holy Spirit, because all these Messages of Peace want to lead ye along the path of true peace, which is the road of prayer, conversion and love of God.
I, the Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace, am with you and again thank ye for all your prayers and sacrifices, because thanks to them, My plan of Salvation is unfolding perfectly and thanks to the yes that My little child Marcos gave Me first of all and then all of ye, My Work of World Salvation, My Plan of the Salvation of souls, Here in this place and from Here in the world, these Plans of Mine are being performed perfectly and now I advance hastily to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Today, which is also the Anniversary of the day in which My Miraculous Image arrived for the first time, again I bless ye thought It and say unto ye: Anyone who prays in front of it, with an open heart, will receive from Me all the graces necessary for their sanctification and their eternal salvation.
To all of ye, My dear children, with all the love of My Immaculate Heart at this moment, from Fatima, from Puilaurens (France) and from Jacareí.”


(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, when you contemplate the Birth of your Most Holy Mother, again I come to tell ye: I Am the Dawn of your salvation, the Dawn of Grace, of Peace and of Love for ye. And in My Birth has dawned for ye the Dawn of World Redemption and also of your Mother newly born today, descends upon ye the rays of Divine Mercy of God's love and of the tenderness of My Immaculate Heart.

Open the doors of your souls and of your hearts widely to Me, so that these rays enter in your souls, transform your hearts and your lives, completely in that which the Lord desires and that I, too, want you to become a living example of holiness, in a ardent flame of pure love.

From My newly born Body today, from your newborn Mother, descends upon everyone the Flame of Love from the Holy Spirit, to burn in ye all sin, to scorch your souls of pure and holy love and to perfectly accomplish in ye the divine purpose of the Most High, leading ye ever more on the path of holiness, of love and of grace to the greatest heights of spiritual perfection. In your newborn Mother is your hope, because in your Mother who is being born exempt from all stain of sin, in your Mother who is being born all loved by God, all embalmed by the graces and privileges with which the Lord hath garnished Me. In your newborn Mother who is born powerful like an army in order of battle, terrible for the demons, glorious like a Sun. In your newborn Mother resides all hope, because She is already for ye, the sure sign of victory of good over evil, of grace over sin, of light over darkness and of the righteous over sinners.

Therefore, look at Me and fill yeselves with confidence and hope, that your Most Holy Mother, at the end of this great battle that She is waging against Her adversary, She will be the only one who will come out victorious and that She, ever since the first instant of Her Immaculate Conception and Her Birth, is already by Herself victorious and was already born powerful to crush and eradicate all evil.

Continue to do all the prayers that I gave ye here. Continue praying the Holy Rosary with love and with all your heart every day. I initiated a new phase in the My Plans, for the salvation of Brazil and the world, when these daily Cenacles started for ye a month or so ago and My Plan continues. You must now give Me your yes, obey Me in everything, correspond with Me in everything and let Me truly rule your lives, lead ye along the path of prayer and holiness, so that the whole world is finally scorched, burned with My Flame of Love and thus the Triumph of My Heart takes place as soon as My Son Jesus comes to establish His Kingdom of Grace in your midst.

To everyone, at this moment, I bless generously, from La Salette, from Medjugorje and from Jacareí.

Peace, My beloved children. Peace to you, Marcos, the most obedient of My children.”





(Mary Most Holy): “My dear children, today, when ye celebrate My Feast as Lady and Queen of Angels, I call ye to imitate the Holy Angels in Their Love and Faithfulness to God, in Their Love and Obedience to Me. So then, ye may be similar to Them in love, in obedience, in fidelity to divine will, and thus, ye also will be loved by the Lord as They are and you can one day dwell in the eternal glory along with Them, with the Angels, to praise the Lord for all eternity.
Imitate the Lord’s Angels in Their great Love to God, have your heart always inflamed with love for the Lord as the Holy Angels have, seek to not only do what pleases the Lord, but that which most pleases Him. Do not seek only to do what is good, but seek to always do the best for the Lord and for the salvation of souls, giving all of yourselves for the realization of the Lord's Plan for all of humanity.
Imitate the Lord’s Angels in their faithfulness and obedience to the Lord and to Me. Like the Angels, obey in everything that We command ye in Our Messages, because They are for your good and are the path of holiness that God in these times opened for ye, so that ye could get to Heaven and so that ye could escape from the great Apostasy, of the great loss of faith, that in these times has already swallowed so many.
Pray. Pray a lot, because only those who pray a lot will be able to be obedient to the Holy Angels. The obedience of the Angels is perfect; they do not question the Lord’s Orders, nor Mine. They do not retort what is commanded of Them, They do not ask themselves why such an order was given to Them, they fulfill them with pleasure, with all love and faithfulness, with all readiness, speed, love and unveiling. Thus, ye also ought to be for the greater glory of God, for the greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, for the sanctification of your souls and the salvation of the souls of your brethren throughout the world. Ask the Holy Angels for the grace of perfect obedience and They will give it to you, because the Lord is pleased to grant all that is asked by the powerful intercession of His Holy Angels. And I as Queen of All of Them, very much also Am pleased in succoring all My children and My devotees, granting many graces through Them.
Therefore, My little children, pray more to the Holy Angels. The reason you so often fall into sin and in Satan's temptations, is that you still have a very weak love for the Holy Angels. Pray more. Pray the Holy Rosary. Pray three hours per day as I have asked ye. Do not say that the prayers that I command ye to do are very long, but yes, when ye feel tired in them, say: 'It is my love that is too short.’ Ask for the increase of your love. The soul that loves Me very much, prays very much; the soul that loves Me a little, prays a little. Ask in ye the increase of love.
To everyone at this moment, I bless generously from La Salette, from Casalincontrada (Italy) and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “See You soon.”


(Most Holy Mary): “Beloved children, today, I invite ye once more to the perfect love to the Lord. Open your hearts to God’s Love and let Him come into your life, acting in your life and transforming your life.

Ye must open your hearts, so that God can enter in them and act in your life. Without your yes, God cannot enter in your hearts; so, open your hearts to the Lord. If ye let yeselves be invaded, filled with the love of God, He will give your souls and your hearts so much peace and so much love, that ye will never be the same again. Seek the true and perfect encounter with God and then, My dear children, His Love will fill your heart.

Pray with your heart. Praying with your heart, ye will have the true and perfect encounter with God. Then, you will feel His Presence, you will feel His Love, you will feel His affection, His Divine embrace and your souls will be inflamed in the flame of His Love.

To everyone today, I bless, from Lourdes, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.

Peace, My children that I love so much and who help Me so much with your prayers.

Peace to you, Marcos, the most obedient of My children.”

(Marcos): “Yes, see You soon, Lady.”

JACAREÍ, JULY 25, 2013


“My beloved brethren, today, I, Gerard, Servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God, rejoice for coming to give ye My Message and bless ye once again.
I urge you, truly, to put your hearts in Heaven, in God, and that He always be your treasure, your love, your peace and your hope, in order that your hearts do not grow weary on the walk on this earth, but that they remain faithful to the Lord and burning of love towards Him, doing everything to please Him and also to be able to obtain of the salvation of your souls.
Lift up your hearts! May your heart always be on the Lord. May your eyes always be fixed on God. May your joy, which is your love, which is your live and hope and may your eyes never set themselves in the vain and transitory things of this world that cannot give you the true peace and the true happiness that you hunger and thirst for in your soul. And may your heart seek thus always more, the heavenly things which are eternal, so that you have in your hearts the true life in God.
Lift up your hearts! May your heart always be desirous of Heaven, always willing to be Santos to thus give greater joy to God and the Most Holy Virgin. May your hearts always be full of desire to be perfect, as the Lord, your Father in Heaven is perfect. And that your heart always being more on things above, always seeks to become more similar to the Heart of Jesus, to the Virgin's Immaculate Heart, to the Heart of Saint Joseph and lead all souls to also resemble Their Hearts.
I, Gerard, am with you, love ye with all My Heart and pray for ye incessantly so that ye can be Saints for the greater joy, glory and triumph of God in the world, in souls, in families, in every nation.
To everyone now I bless and especially to you Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and the most obedient of the Mother of God’s children.
To everyone at this moment, I bless with love.”




“Dear children, today again, I thank ye for all the prayers, sacrifices and for everything that you have done to make My Apparitions and Messages known to all My children of the whole world.
My Heart exults with joy for this and now, go forward, increasingly growing in prayer with the heart, in the practice of all the Messages that I have given ye Here, seeking ever more to annihilate every inordinate desire from your hearts, mortify your will and truly seek to do the Lord's Will.
I love ye very much! I chose ye one by one, I loved ye first and called ye to be all Mine, but many of ye, many of My children, still need to put Me first in their lives so that I can be the absolute Lady of your hearts and rip from them anything that is contrary to My Son Jesus and to His Holy Will. If ye put Me first, then, the Holy Spirit will look at ye with love, with pleasure, will descend upon ye and will fill ye of His graces, of His Love and will turn ye into great Saints for the greater glory of God and of My Heart.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day and all the Hours of Prayer that I gave ye Here.To everyone, I bless generously now, from La Salette, from Caravaggio and from Jacareí.
Peace, Marcos, the most striven and dedicated of My children.Peace to all of ye, children that I love so much. Stay in the peace of the Lord.”

(Marcos): “Yes, beloved Saint Lucy. Yes. Yes.”


“My beloved brethren, I, Lucia, Lucy of Syracuse, I rejoice for coming again today to give ye My Message. Yes, as Paul of the Cross told ye yesterday: Love the love on the Cross, giving Him not only a part of your heart, but all your heart, so that the love on the Cross, Jesus, is truly the Sovereign King of all your hearts, of all your souls.
Love the Love on the Cross, giving Jesus all your being, consecrating your life to His service, to make Him more known and more loved by all men. Walk, talk, bring His Love, His Word, His Messages, the Messages from the Mother of God to everyone’s knowledge, so that everyone knows the Love on the Cross and love the Love on the Cross.
Love the Love on the Cross, conquering new souls for Him, talking to them that He gave His life for Them, that He loved them first, so that they then feel the great love of Jesus and surrender their hearts to Jesus as I surrendered, for it was the knowledge that Jesus had first loved Me and had given His life for Me, had shed all His Blood for Me until the last drop, that converted Me and made Me want to become Catholic, that made Me love Jesus with all the My Heart until suffering Martyrdom.
Love the love on the Cross, living a life of sweet intimacy with Him, spending a lot of time in sweet prayer with Him, in sweet contact with Him, loving Him, comforting Him, blessing Him, serving Him, while so many do not want to love Him and despise His Love.
Thus, ye will truly be friends of the Cross, friends of the Love of the Cross and your heart will truly be hidden in Christ and Christ will live in ye.
Continue with all the prayers that were given to ye Here, in the moments of tribulation, call upon Me and I will come help ye, I will do the best for ye.
To everyone, I bless at this time, with all My love and especially to you Marcos, the ardent of My devotees and of My friends.”

(Marcos): “See You soon. See You soon, beloved Saint Lucia. See You soon, Mother from Heaven.”



(Marcos): “May Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
(Most Holy Mary): “My dear children, today, on this night I invite ye to love more My Medal of Peace that I gave ye Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí in the year of 1993.
Love more this Medal that came from the depths of My Immaculate Heart and that is the greatest gift of My Love for all of ye in these times; it is the very strong shield that I gave for ye to defend yeselves from Satan's attacks, of all kinds of evil that exist in the world and to keep ye increasingly from the evil one and you may walk more tranquil, strongly, swiftly and decisively on the path of holiness that I showed ye in My Messages.
Verily I say to ye: whosoever uses this Medal of Mine, I promise to defend in every danger they find themseves. They will be defended by Me from all of Satan's attacks and My enemy will not be able to harm them. They will also not be plagued by temporal, much less spiritual misery. Through this Medal of Mine, I will grant all the graces that are asked for, provided they are not contrary to God's Will. I will grant everything to those who come to Me with confidence via this Medal. I promise to free the demon possessed upon whom this My Medal is placed. I also promise to deliver the homes, places of all demonic infestation and keep all your homes under My Mantle, in the love and grace of God. I also promise that they will be freed from Purgatory on the same day they die those who use My Medal of Peace with love.
Use It, use It with love and devotion so that the graces from My Immaculate Heart increasingly descend upon ye and accomplish in ye My plan of salvation that will lead ye to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Continue to pray all the prayers that I gave ye Here every day, continue to pray every Wednesday, as you did today the Hour of Saints because this prayer causes all the Celestial Court, all the Saints, all the Martyrs to offer Their merits to God, to the Most Holy Trinity to achieve for ye many graces and blessings and at the same time causes all hell to be shaken, because this Prayer is the terror of demons.
Pray, pray and pray. Prayer is the world’s salvation.
To everyone at this moment, I bless with love and especially to you, Marcos, the most striven of My children, from Montichiari, from Kerizinen and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, yes. I will say it, yes. See You soon.”

JACAREÍ, JULY 1, 2013 


“My dear children, today, this night, I come again to say unto ye: Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding and all your being. Put the Lord first in your lives, put My Apparitions also first in your lives and God will bless your lives, sanctify them and make them fruitful for your salvation and the salvation of so many souls.
How do you know if you have already put God first in your lives? If you think of Him continually with love, if you speak of Him to all those ye can, if between your will and His will, you prefer His, if the purpose of all your deeds, actions and works are to please God, if you seek to conquer always more hearts to Him, if between serving the sinful desires of your heart and obeying God's Commandments, you prefer the God's Commandments even if it costs ye. And thus My children, you can see if your put God first, if prayer is first in your life, if love towards God and towards His Commandments is first in your life. Then, you truly already love God more than yeselves and more than the whole world.
If your heart still does not love the Lord perfectly, this is the propitious time for your conversion, so that you seek to love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding. The time in which I remain Here with you in My Apparitions has this purpose: of leading ye to love God with all your heart, with all your soul more than yourselves. This and reflect in your hearts, between obeying My Messages and doing your will, what do you prefer? The prayers that I have asked ye to do are already in first place in your life? That which I ask ye Here in My Apparitions in Jacarei is already in the foreground, in first place in your life, in your existence, in your heart? Between My desire and your desire, what do you prefer? What do you choose? If your heart still have not put My Apparitions first, here is the propitious time to do it while it is still time of Mercy, because verily I say unto ye, soon this time will end and woe to those who will not have put God, Me and My Messages first, they will be like firwood to burn in blazing fire.
Therefore I invite ye My beloved childen, convert your hearts, put God and Me first and We too will consider your prayers and will put ye in the depths of Our Hearts.
Continue to come to Me every day, Here in the Broadcast of My Apparition, in My school of Holiness, so that I can continue your conversion. I Am overjoyed with all of ye My children, in ye I Am truly loved, glorified, served and obeyed firstly by My little child Marcos who twenty-two years ago gave his full, total, without reservations, without limits yes to Me and then in My Slaves of Love Here who with him have consecrated themselves Here and in My children who each in their state of life also gave Me their yes and seek with all their heart to correspond to My desires.
To everyone at this time, I bless generously from San Damiano, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, rest in the Lord’s peace."

(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, My dear Mother, see You soon.”




“My beloved brethren, I, Gerard, rejoice for being with you today once again, to give ye My Message and bless ye. I love ye very much! I Am with you in every moment of your lives and again invite ye to have Jesus as the treasure of your heart, and only Jesus, so then, your heart having Jesus as its only treasure, is with Jesus and Jesus is with you, thus, ye are one with Him in the love.
May Jesus be your heart’s only treasure and may you only give all your love, all your affection, all your service, all your donation, all your dedication and all your zeal to Him, seeking to love Him above all things, making Him more known and loved and doing everything to please Him, glorify Him, make Him happy, console Him and make Him loved.
May Jesus be your heart’s only treasure and that in Him and only in Him your eyes be set. Do not look at the vain things of this world, do not look at the glories of this world, which pass with the time and even before death, nothing remains of them. Set your eyes only on Jesus, who is the eternal reward that never passes. If Jesus is the treasure of your heart, then He will also be your eternal inheritance, and He will remain with you forever and unto the ages of ages He will make you partakers of His glory and His eternal happiness in Heaven
May Jesus be your only treasure and that for Him, you only live for Him, you only give your life for Him, you only pour out your blood for Him, for Him only you live to serve Him, glorify Him, worship Him and love Him and together with Most Holy Mother you live to make Them known, loved and obeyed by all men. If you imitate Me in this and if you make of Jesus the treasure of your heart, then, truly, one day, you will live gloriously with Jesus in eternal glory, gloriously with His Most Holy Mother and with all of Heaven’s Angels and Saints and your eternal happiness will never end.
I, Gerard, love ye very much, bless ye. Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day with love and perseverance, continue to do all the Prayers that the Sacred Hearts sent ye Here, so thus, Jesus is, increasingly, the only treasure of your heart and also the Immaculate Virgin is the only precious pearl of your heart, by which you leave everything to possess Her, love Her, serve Her and glorify Her.
To everyone, at this moment, I bless, with all My love.”

JACAREÍ, JUNE 26, 2013






(Marcos): “May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be forever praised! Yes. Yes...”

(Our Lady): “My beloved children, today, I thank ye for all your prayers and your sacrifices. Because you answered ‘yes’ to Me, because you help Me every day with these prayers that you make Here at night along with My little child Marcos, Here in My Shrine and other prayers and sacrifices that you make, My plan of salvation is unfolding and going perfectly. My works will reach Their full success and Triumph and soon, not only Brazil, but the world will be freed by Me from the predominance of Satan.
Now, you must pray even more and fulfill everything that I tell ye for the salvation of humanity. Keep peace in your hearts, do not give way to temptation, do not give way to the devil, paying attention to the suggestions that he puts in your hearts and in your thoughts to offend God, close your hearts and the senses of your souls to him, turning your thoughts to God, to Me, to the Saints, reading and meditating on the life of the Saints and My Messages, living a life of intense prayer, especially, praying with your heart as My little child Marcos knows how to do very well and as I Myself personally taught him since the beginning of the Apparitions.
Pray My Rosary, pray the Chaplet of Tears, of Triumph and all the Chaplets that I gave ye, because with the prayers, ye will increasingly fend off far away the devil with his suggestions and his temptations. My Immaculate Heart watches over ye day and night, My Immaculate Heart offers Its merits to the Most Holy Trinity every day to achieve the grace of salvation for ye. From My Immaculate Heart will come for ye the bright day of salvation, of grace and of peace.
Come Here in My Sanctuary! Seek refuge in this place where I dwell day and night. Here, I will cumulate ye of My graces, Here I will cumulate ye always more of My Love. Drink from the water of the Source that I blessed for ye Here, love this water more, trust in the power of My Immaculate Heart along with God, those who believe that I can do everything together with God and who drink of the water of My Source with love and trust , to these I will deny nothing, I will refuse no grace.
To everyone now, I bless with love, especially you Marcos, the most striven of My children and all My dear children who now hear Me, love Me and sincerely obey all My Messages. I bless ye from La Salette, from Kerizinen and from Jacarei. Peace to ye all."

(Marcos): “Yes... Yes... See You soon, Lady. Thank You very much.”

JACAREÍ, JUNE 21, 2013


(Marcos): “May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! Yes, yes, that is already done; it is already there. I will resume, yes.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, on this night, I invite ye again to be faithful and persevering in My School Holiness, which are My Apparitions Here in Jacarei.
Put My Apparitions in first place. Put My Apparitions in first place and God will also put ye in first place in His Love. When ye put God, Me and My Apparitions first in your lives, then, the Holy Spirit will act powerfully in your existence, performing great graces, wonders and transformations, in, around and outside of ye. The reason why so many times your life is in deep spiritual poverty is because you still have not placed My Apparitions first, so the Holy Spirit is offended and that's why he does not lower, He does not descend upon your souls, does not act in ye because He does not find Me, I, His Most Chaste and Divine Spouse, in first place in your hearts. Place Me with My Apparitions first and then the Holy Spirit will be pleased with your souls, will descend upon ye and will perform in your hearts a deep, immense and intense transformation.
Today, I want to ask ye: Pray the Chaplet of My Tears more, because with this Chaplet, I drive out Satan from your souls, from your families, from your nation and from the whole world. He, the great dragon with seven heads, now roams the earth and drags with his tail all nations and all souls to lead everyone to condemnation, enticing everyone to the life of sin. I come to fight him again and to make the First Commandment of the Law of God be loved, respected and fulfilled.
Therefore My children, I ask ye once more: Put God, Me, your Mother and My Apparitions in first place and then My Triumph against the great dragon will be truly reality in the midst of you and will happen soon, because My time has come.
Persevere in My School of Love and of Holiness, being true spiritual daisies of humility, docility to My Voice, love, obedience, renouncing everything that takes you away from God, takes you away from Me and everything that weakens prayer in your souls.
To everyone at this moment, I bless generously, especially all My children who hear Me with love now, to all who are present Here and to you Marcos, the most striven and dedicated of My children. I thank you for the new Meditated Rosary (Nº 288) that you recorded for Me during the afternoon. Each new Meditated Rosary that you do for Me provokes not only in Me but also in the Lord God and all the Angels and Saints: a great joy, a great jubilation, a great satisfaction and the Divine Mercy cancels so many punishments that should have come into the world to punish it of its crimes and sins and a rain of mercy descends upon the whole earth.

To all of ye at this moment, I bless from Fatima, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, yes! See You soon, dear Mother from Heaven.”

JACAREÍ, JUNE 20, 2013




(Marcos): “Yes...”

(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, I bless ye once again and give ye My Peace.

On this holy night of so many blessings for ye, I come to call ye again to be small daisies of simplicity and love.

Be small daisies of simplicity and love, seeking to live always more in God’s Love, seeking to live increasingly more separated from the vain things of this world which take ye away from God, which lead ye to sin and that occupy your heart with so many things that take God’s place, that suffocate the Holy Spirit’s grace in ye, thus making ye empty, cold and arid.

Being daisies of simplicity and love, your souls will truly please God, will seek heavenly things, will truly esteem heavenly things, which are those that truly have everlasting value. Thus, your souls will sanctify the time of your life here on earth doing good works for the glory of God, the Holy Trinity and the good of your souls and the souls of the whole world.

Be daisies of simplicity and love, living a life of deep prayer, seeking increasingly each day to make your prayer more alive, more intense, deeper, more ardent, opening your hearts to God and truly answering 'yes' to Him, fulfilling His will and His plan of love for all of ye. This way, the Lord's plan will be fulfilled in your lives, all the obstacles that until today have prevented ye from walking well on the road of holiness will fall to the ground, all the shackles and chains that bind ye to sin will be broken and your souls will run faster and speedy toward the great holiness that God desires of ye and the crown of eternal life which God prepares for ye.

Imitate My virtues. Imitating Me, ye will be true daisies of simplicity and love, thus, the scent and charm of your simplicity and at the same time of your beauty will attract the eyes of the Almighty unto you, He will take pleasure in ye, will bless ye and will perform in ye His divine will, transforming ye into a marvelous and splendid work of spiritual perfection and of holiness.

Continue praying all the Prayers that I have given ye Here, all the Holy Hours, all the Rosaries, the Chaplet of My Tears, as well as the Chaplet of My Triumph and the Chaplets dedicated to the Saints, because through them I will transform ye always more and increasingly each day into perfect daisies of simplicity and love.

To everyone at this moment, I bless lovingly and generously to all My children who now hear Me, open their hearts to Me, let Me enter in their homes, in their families, in their souls, to all of ye who are Here and especially to you Marcos, the most striven and dedicated of My children, who even today you are not feeling totally in good health, even so, you come Here to serve Me and give Me further proof of My great love. To you and all My children who love Me, who listen to Me, who serve Me and give Me the daisies of their hearts, to everyone, I bless you all now, from Pellevoisin, from La Salette and from Jacarei.

Peace, My beloved children. Put God and My Apparitions in first place in your lives and God’s Grace will also put ye in first place when you need it.”

JACAREÍ, JUNE 19, 2013 





(Marcos): “May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!...”


“My beloved brethren, I, Valerie, rejoice to come give ye My second Message. I poured My Blood for the Lord and for the Mother of God, I gave My Life in sacrifice, in defense of the Holy Catholic Faith, giving all for all, love for love and life for life, and thus, ye must also give the Lord all for all, love for love, life for life.

Life for life, just as the Lord delivered and gave all His Life for love of ye, ye also ought to give your whole life to the Lord, putting Him first in your life, doing everything to obey His Commandments, doing everything not to disgust-Him with sin and thus the true and holy fear of God, this way your life will truly be a perfect hymn of love for the Lord and then, God will be pleased with you and pour His Grace and His Mercy in your hearts.

Life for life, give your whole life to the Lord, obeying the Messages that the Mother of God and that We, the Saints of the Celestial Court give ye Here. Give all your life to God that He truly perform in your hearts: His grace, His love and His Mercy and so God rejoices in ye and gives ye His peace.

Obey the Messages that Heaven give ye Here with all your heart and your love, because doing so truly you will remove from the throne of your hearts all the enemies, all the human attachments, all the sins and all the vices that in your hearts and souls have taken the place of God and then, He will once again be the true and only King of your hearts.

I, Valerie, am by your side and will help ye be increasingly more holy and to give all your life to the Lord with love and with fidelity. Renounce your will, it is the biggest enemy of your sanctification and which prevents your souls to truly climb fast like Me to the Holy Mountain of perfection.

Continue with all the prayers that have been given to ye Here. Through them, your souls will be much more holy and will have the great interior strength to say no, to renounce yeselves and your will and to put God, Most Holy Mary and Their Apparitions Here in first place in your lives.

To everyone at this moment, I bless with love and with all My Heart. I bless all those who are hearing Me now, to all those who are present Here and primarily to you Marcos, the most striven of the children of the Mother of God and the most beloved and dear of all of Us, the Saints in Heaven.”

(Marcos): “Yes beloved Saint Valerie thank You. Yes, thanks, see You soon. See You soon, dear Mother from Heaven.”

JACAREÍ, JUNE 18, 2013




(Marcos): “Yes... Yes... Yes...”

(Saint Gerard): “My beloved brethren, today, on this night, I bless ye with all My Love and tell ye: Be true flames of love for the Mother of God, praying the Holy Rosary every day with true devotion, with true desire to please Her Immaculate Heart and causing Her to be increasingly loved and more served by the Prayer of the Holy Rosary
If ye are true flames of love for the Mother of God, ye will spread for this world the fire of true love towards Her and this flame, this fire of love will spread from heart to heart, transforming souls into many other flames of love until turning this world into a most ardent furnace of love.
I, Gerard Majella, want to help ye to transform ye into this flame of love as I Myself was. If ye come to Me, if ye let yeselves be guided and lead by Me, then, I Myself will pass on to ye the flame of love that I always had in My Heart for the Most Holy Mother of God and that in Me burned night and day as live fire and this live fire will also burn in ye leading ye to accomplish great things for Her and in Her honor.
I, Gerard, am with you and will take your hands to help ye to pray more and more the Holy Rosary with love, until your souls turn into live flames of love.
To everyone at this moment and especially to you Marcos, I also bless in a most special way to all those who with you this night fought so much so that this Apparition of Mine and this Message of Mine could be seen by all the souls of the whole world. I bless ye with love and tell ye: ye garnered many merits in Heaven. Continue to fight so that the Messages from the Sacred Hearts, so that the Messages that We from Heaven give ye here get to all hearts because in these Messages is the salvation of all of humanity.
I bless you all now with Love.”

(Marcos): “See You soon, dear Mother from Heaven. See You soon, beloved Saint Gerard.”

JACAREI. JUNE 17, 2013



(Marcos): “Yes. Yes, beloved Mother from Heaven, yes.”

(Most Holy Mary): “My beloved children, today, on this night when I start My Daily School of Salvation for ye all, I come once again to call ye to the true love that pleases God and that causes your souls to closely resemble God’s own holiness. If today, your souls say yes to the Lord’s call, then your souls will become living reflections of God’s love.

The darkness of sin and evil now covers the world and it is necessary that a great light shine for the whole Earth, it is necessary that the great light of God’s love shine through the Apostles of the End Times, the Apostles of My Immaculate Heart. Ye are called to be these Apostles, therefore open your hearts to the flame of Divine Love, so that He may descend upon your souls and transform them completely.

Give Me today the total, perfect, unrestricted, unreserved yes of your hearts and of your souls, and then, I, My children, will triumph in your hearts, will transform ye in the True Apostles of the End Times that I asked so much in La Salette, in El Escorial and Here that ye be. Then, the light of divine love in your souls, the light of your holiness united to Mine shall shine in this world enveloped in darkness and finally sin and Satan's empire will be destroyed.
Continue praying all the prayers that I have given ye, primarily the Meditated Holy Rosary that My little child Marcos made for ye. Here in My throne of grace, in this place where I am perfectly loved, served and glorified, My heart reposes day and night, rests and Here gives to all My children, always more light, grace and salvation.

Today, I start a decisive part of the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, of My Plan of Salvation in Brazil and in the world. Thank you for having been helping Me to fulfill another stage of My Plan. Follow obeying My Plans, My children, as My little child Marcos obediently does, who, most obedient to My all Orders and to My Voice, did everything and does everything for the greatest victory of My Heart.

Work with Me, continue with Me on the Road of Holiness and now every night come to Me so that I educate ye, form ye for holiness and lead ye finally to the definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, that is now closer to ye than ever before, because today, a great light starts to shine for all of Brazil and for the whole world from this Holy Place where My Mystical Light reflects upon all of humanity for its Salvation.

Thank you for having answered My Call, for having obeyed My Messages and for being My darling and beloved children.
To everyone today, I bless from Fatima, from La Salette and from Jacareí.
Peace, My children. Peace, Marcos, the most striven and dedicated of My children.”

(Marcos): “See You soon dear Mother from Heaven. See You tomorrow.”

JACAREI, MAY 19, 2013


"Beloved brethren of Mine, I, Rita of Cassia, bless ye today and give ye peace.
Live of love as I lived, seeking in all the moments and actions of your life to love Jesus, to please Him with your deeds, thoughts and words, so that from all your being, a true incense of pure love ascends every day to His Sacred Heart in Heaven and He can see Himself perfectly loved, glorified, worshipped and served by all of ye.
Live of love, seeking to impress upon all your works, perfect love for God. In nothing seek to mix your human will with God's will, but by virtue of prudence, ponder all your actions if you are doing your works by pure love of God or if there is mixing of your will, so that, indeed, your works will be perfect in God’s Eyes and therefore worthy of merit before Him, so that your life will be enriched ever more in God’s eyes and can, at the same time, sprinkle to all the other souls the scent of your spiritual beauty and at the same time radiate the light of truth, holiness and perfection of the spirit so that all other souls, seeing your works, learn with you how to live of love and how to please God with perfect love.
Live of love, seeking to do everything for love of the Lord and even in the difficult, arduous things, that require from ye: sacrifice, abnegation and effort, seek in everything to do everything for love so that God, seeing your deeds, can also cast His blessing and the Holy Spirit looks with satisfaction to that which you are doing and also prints His divine unction in your works, so they produce abundant fruits of holiness, for ye as well as for the souls of your brethren.
Live of love, seeking in divine love, in divine charity, all the inspiration for your deeds, all the patience in the tribulations and sufferings, all the fortitude before the challenges, dangers and difficult situations of this life, all the serenity in the midst of turmoil, of the convulsion and confusion that now reign in this world falling into sin. May love, divine charity, be for ye the source of wisdom, of council, so that ye not only know what most pleases God, but also can announce this by your words and by your deeds to as many people as ye can and meet.
Live of love, seeking in this divine love and in this divine charity all the light for your journey in this world, so that even having to go through thorns as I had to go through, ye can pass with security and serenity always going forward towards Heaven that awaits ye, where there are only roses without thorns and where ye will be together with Me, happy forever in God and with God.
I had to go through painful thorns when I was on Earth, but I conquered it all living of love and living for Divine Love, living for God and doing everything and suffering with love and patience, resignation and abnegation for Him. If ye also do this, ye will also, like Me, go through thorns like scented roses and after this life, ye will arrive, like Me, happy to Heaven's glory. It is quite true that as I often took some jabs from these thorns and poured some drops of blood in the midst of tribulations by which I had to go through, it is quite true that ye too sometimes may receive some jabs and may pour even tears and some drops of your blood in this life, but after the sufferings of your existence on Earth, you will get to that Garden, that eternal Rose Garden without thorns, in which I find Myself and along with Me, ye will sing the praises and the glories of the Lord who did wonders in ye, as He did in Me.
I, Rita of Cassia, will help ye to live of love, in other words, to live increasingly full of this love, aflame by this love, immersed in this love and dependent o this love, in other words, in everything seeking this love in God through prayer to do everything with this Love, to donate this Love and sprinkle this Love to everyone.
I cover ye with My Mantle and protect ye in all your dangers, in all your sufferings, read the book of the Crucifix and the book of the Rosary, the two books by which I studied, learned holiness and became Holy. With the Crucifix, you will learn to suffer, you will learn that your sufferings compared to those of Jesus, are nothing! And if He accepted pain and suffering to prove to ye that He loved ye, ye also must take your cross with and resignation to prove your love for Him. And in the book of the Rosary, ye will learn all the virtues that the Most Holy Virgin practiced in a most eminent degree, above all, Her love, and then you will learn like me to live of love, a live by Love as the Blessed Virgin becoming a living Rosary made of mystical roses: white of prayer, red of sacrifice and yellow gold of pure love, of perfect penance, of contrition pleasing to God.
To everyone today, at this moment, I bless and say unto ye: Continue doing all the prayers that Heaven gave ye Here, especially the Hour of the Saints, by which I and all the Saints whom you contemplate in it, listen to and to whom you pray, perform in your souls great things, great holy works of love.
Here, in this place that is My second Cascia, that is My second Heaven, My second Roseto, My second Garden of precious roses, I feel loved, I feel imitated, glorified and praised, loved by all who after having known My Life through the video that My most beloved Marcos made for ye, have already given Me their hearts, have already become more than My friends, My brethren inflamed of love who want to follow Me by the rod of holiness. Here, in these souls who love Me so much and especially in My most beloved Marcos, who among all, is the most inflamed of My devotees, I Am comforted, I Am loved and can truly make shine the Lord's glory, which transformed Me in a precious Rose of Paradise, which still sprinkles the heavenly scent of God's love upon all of ye.
Here, which is My second Rosette, My second Rose garden where I cultivate the most precious roses of My love, of the imitation of My virtues, of purity, of humility, of docility, I Am glorified and today upon all of ye, I pour the abundance of My heavenly graces."
(long pause)
"Lift all your Rosaries now that I will bless them with a special blessing." (long pause)

(Marcos): “See You soon...”



“My beloved children, today when you are already celebrating the ANNIVERSARY OF THE REVELATION OF THE MEDAL OF MY MOST LOVING HEART to My little child Marcos, I again come to bless ye and give peace.
The Medal of My Heart is a marvelous grace of My love for all of humanity! When I gave this Medal of Mine Here, two years ago, My Most Loving Heart has dilated so much in Its ardent love for ye and it is from this great Love, from the depths of this great love that My Medal came for ye, the Medal of My Heart that I give ye as the last hope of salvation, as a most powerful shield against all the forces of evil and as the channel and valuable way so that My graces can get to ye and thus your life can be increasingly blessed and full of God's Love.
The Medal of My Heart is a marvelous grace of My Love and of the love of the Most Holy Trinity, for the Holy Trinity granted Me all the power in Heaven and on Earth, made Me the administrator, cellarer and treasure of all His goods and She, She Herself determined that I give His graces to whoever I want, how much I want and when I want. And in My great love for My little child Marcos, for My Slaves of Love who give their lives for Me Here and also for all of ye My pilgrim children, in this great love of Mine towards all of ye, I decided to give Here in Jacareí, to the whole world, the Medal of My Heart. This grace that has been kept for two thousand years, to then, be given to ye only now is the greatest grace of all time that I have offered and I offer to humanity. Carry My Medal upon your heart, use it with love and trust and I promise through It lead ye by the safe path of holiness that leads to Heaven.
Sin no more. Do not offend the Lord anymore who is already very offended. Do not be ungrateful because the ungrateful are detested by the Lord and even by men. Do not be dishonest, because the dishonest will not enter in the Kingdom of Heaven. Repay even a matchstick to those whom you owe. Do not be impure, My children, in your deeds, in your labors, works and actions. Do everything with honesty, everything with love and everything with faithfulness to God's Commandments, so that He cast His blessing in your life, in your works and thus you can walk ever more in peace.
Continue praying My Hour of Prayer every Sunday, this Hour of Prayer that I love so much will give ye that great peace of heart, will give ye that great holiness that I wish to give the whole world and I will protect your families of all the attacks from Satan through It.
Here, where My Most Loving Heart gave the greatest grace of all for the whole world, I bless ye on this happy day with all the generosity of My Heart, from NAZARETH, from BETHLEHEM and from JACAREÍ. Peace.”


“My beloved children, today, I, the MOTHER OF ETERNAL LOVE, come again to tell ye: Pray, pray and pray. Only with prayer, you will be able to overcome all the sufferings of your life. I love ye so much and My Heart does not tire of attracting ye with graces, signs, blessings and prodigies in every way so that your souls may be opened to God's love, get close to My Immaculate Heart so that I can lead ye more and more by the road of salvation, of holiness and of peace.
My Flame of Love runs looking for you, how She desires to burn ye with love for the Lord, how She desires to turn ye into true furnaces burning with love for the Lord. Oh, do not negate receiving My Flame of Love in ye, but rather welcome it in your hearts and let her accomplish in ye the great conversion that the Lord expects and asks of each one of ye. Each one of ye who is Here, who came Here in the Apparitions of Jacareí, each one of ye who hears Me now was loved by Me with a love so great that if it were fire, it would dissolve all the universe, the whole world.
My love for ye is so immense, is so great, My children! Open your hearts, to receive this love in your hearts. Your miseries, weaknesses and limitations will be consumed in the Flame of this Love and I will show in ye My great power making My mystical light gleam and shine before all mankind. I am with you at all times and never abandon ye. In difficulties, call upon Me, call upon My Most Chaste Spouse Joseph, call upon the Saints and We will come without delay to console ye and comfort ye.
Pray the Holy Rosary every day, for with It, I will continue to accomplish your conversion and I will pour copious graces upon all of ye. The world needs many Rosaries now. I wish to accomplish great things in the world; for this, pray, pray and pray. I count on you, I am with you, I am your Mother and bless ye now from FATIMA, from COTIGNAC and from JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved children.”

(Video from this Cenacle:

(Marcos:) “Yes, beloved Lady, I am very happy that You were happy for its representation Here today. I hope to have comforted Your Heart! (Pause) Yes... Yes... As You well know, I'm halfway through it, I hope to finish it for the next few weeks and soon after, I will begin the one that will take many swords from Your Heart. (Pause) Yes... Yes... (Pause) I get it beloved Lady. I will do as You want.”


“My dear children, today I call ye again to walk by the road of true love, removing out of hearts all that which is opposed to divine love.
Love in pure transformation will only live in ye when the inordinate love of the world, of yeselves, of creatures, gets out of it, only then it will have propitious space in your hearts, to enter there, to dwell and grow in ye. Love in pure transformation seeks souls completely dead to themselves, souls emptied of themselves, oblivious of themselves, selfless to the point of completely allowing Him to do in it all He wants without placing any resistance.
Love in pure transformation that is the Holy Spirit Himself, will only enter in your souls when your will dies and then you are completely docile to His Will. Thus, the Holy Spirit will dwell in ye like in a temple, in ye will spread His fragrance softer than pure balsam, will pour olive oil in your souls, purer and smoother than the olive tree, healing in your souls all spiritual wounds, all the wounds that sin has caused in ye and defaced the beauty of your souls. Then, the Holy Spirit will restore to your souls that beauty, that beauty that it had when it was created by God and then your beauty will enchant His divine Eyes and He will be pleased in ye and will live with you.
Love in pure transformation will only dwell in ye when all inordinate love of yeselves comes out and gives place to Him, this love in pure transformation rests in pure souls, in peaceful and gentle souls, in the souls that have no vanity, in those who do not let themselves be carried away by the lust of the eyes, by the pride of life, nor by the lust of the flesh, like the dew that descends upon the lilies of the morning, so He also descends and rests on pure souls. Ye must be these souls, saying yes to everything that over the years I have taught Here and asked so that your souls can open themselves like lilies to the divine dew of the Holy Spirit and your souls can then grow in the holiness that He desires and that He awaits from you.
I Am the Spouse of pure Love in pure transformation, I Am the Most Chaste Spouse of the Holy Spirit and only in the souls in which I live, in which I reign, in which I rest as absolute Queen and Lady, only in these souls is where the Holy Spirit descends like a
to live and dwell in these souls, and rest with them forever. So, any soul that wants to receive the visit of the Holy Spirit must first know Me, love Me, honor Me, as the Fourth Commandment of God says: honor thy father and mother. That soul who honors Me will honor the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will come to Her and will live in her, the one who offends Me and who insults Me will offend the Holy Spirit Himself and He not only will not come to her as if He were in her, He will withdraw Himself and will curse her for ever and ever.
So come, My children, let yeselves truly be possessed by Me, educated by Me, formed by Me on the path of holiness, for by so doing, I will prepare ye like a beautiful and perfumed dwelling, so that My Divine Spouse comes from Heaven and abides in your soul. Pray the Holy Rosary every day; with It I purify ye, embellish ye, illuminate ye, perfume ye always more to present ye truly beautiful, pure, innocent and luminous so that the Holy Spirit delights in ye and comes live in ye.
Continue with the Hour of Peace and all the other Hours of Prayer that I gave ye Here. He who loves the Hour of Peace loves Me; he who despises the Hour of Peace despises Me. So, pray these prayers so that I can narrow even more the mystic ties that unite your souls with My Heart and may thus hasten the historical second descent of My Divine Spouse, the Holy Spirit, upon the whole world and upon your souls.
Here, in this Place, in the person, in the labor, in the work of My little child Marcos, I am deeply glorified, I am completely comforted and perfectly loved. In each work that comes out of the heart and the hands if this child of Mine, My splendor, My glory shines for all My children in order that all of them seeing My light can escape from the darkness of sin and find Me and with Me find the God of salvation and of peace. In the labor and in the work of My little child Marcos, I reflect My great light that will become increasingly more intense the more dense is the darkness covering up all the things. Truly Here, in in this son of Mine, I am exalted, I am glorified and My fruits can be seen and savored in the fruits he abundantly gives. Therefore, as I have said a short time ago in My Apparitions Here, I say again: Because My child Marcos made the Video of My Apparition to My little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres as the Lady Good Success and made Me thus known and loved by thousands and thousands of My children, I promise, to hasten the Hour of My Triumph. I also promise this year to perform wonders as I have never done before in your lives, I promise to pour a greater infusion of My graces, of the graces of the Holy Spirit, of Mu Flame of Love over ye, over Brazil, over the whole world, I also promise to pour a most special abundance of graces over My children who truly help My son Marcos, love all the Apparitions that he puts in video offers to you and those who together with him suffer, work and fight will truly have this year a flood of new blessings descending without ceasing from My Heart upon everyone, upon all of them, upon all these children of Mine.
When a soul ascends itself, it ascends the world, when the soul grows in holiness before the Lord, the Lord who does not allow Himself to be defeated in Mercy, pours upon the whole world a shower of graces and a true flood of His Divine Mercy. Pray, pray more, for only through Prayer you will be able to make the mystical rose of perfect love grow in ye, produce the suave perfume of holiness and of perfect and holy works for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the glory of My Name that Here in these Apparitions, now, must shine with the radiance much greater than that of a thousand suns together.
Go forward, My children! I Am with you, in your sufferings fear not, non avete paura, because My Immaculate Heart follows each step and knows each tear that falls from your eyes. I Am with you, Io sono com voi. Do not be afraid.
To everyone, I bless now with love, from Lourdes, from Quito in Ecuador and from Jacareí. Peace, My beloved children. Peace, Marcos, the most striven and dedicated of My children.”


“My beloved brethren, I, Aloysius Gonzaga, exult with joy for being able to come give ye My first Message. Oh, how I love ye! Oh, how I care for ye! Oh, how I want to help ye to come to high holiness for the greater glory of God, of the Immaculate Virgin and of Saint Joseph, therefore I say unto ye: Renounce all sin, because sin kills the life of sanctifying grace in your souls. Deplore sin, leave sin once and for all, so that Satan can have no influence over ye and so that thus, the influence of the Holy Spirit increases so that with His divine influxes propel always more your souls always more forward on the road of holiness.

Renounce all sin, for sin cuts the divine link that unites ye to the Lord, that unites ye to the Mother of God and with this, ye lose the graces necessary for your sanctification, making ye increasingly tepid, languid and increasingly obscured by the darkness of evil. If you renounce sin, your soul, well united, bonded to the Lord and to the Mother of God, will receive from Them the inflows necessary, the graces necessary for your sanctification, and so I say unto ye say: Not even all of Hell could do anything against you. If your love is true, if your love is faithful and pure though you have minor defects on your person, it does not prevent ye of being saints, not even the deprivation of so many things that you love will prevent ye of being saints.
Love, the true love within ye will be decisive for your sanctification. Be not of those who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel, ie, who worry about vain insignificant things and allow sin to grow ever more in your soul. Oh, no! Do not live in peace with your sins, because if you do this, your souls will certainly condemn itself. Make war against your defects and sins and alongside prayer, grow increasingly in good works before God. It is worth little and nothing to pray but not make war against your own defects and sins. It is worth little and nothing to maintain an exterior appearance of being a servant of God if the interior is completely eaten away by the termite of sin, especially of those sins that ye do not mortify, against which you do not fight and that you silently allow to corrode your soul like a voracious termite. Oh, no! Extirpate even the smallest sin from your hearts so then, it is beautiful, pure, holy, integrate, honest, true servant of the Lord and then your prayer will be accepted by the Lord with satisfaction and pleasure. Then, She will perform in your lives Her Plan of Love and even many graces that ye ask Her in prayer. Prayer is only pleasing to the Lord when it is accompanied of the yes from the heart, of the sincere effort to overcome sin, fighting defects, of growing in the path of holiness. If you at least have this pure intention, this desire is already enough for your prayer to be welcomed in Heaven and perform great miracles in your life, great graces resounding of love.
I, Aloysius, ask ye: Renounce all sin, because sin is the causer of every evil, sorrows, discords, wars, tragedies and unhappiness that exist and happen in the world. If men renounce sin, they would be blessed by God and God would give them a life so harmonious, so beautiful and so peaceful as the one that the early Fathers had in Paradise. Propagate more the Holy Rosary, because the Rosary extirpate heresies, will combat vices and sin, will give souls the interior strength to renounce all type of sin and always more answer yes to the Lord. Continue with the Chaplet of Tears of Blood, with the Hours of Prayer that the Sacred Hearts asked ye to do Here, because with these prayers, your souls are strong, the prayer groups are strong and through your prayers, the devil is always more defeated in the world.
I, Aloysius, promise to pray for all of ye along the Sacred Hearts, to obtain for ye the necessary graces for your sanctification, but ye pray too, much of what I will be able to achieve for ye depends not only on My Prayer, but also of yours, so, we pray together and achieve the miracle of Divine Mercy for this world fallen into sin. And then, families, the youth, society, the children, the Church that is now like a leper full of wounds, opened in her by her own pastors, the bishops and priests who welcome in her interior: the errors of progressivism, of modernism, of communism, of Protestantism and of so many infernal evil together. With Our Prayer, we will achieve the miracle of Divine Mercy that will make the Church and humanity wounded to death will resurrect to a new time of holiness and of grace that We in heaven request every day for ye and want so much to being for ye. Upon this Shrine, upon this Sacred Site, today descends an abundant shower of blessings form the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of the Mother of God and especially of Saint Joseph, because today He looks with satisfaction, com predilection and with utmost joy to the great Image of His Most Loving Heart placed Here in the courtyard of this Shrine. Yes, through this new Picture, Saint Joseph’s Heart will multiply even more His Graces, His blessings and will convert many hardened hearts.
Truly I say unto ye: Whosoever kneels before this Image with a sincere heart and supplicates the help of Saint Joseph, to this soul, to this child will be shown the safe road of holiness and this soul will walk with a firm step on the road of perfection, because not only Joseph, but I too and all the Saints of Paradise will take the hand of this person and We will lead this soul safely to the glory of Heaven.
To all of ye today, I bless with great love and especially to you Marcos, who for so many years I know that you love Me, I know that you pray to Me and know that you are always with Me.”

(Marcos:) “Yes... See You soon! Come back soon yes, beloved Aloysius!”

(Our Lady and Saint Faustina also appeared but they did not give a public Message), 

Excerpt of the Cenacle


“My beloved children, today, on the Feast of My Mercy, I greet ye and bless ye again. Peace. Peace. Peace to your hearts! Nothing disturb your peace. ‘Non avete paura.’ Do not be afraid, because I Am with you every day, until the consummation of the ages, until the end of the world. Do not be afraid because I Am by your side; I know your sufferings, I know well everything you need even before your mouth opens. My Sacred Heart already knows what goes into your hearts and promptly gives all the blessings and graces, all the providence you need.

Come to Me now that it is time of Mercy and while I allow Myself to be found by ye, so that then, I can truly purify ye, convert ye and make ye pleasing to Me, because I tell ye: When the Time of My Mercy ends and starts the Time of My Justice, those who will not have the white dress, clear, pure, of holiness, of innocence, of purity, of the Virtues that I love will not enter into My Kingdom.
Come to Me while it is time of Mercy and while I maintain the door of Mercy open. I said to My most favorite little daughter Faustina Kowalska, that before the Time of Justice would come, I would send the Day of Mercy. Yes, I sent the Day of Mercy to the whole world, when I gave to My little daughter Faustina the Chaplet of Mercy, which disarms My Justice inflamed and angry against men. I gave this Day of Mercy to the world when I asked that was made the image, the image according to the way that I appeared to My little daughter Faustina, when I asked the institution of the Feast of Mercy, of the Novena of Mercy.

Yes, when I gave all this to the world, I gave the Day of Mercy, humanity trampled My offer, mankind bit the hand that stroked it, humanity stabbed the heart that so often thought of her with love, they rejected My Mercy, they rejected My forgiveness, they rejected My love softened by their own selves and this is why soon will come the day of My Wrath, the day of My Justice. Woe to those who were deaf to My Voice and the Voice of My Most Holy Mother Here in this Place and in all locations of Our Apparitions: they will be like firewood burning in the fire that will never goes out. If you do not want to be of the number of these unfortunates, come to Me while it is time of Mercy. Now I let Myself be found by ye all, by this wicked and perverse generation Here in the site of Our Apparitions and there is no heart, no matter how sinful it is, that stays out of the rays of My Mercy if it invokes Me with trust and with sincere desire for amendment of life, for conversion and to returning to Me. If you open just a crack of your heart, My rays will enter in it, will completely change your life and will transform it in exactly that which I desire: a perfect reflection of the Paradise where I will dwell in ye, will rest in your soul, will unite Myself with you and in ye I will live in a single flame for all eternity.

This impious generation insults me, rebels against me, the world is covered in thick darkness, darkness of apostasy, of evil, of sin, of violence and of true hatred against Me and against everything that represents Me. Not even My Church, that should be a bright sun, gives My light anymore. She was invaded by Satan’s darkness; Satan’s smoke has penetrated its interior, darkened its light deformed his beauty, stole the richness of grace that is in it and that’s why now the pastors who poisoned the sheep from the errors that they taught for so many years will be called to My presence and will be accountable for all sheep they killed with the poison of the errors that come out of their mouth.

Come to Me, return to Me, ye My poor little sheep so threatened and beset by so many evils and dangers in this treacherous time in which you live. Come to Me that the door of the cote of My Sacred Heart is open, come to Me that I will receive all of ye in My sheepfold and will not cast ye out. Even if ye are ill, enfeadas and even lacerated by the wounds that sin has made in ye, it does not matter. Come to Me, because Here in the fold of My Sacred Heart, I have the salutary remedy to cure each of ye and to give ye new strength, life, the vigor that you need in order to be happy.

Come to Me, because I have the holy pasture that you need and so then you depart from your weakness and lethargy. Come to Me, that I have within My heart all the treasures and all the goods that you need in order to be truly wealthy of My grace, of My love, of holiness and of My peace.

Return to Me while it is time of Mercy and while I still let Myself be found by ye. Here, in this holy place, chosen by Our Sacred Hearts and where I live day and night, the soul that searches for Me with sincerity and truly cries his misery and his sins before Me, shall find Me benevolent, kind, tender, like the most tender of parents still does not know how to be. Yes, you will find Me more loving to her than the most loving mother and this sinful soul, I will encerrar it in the depths of My Sacred Heart and there I will keep it, a nutrirei, I will take care of it and I will do wonders.

The abyss of My Mercy is so great that even if you lived a thousand lives, you would not come to know how deep is the abyss of My Goodness, of My Mercy. Heaven, your heaven will be to know My mercy for ever and ever, drink from it as from a fountain that never runs out, immerse, lose yeselves, drown yeselves in It for all eternity, without ever reaching the end of My Mercy, without ever being able to drink all the water from the source of My Mercy.

Strive My children, so that you get to this so high and so beautiful life that I prepare for ye, because I tell ye: Only the hardworking, only the violent, only those who truly fight the good fight will get to Me in Heaven and will be immersed in the transcendental source of My infinite Mercy. Therefore, carry your cross with love, suffer everything for love of Me, pray, love, work for the Triumph of Our Sacred Hearts, bringing Our Messages to the knowledge of all, make My Divine Mercy known, make the Chaplet of My Mercy known, because I say unto ye: Those who make this Chaplet of Mine known, prayed and loved by all, will scintillate in Heaven beside My little daughter Faustina Kowalska, with stronger light than of seven suns together and I say truly, these will be called and recognized as children of My Mercy, children of My love, as true Children of God.

I love ye so much and do not tire of, every day, attracting ye to My Heart, whether it be allowing suffering in your life, whether it be giving ye continuous signs that I am close to ye, these so abundant signs that you have received Here during Holy Week are the most complete and definitive proof of how much Myself and My Most Holy Mother, with Our angels and Saints are truly present Here, how much We love ye and how much We love our most beloved servant, Marcos, who, with his word, his effort, his work and his example, made My Apparition to My little daughter Faustina, as well as the Chaplet of Mercy known and loved by all of ye and by thousands and thousands of other souls spread throughout the world. Yes, in this Most beloved child of Mine, in this most beloved servant of Mine, We reflect Our mystical light, which will become increasingly intense the more dense is the darkness surrounding all things.

Here, where I let Myself be found, touched by ye, My Merciful and My Sacred Heart will culminate with Graces those who with generosity and with love answer yes to Us. I love ye very much and with My Mother, with Joseph, My Foster Father and all My Saints, We continuously watch over you. I repeat to ye: ‘Non avete paura’. Do not be afraid of anything, because I Am with ye and Rejoice because the waiting time is passing, the night gives way to the light of dawn that announces to ye, the dawn of the new day, of the new time of My Grace and My Mercy.

Rejoice, the release of My servants who now are persecuted, despised and laden with deep crosses in this time of great tribulation, the release of these servants of Mine, who suffer because of My Name, because they defend Me, because they defend the Holy Catholic Faith, because they defend My Mother, they defend My Foster Father Joseph, My Saints and the treasures of the Holy Catholic faith, these servants of Mine will soon be released and elevated in the air, they will be crowned by Me and along with My Angels will sing for all time the anthem of My infinite and inscrutable Mercy.

To all now, I bless with love, from Paray-Le-Monial, from Krakow and from Jacareí. Peace, My beloved children, I give ye My Peace. Peace, Marcos, the most striven of My children.”

(Marcos:) “Yes... Yes, I most beloved Jesus, life of my life, soul of my soul, heart of my heart... (Pause)

Thank You dear Mother Most Holy, I will do exactly that. (Pause)

You liked even the part that is done? I will put all my heart as always. Yes Lady. (Pause)

Thank You dear Faustina, I will continue Your canticle, yes. See You soon.

See You soon, Lord. See You soon, Mother from Heaven.”



“My beloved children, today, stay with Me at the Foot of the Cross of My Divine Son, who dies for your salvation, continuing along with John and the holy women at My side to console Him, to love Him, to adore Him, to bless Him and exalt Him as the only King and Lord of all the Universe.

Stay with Me at the Foot of the Cross, giving Jesus your heart, giving Him your sincere, faithful, deep yes so that your life completely becomes that which He desires: the fulfillment of His Will and a garden of holiness. So, this way you will console Jesus who endured so many cruel sufferings for your salvation and who offered His Love so that ye all might get out of the death of sin and enter into the life of the grace of God.

Stay with Me at the Foot of the Cross, consoling Jesus with your love evermore sincere, pure and true, unreserved, complete and total so that thus, to His Wounds, we pour the soft balsam of true love to close His Wounds, for His implacable thirst, we can offer the quenching water of true worship, of faithfulness to His will, to His Commandments and to His Law of Love, to His Word and to His cruel suffering and to His so great and unfathomable loneliness and abandonment on the Cross we can provide the heat of our love, of our affection, of our sincere and true loyalty towards Him.

Stay with Me beside the Cross, so that together we take His Crown of Thorns, putting in its place the crown of love, of prayer, of small daily sacrifices, and, above all, of the true fulfillment of His Holy Word. To all the Wounds of His Feet, His Hands, from His side and from His whole body, let us close with Our true and deep consecration to His Sacred and Sorrowful Heart, to His Agonizing and Crucified Heart, so that thus, with our love, with our complete and total surrender to Him, we can comfort His Heart and surround It with the most fragrant flowers of the true love, of the true adoration, of the true servitude to Him.

Stay with Me at the Feet of the Cross, where I Am as Sorrowful Mother of all of humanity. Still today, Jesus is crucified again by all the sinners who do not love Him, who live only to offend Him, by all His enemies who consciously work against Him and fight to make disappear His Holy Name, the Holy Catholic Faith from the Face of the Earth and by all those who even after having known Him, like Judas, commit the sacrilegious and horrible act of the betrayal of truth known as such, delivering what belongs to Jesus, His Holy Church, His Commandments, the Truth, in the hands of His enemies so that they do whatever they want of Them.

I invite ye to stay together with Me at the Feet of the Cross, to console along with Me the Heart of Jesus that still today is betrayed, denied, reviled, scourged, crowned with thorns, crucified for all this humanity turned away from God and His Commandments, that lives solely to spread the darkness of evil upon the whole world, seeking only sensuality, pleasure, greed, lust and all the vices that cover this world like a thick layer of mud.

Stay with Me to comfort Jesus together, for so many who do not love Him, for so many who do not want Him, for so many who do not accept Him in their hearts. This humanity that has now touched the bottom of its perdition, of the bottom of its decay, of its misery and of its lowliness will soon know the hour of the great Punishment prepared for it. The punishment that is to come will exterminate two parts of the three of Earth, because from all parts of the world I called My children to true conversion, appearing in so many places through so many of My little children, whom became My spokespersons to bring My Messages to the knowledge of everyone, but humanity consistently refused to hear My Message, turned its back to My anguished and sorrowful maternal appeals and not even My Tears od Blood managed to move the hearts of the men of this generation that is worse than that of the Flood and of Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence, the great punishment will come, it will rain fire from heaven and most of humanity will be destroyed, also the calamities of nature like tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, famine, mysterious and unknown diseases will lead great part of the inhabitants of the Earth to the grave and after the grave will be cast into the eternal flames.

I call ye again to true conversion today, on the day of My greatest Sorrow. If on one hand, however, by My sinful and rebellious children I Am continually pierced by the swords of pain, of sin, of their refusal and rebellion To God, on the other hand I am very comforted Here. Here, I Am comforted firstly by My little child Marcos, who made in My honor, so many videos of My Apparitions and this last one of My Apparition to My little child Madre Mariana de Jesus comforted My Heart very much. Yes, thanks to this place of My Apparitions, thanks to My little child, Marcos, My Plans and My prophecies are fulfilled perfectly. Despite My enemies, I also advance and if Satan works, I also work, if he runs, I also run and through the word and the work of My little child, Marcos, I manifest to all My children of the whole world through the fruits of holiness of this Apparition of Mine Here and from the love that My Child Marcos has for Me, I manifest My Glory, My love, My Pain and also My power to all mankind, for I am the Queen of Victories, I am the Lady of the Apocalypse, who at the end of the great battle that I am fighting against My opponent, will arrest him, I will chain him in hell from where he can no longer come out to harm souls.

Here, in this Place of My Apparitions, I Am comforted, I Am comforted by My little child Marcos, by My slaves of love, who gave Me all their life, their youth, their strength and along with My little child Marcos, served Me in love, prayer, work and obedience, day and night and I Am also glorified by all My pilgrim children who, saying yes to My call, said yes to Me and today pray all the Hours of Prayer that I gave you, pray My Most Holy Rosary, My Trezena, My Setena with love, divulge My Messages to My children and above all, seek to cultivate a true interior life of love and of union with Me, a healthy and strong spirituality founded on the desire to be holy, of corresponding to the call of Our Hearts and of imitating My Virtues.

Here, I Am comforted: I Am comforted by all the Prayers, Rosaries, Meditations and Videos that My son Marcos made, by all the Cenacles accomplished by him throughout more than twenty years, by all the works and fruits of holiness that departed from this Place. Here, I Am comforted and glorified and although I Am still today the Lady of Sorrows for so many of My children who did not give Me their yes, who did not give Me their life and their hearts so that I would bring them to God, by My children who here said yes to Me with all their heart and especially by My little son Marcos, I Am also the comforted Mother, of the Mother of Holy Consolation, the Mother of Joy and the Jubilant Mother of the Resurrection. Therefore dear children, continue on the road that I traced for ye, continue serving Me every day with your prayer, with your love, your obedience and continue working for the salvation of the souls of your brethren, bringing My Messages to them, bringing to them the riches, the treasure: of the prayers, Messages, Meditations, Lives of the Saints and the Videos of My Apparitions which are given to ye here, in this Place, because this is My last hope to convert and save the entire humanity. Onward My children! I Am counting on you, I Am by your side and never leave ye.

Today, on the day of My greatest Sorrow, I bless ye generously com the effective graces of the virtues and merits of My Sorrows and Tears and I also give ye the annual Indulgence of the Scapular of the Passion, as well all the graces that today, the Most High granted My to pour on ye. (Pause)

See you soon, Marcos, the most endeavored of My children, see you soon, all My beloved children.”


“MARCOS, My beloved brother, I, GERARD, come again to bless you and bless all those who are here, with the Lord and with His Most Holy Mother at the Feet of the Cross.

Your love attracted Me again Marcos, My love for you made Me find you and come to you to bless you, to give you peace and give peace to all of ye who are here. Love the Lord and the Blessed Virgin with all your heart, because perfectly loving Them is the secret of true holiness.

Be truly holy, loving the Lord and His Mother, giving Them your heart completely, so that thus Their love-starved hearts Theirs are watered and They can finally receive the love, correspondence, obedience and affection They expect of all creatures.

Give to Jesus and to His Most Blessed Mother all your love, since They gave ye all Their love, give all for all, life for life, heart for heart as I Myself did, giving to Them all My heart and all My love.Give Them your yes because that is what They expect from ye for so long and so many of ye have not given it.Give Them your yes and your life will change, all the barriers and walls that prevent ye from feeling God's love, of knowing the grandeur of God's love and holiness, of being elevated ever higher, getting increasingly closer to God, will fall. Give your yes and all the chains that bind ye will fall from your arms, will quickly free ye of all vices and sins and your soul will fly like a free dove to the encounter of the Lord who awaits ye with open arms.

Be truly holy, fleeing from sin, avoiding all occasions of sin, giving your heart, your soul, your whole life to the Lord, giving Him and His Mother all the time that you still have left, working for Them, making Their Messages known to all and above all, cultivating in yeselves a deep interior life, a healthy and strong spirituality founded in the imitation of Their Virtues, in the imitation of the virtues of the Saints in Heaven and above all, a faithful, sincere love to the Lord, loving Him not with human love, looking for your interests and desires in Him, but yes, seeking to please Him, love Him and serve Him by putting Him at the center of your love, of your heart, of your desires and of your soul and putting down everything that is vain and that took the Lord's place in your hearts.

I, Gerard, Am with you to help ye to console the Lady of Sorrows whom I loved so much, giving your yes to Jesus and to Her, so that then your hearts finally belong to Them forever.

Here, in this Holy Place, where We appear, all of Heaven is present and Here although the hearts of Jesus and Mary give Their Messages of Sorrow and show ye how great is Their pain for the sins are committed nowadays and from seeing this humanity so decayed in the abyss of the rebellion against the Lord, in the abyss of apostasy, of the loss of the true faith, of the errors that were introduced within the Church and in the bosom of the Catholic people introduced by their own pastors, although They suffer for seeing the youth completely lost in vices, in sin and in sensuality, in the enmity of God and in the separation from Him, though They suffer for seeing families completely paganized without prayer, without religious education of the children, without prayer and union between spouses, without any holiness within the family. Though They suffer for seeing humanity completely immersed in sin, in hate, in injustice, in wars, in sensuality, in lust and the unbridled quest for liberation of God's Commandments, the pursuit of pleasure, of a live completely out of God and far from God, even so, Here, the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are very comforted and even between Us, God's Saints, Heaven's blessed ones, there is an accidental enjoyment much greater and increases the enjoyment of Our blessedness each time Our beloved Marcos makes a new video of the Apparitions of the Mother of God, makes a new Meditated Rosary, or a new Hour of Prayer, yes, there is a great jubilation among Us in Heaven because these fruits of holiness that are the greatest proof that the tree, the Apparitions of Jacareí are good and are holy, these fruits of holiness will cause so many souls to regain the life of sanctifying grace, get out of sin, return to life in grace, in the friendship, in the union with God and thus, then, Satan’s kingdom is more and more shaken in this world and the empire of the Most Holy Virgin, Her Kingdom of Love that is the Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus, is more and more established in souls, in families, in Nations, in hearts.

Therefore, continue to comfort the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, making all of this known to all of humanity, drying Their Tears with your love, your obedience and your faithfulness, hastening your conversion, because the great Chastisement is approaching and in less than two minutes, the fire that will fall from Heaven along with the earthquakes that will be worse that forty earthquakes together, will reduce to nothing all the works of pride, haughtiness and sin of men. And open your hearts to hope because the great Calvary of your time is to end and soon will shine for ye the glorious day of the Resurrection that will be the greatest Triumph of the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph when They will come with power and glory to establish in the entire world Their Kingdom of Love and those who say yes now to the calls of Their Hearts, suffer with Them with patience, striving with Them for the salvation of souls and the establishment of Their Kingdom of Love, these will enter in the Kingdom of lasting happiness and of peace that We in Heaven ask for ye and with sighs ablaze we implore for ye every day and that soon will descend from Heaven for ye and then the peace, happiness and love of the Lord will triumph in ye midst and you will live a new time which the Sacred Hearts prepare for ye.I, Gerard, love ye very much, pray for ye, intercede for ye and every day I bring your prayers to the Sacred Hearts, cover ye with My Mantle of light and give ye always more the grace of feeling God’s Love, His Peace and also My loving Presence close to ye in moments of suffering.

Now that you are receiving My Chaplet, composed by My beloved Marcos and approved be Me, always pray It and ye will receive by My mediation and intercession, powerful and great graces for your sanctification, your salvation and so that you may live in peace, serving the Lord with joy every day.

I love ye very much and will always be with you. To everyone now, I bless generously with all My love.”



(MARCOS): "Thank you very much My Dear Saint Lucy for your consideration with my tiredness yesterday. (Pause) Yes, you can say that I will do it. Yes, yes, thank you very much, I will do it."

(SAINT LUCY): “Beloved brethren, I, LUCY OF SYRACUSE, rejoice today for coming again to meet you, after the Message that SAINT ANTHONY and SAINT STANISLAUS gave ye on the ANNIVERSARY OF THE APPARITIONS, today I want to tell ye: Pray, pray very much, because only those who pray a lot can be great saints.
Love the Love that is Jesus, giving Him all your life as I gave it, making Him your treasure as I did and thus, then, in your hearts will grow that flame, the same flame that was within Mine and bought Me to love Jesus so much, to love Most Holy Mary so much to the point of pouring My blood for Them and to give My life for Them.
Love JESUS with supernatural love, renouncing every form of sin, renouncing all your personal desires, all your human intentions, which you often seek and love God. Love Him with pure love, supernatural love so that He truly meets with you. The hearts where the Lord sees a mixture of human interests with love, these hearts, the Lord rejects and in them does not enter. The Lord enters and receives only the love from hearts who truly seek Him for Himself not wanting anything but to please Him and to delight Him. If ye have this pure and supernatural love, God will draw near to ye, ye will feel the presence of God, you will feel His love, you will feel His friendship and He then will join with you, and He will remain with you throughout your life.
Love Jesus with a supernatural love, giving Jesus not only your prayers and sacrifices, but giving yourselves indeed completely in order that He live and reign in ye. Give Jesus your whole heart, so that truly the Lord be pleased with ye and your offering as He is pleased with the offering of the righteous Abel and lest ye be refused and rejected by Him as was the wicked Cain who would give the Lord only the bad fruits of his harvest, keeping the best for himself and thereby giving the Lord the worst of himself. Give yourselves fully to the Lord and He will receive ye, He will love ye, He will be pleased with ye and with you be united forever with indestructible bonds of love
Love the Lord with supernatural love and then the Lord will visit your heart in deep silence and in prayer ablaze, you will feel His Presence, you will feel His Love, you will feel the sweetness of the pampering and fondness that He will do to your souls, as I felt. So, your inmost will have peace, your heart will calm down and will rest in the Lord. The reason de you are so often arid, dry, cold and insensitive in Prayer is because you do not rest in the Lord renouncing your desires and everything that blocks your heart and thereby leaving room for the Lord to approach and enter within your heart.
Stay in the presence of the Lord in sweet intimacy, in sweet and gentle expectation and then the Lord will draw nigh to you, will fill ye with the grace of His Holy Spirit and ye of languid and cowardly souls will be transformed into arduous apostles after Pentecost. This fire, this flame will only be lit inside of ye when the other flame of the sensual pleasures, of worldly attachments is extinguished and quenched within you. Then, the supernatural flame of love will come, will burn inside your heart and ye will be truly holy as I was.
I want to take ye to that sweet intimacy with the Lord, to this indestructible union that neither suffering nor the sword can cut and then, living immersed in the love of God as I lived, ye will be truly transformed into the perfect realized humanity of which the Mother of God spoke to ye so much of in Her Apparition of CASANOVA STAFFORA.
I, LUCY, will help ye, offering My merits and the merits of My blood shed for love of the Lord to obtain this grace for ye, but this grace although it is a gratuitous grace from the Lord, it also must be in a certain way, in a certain part merited by you. So, do your part leaving all your attachments, opening your heart with faith and love for the Lord and He will visit you and will transform your whole being.
I, Lucy, love ye so much! I protect and accompany ye unceasingly. The more you trust in Me, the more ye unite yeselves with Me in prayer, the more you will feel: My presence, My graces, My love and My help in your life.
Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, continue to do all the prayers that the Sacred Hearts gave ye here because through them ye will be, little by little, elevated to that great holiness that the Lord wants of ye and here in Brazil and in the whole world through ye, the Sacred Hearts will do wonders!
To all and especially to you, Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and friends, who has made Me so love by all who know Me through the VIDEO that you made of My Life. To you, who loves Me very much and whom I also love very much and to all of ye for whom I have a special solicitude and to this Place, I bless generously at this moment.”

From this day on, Saint Lucy will appear every Saturday to Seer Marcos Tadeu and give a Message)


“My beloved brethren, I, LUCY, come today to bless ye once more and give ye Peace.
I desire to bring ye to the true encounter with God in deep prayer, but for you to feel God’s love, you must take out of your heart, all the feelings, desires, attachments, even the thoughts of them and then, when your hearts are empty and unoccupied of everything that blocks them, you can open yeselves to God’s love and He will move closer to ye. Then, you will feel God’s presence; you will feel peace, relief, serenity, joy and an intense elation by understanding the TRUTH, knowing the TRUTH and experience how much the Lord loves ye.
This deep prayer and encounter with God will fill ye of so great a peace, that your soul will rest more tranquil than the little child in the bosom of His mother. Then, it will produce in ye a strength of love so great that everything will be easy for ye: praying, divulging the Messages of the Sacred Hearts, working, studying, making Prayer Groups and Cenacles, suffering and even giving your life for God as I gave, because you will do everything moved and filled with God’s love, that will overflow from your hearts.
It was this Prayer that filled me with strength and love, to testify My faith and give to Jesus and Mary, suffering the most cruel martyrdoms ordered by Paschasius. This Prayer will give ye strength as well to bear witness to the Messages of the Mother of God to the world and to serve the Lord faithfully every day.
Open your hearts for this so great grace and let your soul have the encounter with God. Renounce all things that block it and it will feel God’s love.
I, LUCY, will help all those who want to have an encounter with the Lord and will lead ye all to the sweet intimacy with Him in the visit of His supernatural love.
I bless all now with love and especially to you Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and the most endeavored of My friends. Peace!”


"Marcos, I, Gerard Majella, greet you and give you My peace.My great friend, convey this Message to all the children of the Lord: Pray! Pray more! Prayer is the breathing of the soul. Just as the body without breathing dies, thus also the soul dies quickly without prayer. The soul that does not pray will certainly fall into mortal sin, because without prayer, which is the only way by which the Grace of the Most High is communicated to the soul, it will not have strength to resist to temptations and will soon betray the Lord God. Pray, pray a lot therefore, because without prayer, nobody will be faithful to Jesus nor will have the grace of final perseverance.
Imitate My purity so that you please Jesus and are deserving of seeing the Mother of God in Paradise.

Renounce sin. If you do not renounce to all type of sin, God will do nothing in ye. If you live in peace with your sins, you will not only lose all the Graces from Heaven, but you will also lose the sanctifying Grace and if thus you arrive at the end of life or you are surprised by death, you run the risk of losing your eternal salvation, because the final impenitence casts the soul in hell forever.

Renounce to sin definitively! Just as all the falls into sin start because you do not pray sincerely, thus also all the conversions are not carried out because you do not renounce sincerely to the sin that is in ye and in which ye live. Renounce sin and your souls will live in the Grace of God and you will be saved.
Imitate My modesty, My spiritual circumspection, My silence, My life of deep and ablaze prayer, My ardent devotion to the Mother of God.May the young and singles imitate My chastity and they will be deeply wanted by God and by His Mother. Banish from your lives all immorality, vice, fornication, blasphemy, envy, sloth and every type of sin against God’s Commandments.
Imitate My deep love for God and His Immaculate Mother, because this love is what transforms the man into an Angel and makes him unite himself with his Creator until becoming one with Him in love.

Marcos, My beloved friend, I bless you now and to all who hear My voice with love and cover ye with My protective mantle."


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On Sundays - 09:00 AM
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